2017-1 Critical Reading of Korean Classics II 韓國古典의 理解

DH 교육용 위키
나상훈 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 3월 24일 (금) 11:55 판

(비교) ← 이전 판 | 최신판 (비교) | 다음 판 → (비교)
이동: 둘러보기, 검색

About the Course

  • Course Title: Critical Reading of Korean Classics II
  • Professor: Shin Jeong-su[text@aks.ac.kr]
  • Classroom: Room 202
  • Description:

Much European economic history and Japanese historian has viewed the East and the Choseon as static or backward that seeing in its institutions which have prevented modernisation. This class challenges European rise and Japanese exceptionalism. this class take the classical humanism of the Korean civilization to retrieve examples of traditional commercial customs and illustrate indigenous developments.

  • Course Material:

∙ Peter H. Lee. A History of Korean Literature. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. ∙ http://www.seelotus.com/frame_g.htm


No Lecture Texts
1 A History of Korean Literature Summary
2 Introduction (pp. 1-14)
3 Chap.1. Language, forms, prosody, and themes (pp. 15-51)

[1] [2]

4 Chap. 2. From oral to written literature (pp.52-66) [ ]
5 衿陽雜錄 Miscellaneous Records of Kŭmyang - Miscellaneous Notes concerning Kŭmyang [ ]
6 Part I. A Farming Household 農家
7 Crop Varieties Early-ripening Rice [ ]
8 晚稻 Late-ripening Rice [ ]
9 Beans 宿乙里黍잘으리기장 Chalūri kichang (Millet) Autumn Barley
10 Conversations with the Farmers 農談二
11 Chapter 3: Farmers’ Responses 農者對三
12 Chapter 4: Distinguishing the Various Winds 諸風辨四
13 Chapter 5. Proper Seed Grains 種穀宜五
14 Farming Songs 選農謳
15 The Final Class and Evaluation