공손추 하편 14장

DH 교육용 위키
Aks류인태 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2016년 11월 28일 (월) 16:48 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색


孟子去齊, 居休.

公孫丑問曰, "仕而不受祿, 古之道乎?"

曰, "非也, 於崇, 吾得見王, 退而有去志, 不欲變, 故不受也. 繼而有師命, 不可以請. 久於齊, 非我志也."

James Legge 번역

  1. When Mencius left Ch'î, he dwelt in Hsiû.
  2. There Kung-sun Ch'âu asked him, saying, "Was it the way of the ancients to hold office without receiving salary?"
  3. Mencius replied, "No; when I first saw the king in Ch'ung, it was my intention, on retiring from the interview, to go away. Because I did not wish to change this intention, I declined to receive any salary. Immediately after, there came orders for the collection of troops, when it would have been improper for me to beg permission to leave. But to remain so long in Ch'î was not my purpose."
