GGHS 남연○

DH 교육용 위키
4-남연수 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 26일 (목) 15:53 판

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About Me

I'm Team 4 I live in Ganghwa, which contains the history of Goryeo.


I uploaded at 1:37.

  1. Why did you join this camp(expectations)?-OK
  2. Why did you choose this topic?-OK
  3. What did you know about the topic before?-OK
  4. What did you learn until now?-OK
  5. What is your role?-OK
  6. What do you expect from this camp?-OK
  7. You can upload photos, videos of your team etc. for extra points.(This is not compulsory, only if you want.)

When I finished my day at the Global Forum Camp, my motivation was to apply for it.  When I heard stories of other friends who had been in this camp, my friend advised me to apply for it. It's not just a camp, it's a camp where you communicate and participate directly. So I joined this camp because I wanted to communicate with foreign teachers.
It is my first step to participate in this difficult camp. First, when I was thinking about the subject of society, I searched for the subject of "people's lives" and I chose this subject because I realized that the life of the people was difficult during the period of the military rule.
We had time to get to know each other first by choosing a topic in advance and introducing ourselves to a foreign teacher for the first time. At first, I wasn't confident enough. The group has explained our topic to the teacher and now we have to search for information on this topic and try to speak in English.
But I came here to overcome this! So I will try harder. It was known that the area was originally about the Mongol invasions and the fact that the people were having a hard time. But as we searched for materials on the topic, I found out that the Goryeo people were deprived of their land and heavy taxes were put on them during the military regime. The nobles lived a good live, but made the life of ordinary people difficult.
The lives of the people were becoming increasingly impoverished, and the effect of the peasant uprising is said to have shaken the society. We can learn more about the situation from the data in Goryeosa Jeolyo. Also, what if this happens now in 2018 and in the future? Thinking that, I tried to understand the situation. If this happens now, not only is it going to be endless, but it's going to be really hard. It won't be the same as it used to be.Because we are the same people as we used to be now. Life should not improve and this should not happen with a people-oriented life, so all expectations for the future will be better than now.

My Contribution

After a period of humiliation, the ruling period of Mongolia is called a history of humiliation.It was the local military and people who fought against Mongolia when it was called the time of its invasion and the leaders of the military period were trying to run away on the level of peace.People moved to Ganghwa Island, which was also called for by the people to move there. She goes barefoot with the victims ' loads, and there is no place for people in positions below.Also, due to the relentless oppression on the people of Song Gil-yoo, they became difficult. It is said that he was eventually ruled by Mongolia. In this situation, the people calmed themselves with songs. At that time, the status of tattoos had to be supported by Mr. Choi. They say he may have been sucking up to the ground.There are many such contents in Goryeosa Jeolyo.Choi Woo enjoys a luxurious life and Lee Gyu-bo left behind while suffering from food shortages.It is also said that there have been many protests of farmers.

Even the residents of Ganghwa Island have suddenly become a capital.

왕이 덕자궁(德慈宮)으로 가서 일수왕(逸壽王, 충렬왕)을 모시고 수녕궁(壽寧宮)에서 연회를가졌다.왕이 일수왕과 연회를 열다

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