"GGHS 이호○"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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I participated in last summer global camp and I made many unforgettable memories with my team members and foreign teacher. That memories is impressive to me so I want to make more memories just like that. In last camp, our team researched about the history of medicine, the epidemic and the cure of Goryeo Dynasty. By participated in the last global camp, I could learn lots of information about the medical system and medical standards of Goryeo. We even laughed out loud during our study about folk remedies because there were so many extraordinary folk remedies. Thanks to that extraordinary folk remedies, we could make interesting play scripts and done our presentation successfully. Pizza party after presentation was also one of my favorite moments. It was a new experience for me to team up, research and publish on a particular topic. And the fact that there are no guidelines other than the given subject of each team was different from the presentation made in other classes. I liked it because it was satisfactory way for both audience and presenter. Presenter could choose the best way to deliver their message or topic such as news, drama and video and the audience was not bored because they could listen to various forms of presentations. I remember that I was surprised to see the various presentations of my friends and seniors. On last camp, I could write personal essay about what did I do during camp and ask teacher to modify awkward sentences and incorrect grammar. I remember the teacher fixed up the misused prepositions kindly. It can help me to improve my grammar skills especially in using prepositions. Thinking about what I could learn from this camp and having an expectation about foreign teacher of our team, I submitted an application for global camp.
==2018 Summer Personal Essay==
==2018 Summer Personal Essay==

2019년 1월 8일 (화) 23:17 판

2019 Winter Personal Essay

GGHS 2019 Winter - Team #

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2018 Summer Personal Essay

Topic : History of Goryeo Medicine

Actually I love to talk with foreigners so I even joined the English club with Rusty teacher during last semester. And I thought it would be a great opportunity not only to research and learn about the topic which is related to my future dream and major but also to raise my English conversation skills. So I participated this summer camp. Actually, attending school on vacation was not good idea that much. Because this summer vacation is surprisingly short. However, because it means learning something, I wanted to participate in the camp even while attending school during vacation. My future dream is to be a nurse so I must acquire lots of medical knowledge. And I’m interested in medicine, especially I’m interested in oriental and western medications. The medical science of Joseon is well known, but the medical science of Goryeo is not so I wondered about medicine of Goryeo. I thought if I chose this topic, I could learn lots of medical knowledge in Goryeo. So I chose the topic ‘History of Goryeo Medicine, the diseases and their treatment’.

I am the member of health club ‘Healing’ in school and our school had an academic seminar just last week. Our club had to make something to display so we investigated about the infectious disease and home remedy of Goryeo. We chose them to be the subject of academic seminar because we needed a topic that caught people's attention. I was quite surprised because the content of home remedies was unreasonable. They contain the content like when you have an eye infection, wash your eyes with a child's urine or with water from your teeth or salt water and when you have a toothache, a latrine can be cured by attaching a living maggots eye to your sick teeth. We laughed a lot while preparing for the presentation because of home remedies.

Unlike I did the club, this time we studied about the official history of medicine and medical books of Goryeo. It was more professional activity than what I did in our club. I learned that Goryeo’s royal court had engaged in charitable medical activities through the state institutions and Goryeo people had the knowledge about Indian and Arabian medicine. It was also possible to find out what herbal medicines the people of Goryeo used. Actually at first, I misunderstood the words ‘향약’ and ‘당재’. I thought that ‘당재’ is the name of a certain herb. But I found ‘당재’ means the medicinal herbs produced in China, and ‘향약’ means the medicinal herbs produced in Korea. And I learned about some kinds of medical herbs, among them I found a medicine that looked interesting. It looks like a rock crystal, its name is Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertner and it is effective for high fever, adult and pediatric convulsion and is used for various inflammation such as sore throat, stomatitis, itching, congestion and inflammation of the ear. In fact, I didn't believe in the efficiency of Chinese medicine because the effects of Chinese medicine rarely show straight as those of Western medicine, and there are side effects such as gaining weight. However, through the research conducted at this summer camp, I realized that oriental medicine has existed for a very long time, and although it is rare to see its effects immediately, if patients take a dose in the long term, it can change their constitution.

We divided our team into small groups. And the small groups did research together. Our group researched about formation and change of Goryeo medicine. We divided what we researched into the beginning, the middle and the last periods according to the time sequence and we translated them. My job was translating the middle part of Goryeo dynasty. I had a hard time translating 초조대장경 (the first edition of Tripitaka Koreana) in English. And the translator translated the text strangely so I had to correct the translated text more than twice. It was a little bit difficult to translate but I thought it would help to improve my writing skills. I also translated script for our presentation with my team members. This is much easier than translating report because we already have translated text.

My goal of this camp was to gain lots of information about the medicine of Goryeo, preparing presentation and writing our report well. I think I achieved my three goals! Now we’re preparing for tomorrow’s presentation. We will have a presentation and do a play. I look forward to having a successful team presentation tomorrow. The camp was a good experience for my future. I had an opportunity to do the group work with our school seniors, friends and foreigner teacher. The teacher was so kind and so were the seniors and friends. Through this summer camp I learned not only about the medicine of Goryeo but also how to cooperate. And this summer camp is more special than any other camp because we took a lecture from professor Kim Hyeon, we had the opportunity to post our research on Wiki, and it was the camp to celebrate the 1,100 anniversary of the founding of Goryeo. It was such a meaningful experience and I want to participate in winter camp, too.