2017-1 Translation Seminar I - Literature Classics 人文古典飜譯Seminar(研讨会)I

DH 교육용 위키
이동: 둘러보기, 검색

About the Course

  • Course Title: Translation Seminar I - Literature Classics 人文古典飜譯Seminar(研讨会)
  • Professor: Han Hyung-jo[hjokhan@aks.ac.kr]
  • Classroom: Room 103
  • Description:

This course attempts to help students to learn translation skills by reading various Classical Chinese documents and referring to Korean translations and English ones.


No Lecture Texts
1 Introduction []
2 Classical Chinese Proficiency Level Test
3 敎 兼忠淸全羅慶尙等三道水軍統制使 李舜臣書 (선조) Decree Appointing Yi Sunsin to Concurrently Hold the Position of Naval Commander of the Three Provinces of Ch'ungch'ŏng, Chŏlla, and Kyŏngsang
4 丹城縣監辭職疏 (조식) Resignation of Cho Sik in the Eulmyo Year
5 相論 (정약용) On Physiognomy
6 豪民論 (허균) An Essay on Bold People
7 萬曆二十九年二月初七日同生和會文記 Record of the Property Distribution among Brothers from March 11th, 1601
8 河鑽娚妹和會文記 Property Distribution Record from the Meeting of the Hach'an-siblings
9 約家奴善一契券, 約家奴仁發文 Certificate of Manumission for the House Slave
10 嘉靖拾玖年庚子正月二十二日女子兄弟等亦中明文 Document for My Daughters, et al
11 里中契立議 辛卯 Village Compact from Tunya, 3rd Village
12 老媼慮患納小室 Worried about a Disaster, Old Woman Offers (Her Granddaughter) as Concubine
13 自省錄(퇴계) 答鄭子中 *A Korean Confucian way of life and thought
14 自省錄, 答李叔獻, *A Korean Confucian way of life and thought
15 自省錄, 答奇明彦, * A Korean Confucian way of life and thought