2018 GGHS Team 5

DH 교육용 위키
Sohtks (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 25일 (수) 20:49 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색


Motivation and Purpose of Research

Expectancy Effects

There is a famous Korean saying, "前事之不忘 後事之師也", which means the first thing the bunch don't forget the divisions. In other words, this quotation implied we should learn the lessons of past history as teachers and solve future coming events. Following this, we are going to draw the policy of unification between north and south by facing the 1100th anniversary of Goryeo foundation. Firstly, we are announcing the policies of unification in Goryeo by remembering beautiful Goryeo's history. Secondly, we are suggesting that the unification policies of the Two Koreas, one and only divided country in the world, by seeing at the new sight in domestic and foreign ways. Thirdly, We are contributing the world's peace according to suggest the measures not only two Koreas but also whole world make peacefully based on the Goryeo's unification to make peace in the Korean Peninsula.

Historical Background

Accomplishing Diplomacy Based on Political System between South and North Korea

In order to better understand the external diplomatic relations between the two Koreas, the understanding of the system between the two Koreas should come first. South and North Korea are the Korean race, but they are in a different regime and live absolutely different lives being influenced by different societies. South Korea is a liberal democracy and North Korea is a people's democracy.
Liberal democracy, consists of liberalism and democracy, is a political ideology that points individual freedom and rights out as highest values. At this point,  freedom is a state in which each person has opportunity to choose and decide what they want with minimum of limitation. Equality is a state in which the intrinsic values of an individual are equal and hereditary privilege is denied. 
Since liberal democracy values individualism and private property rights, it combines with the capitalist economic system. In our society, if we do not put any modifier on the word democracy, we refer to liberal democracy. This is because the U.S. and South Korea, the world's strongest nations, have been aiming. Therefore, South Korea naturally has a close relationship with the United States.
People's democracy is a political ideology that has been adopted as a goal of equality for the people in socialistic countries. With the same logic as free democracy, people's democracy naturally combines with the socialist economic system. Communism is ultimately aimed at an ideal society in which every human being in the world works by capacity and is distributed by necessity. China is the powerful country that is advocating communism. Therefore, China and North Korea are leading to close ties.

Diplomatic Relation between the Two Koreas


Plural of Diplomacy

Taejo Wang Gun

Gwang Jong

Seong Jong

Internal Policies of Goryeo

Taejo Wang Gun

Gwang Jong

Seong Jong


Drawing Solutions of Unification