
DH 교육용 위키
Lyndsey (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2016년 4월 29일 (금) 20:17 판

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한국문화유산용어사전 Korean Cultural Heritage Glossary Overview

The goal of this glossary is to aid in the translation and explanation of Korean cultural heritage concepts. Currently, there is a lack of standardization regarding the translations and explanations for terminology related to Korean cultural heritage. This results in confusing translations and inconsistencies, for example, on interpretive panels at cultural heritage sites. Furthermore, while information on such terminology exists in Korean, this information is scattered across the internet on various blogs or portals, and there is no truly comprehensive glossary of all kinds of cultural heritage which is easy to search and use.

In addition to compiling and organizing terms, we will include brief explanations, and reference other reputable sources for further information. By putting this on a wiki, we will be able to update the glossary with new terms and edit the content easily and in real-time based on user feedback. We hope these glossaries will be used by translators, educators, and students of Korean studies to gain a better understanding of the diverse kinds of Korean cultural heritage, and as a result, better appreciate the insight and beauty such cultural heritage has to offer.

The glossaries included here cover a variety of topics related to Korean cultural heritage. They include the Korean, Hanja, Romanization, and English terms, explanations of the terms in both Korean and English, as well as photos and diagrams to help in understanding. In some cases, translation notes are also included.

용어사전 리스트 Glossary List

  • 한국건축 Korean Architecture This glossary covers terms related to Korean architecture, including the various building parts as well as types of structures.
  • 한옥 Hanok This glossary covers terms related to the layout, design, structures, and rooms of a hanok (traditional Korean house).