"시맨틱 웹과 한국학 자료 2018"의 두 판 사이의 차이

DH 교육용 위키
이동: 둘러보기, 검색
8번째 줄: 8번째 줄:
| 2 || NotePad++ ||  Text Editor || Supports regular expressions. [https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.5.5.html V7.5.5]
| 2 || NotePad++ ||  Text Editor || Supports regular expressions. [https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.5.5.html V7.5.5]
| 3 || oXyGen || XML Editor ||  
| 3 || oXyGen || XML Editor || [https://www.oxygenxml.com/ Oxygen XML Editor 19.1]
| 4 || Protégé || Ontology Editor || [https://protege.stanford.edu/download/protege/4.3/installanywhere/Web_Installers/ Protégé 4.3]
| 4 || Protégé || Ontology Editor || [https://protege.stanford.edu/download/protege/4.3/installanywhere/Web_Installers/ Protégé 4.3]

2018년 3월 8일 (목) 16:22 판

DH Data Compilation Tools

No S/W 기능 비고
1 FileZilla FTP Application FTP (File Transfer Protocol): A standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network.
FileZilla Client
2 NotePad++ Text Editor Supports regular expressions. V7.5.5
3 oXyGen XML Editor Oxygen XML Editor 19.1
4 Protégé Ontology Editor Protégé 4.3
5 MediaWiki Wiki Software Various PlugIns
6 Microsoft SQL Server XML enabled database management system Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
7 Neo4j Graph database management system What is Graph Database?
8 Openlink Virtuoso RDF data management system Openlink Software
9 Gephi Network visualization and analysis The Open Graph Viz Platform
10 Google Links Network API Display Interactive chart to visualize networks Links Network documentation
11 Google Maps API Display maps on a web site Google Maps Java Script API
12 MakeGraph Simple Ontology Visualization 나의 네트워크 그래프 제작 방법
13 MakeScene, MakeMenu 3D Pavion Creator 파빌리온 제작 프로그램 v3.4