2018 GGHS Team 3

DH 교육용 위키
3문지원 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 26일 (목) 11:47 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색


Since May 19, demonstrations have continued at Hyehwa Station. The protests, which the organizers guess there were around 12,000 people in the first demonstration, around 22,000 in the second, and around 60,000 in the third, are not just a problem for demonstrators. The protests are a shock that goes beyond simple demonstrations. This protest which shouts in slogan ‘The advancement of women’s rights’ are based on ‘Feminism’ which is emerging in Korean society. Various media, including the media and SNS, are promoting the demonstration and several people are sharing their opinions about it. This proves that Korean society is taking the issue of promoting women's human rights as an important one.

Women have lived a long period under physical and mental oppression and it is relatively short in history since we accepted this as a problem and human rights abuse.Then, was the Koryo Dynasty same? This year, on the 1100th anniversary of Koryo Dynasty, we can't help but think about the way women lived during the Koryo Dynasty.

This study analyzes and contrasts each life by showing the lives of Joseon women, and by extension the women of modern society, which means the lives of Korean women and the complete decline of their status. Through this program, I will send a small message that will help solve the problems of our society and urge us to solve them.


The Status of Women in the Koryo Dynasty

The status of women in the Joseon Dynasty

The status of women in the Modern Society

Comparion of Women’s Status among different time period


We looked at the lives of women in our history through this study. Furthermore, by analyzing the differences and similarities between the two, we had a brief overview of the history of women's human rights. This activity provided an opportunity to think deeply about human rights, thus human rights, as well as women's rights.

Through this study, we will be more concerned about human rights, and by extension, the authors of the study have come to realize the link between human ethics and history, to integrate it with reality, and thus the violation of women’s human rights that occurs around us even the rights of living creatures in the world.









