"주영재"의 두 판 사이의 차이

DH 교육용 위키
이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(최부의 표해록)
(최부의 표해록)
10번째 줄: 10번째 줄:
==최부의 표해록==
==최부의 표해록==
*2월 30일
===2월 30일===
27번째 줄: 27번째 줄:
30th Day. Passing Su-ch’ien County. This day was cloudy. [We went from Ku-ch'eng Station past Su-ch’ien County to Chih-ho Station.]  
30th Day. Passing Su-ch’ien County. This day was cloudy. [We went from Ku-ch'eng Station past Su-ch’ien County to Chih-ho Station.]  
*4월 26일
===4월 26일===
二十六日,陰,清早,三河知縣姓吳、縣丞姓范、主簿姓楊,俱失其名,以 飯米一盤、肉一斤、酒一瓶、菜一盤,來問慰,復出自南門,至草橋店,店之東有臨河“河,積草為橋,又過煙屯鋪、石碑店、東嶺鋪,至公樂驟.  
二十六日,陰,清早,三河知縣姓吳、縣丞姓范、主簿姓楊,俱失其名,以 飯米一盤、肉一斤、酒一瓶、菜一盤,來問慰,復出自南門,至草橋店,店之東有臨河“河,積草為橋,又過煙屯鋪、石碑店、東嶺鋪,至公樂驟.  
42번째 줄: 42번째 줄:
Early in the morning, Wu, the Magistrate of San-ho County, Fan, the Vice Magistrate, and Yang, the Auditor [Chu-pu], (I have lost the given names of them all) brought a plate of rice, one catty of meat, one jar of wine, and a plate of vegetables and asked how we were. [We went from there to Kung-lo Station.]  
Early in the morning, Wu, the Magistrate of San-ho County, Fan, the Vice Magistrate, and Yang, the Auditor [Chu-pu], (I have lost the given names of them all) brought a plate of rice, one catty of meat, one jar of wine, and a plate of vegetables and asked how we were. [We went from there to Kung-lo Station.]  
*4월 27일
===4월 27일===
二十七日,至漁陽驛, 遇謝恩使臣,是日陰,夜大雨,過白潤鋪、二十里铺、十里鋪,至漁陽睾,睾在蓟州城南五里許,驛之南有南關遞運所,驛丞乃曹鹏也,蓟州即秦漢漁陽郡,唐安祿山叛據之,後取古薊門關以名,盤龍山在西北,崆峒山在東北,城中有州治及薊州衛、鎮朔衛、營州右中衛治,所治西北隅有張堪廟,堪為漁陽太守時,教民種植,童謠云:“麥秀兩歧’云云,有去思立廟如新,臣等欲起程時,有一人馳報云:’朝鮮國使臣來.’臣語諸張述祖曰:“我本國使臣來在一刻間,若於路上相逢,則不過一辑而 過,我姑留待,以認本國家山之事,”述祖曰:“諾,”日哺,謝恩使知中樞成健、書狀官尹璋及崔自俊、禹雄、成仲溫、金孟敬、張佑奇、韓忠常、韓謹、吳近位、金敬熙、權熙止、成後生、李義山、朴、鄭興祖等來寓驟中. 臣請謁使臣于中庭,使臣下階,亦俯伏語臣曰:“上體平安,國家無事,爾家鄉亦亡悲,上聞爾漂海無歸處,啟下禮曹,令各道觀察使通沿海各官,不輕搜寬,急速啟聞,且於對馬島及日本諸島使送人書契修答時,右辭緣并錄 通識,右承旨慶俊次知啟依允,聖恩何可量哉?”臣拜伏退舍,謂金重等日:“我等,小民也,如媳姑嫂蝶之生死於天地.  
二十七日,至漁陽驛, 遇謝恩使臣,是日陰,夜大雨,過白潤鋪、二十里铺、十里鋪,至漁陽睾,睾在蓟州城南五里許,驛之南有南關遞運所,驛丞乃曹鹏也,蓟州即秦漢漁陽郡,唐安祿山叛據之,後取古薊門關以名,盤龍山在西北,崆峒山在東北,城中有州治及薊州衛、鎮朔衛、營州右中衛治,所治西北隅有張堪廟,堪為漁陽太守時,教民種植,童謠云:“麥秀兩歧’云云,有去思立廟如新,臣等欲起程時,有一人馳報云:’朝鮮國使臣來.’臣語諸張述祖曰:“我本國使臣來在一刻間,若於路上相逢,則不過一辑而 過,我姑留待,以認本國家山之事,”述祖曰:“諾,”日哺,謝恩使知中樞成健、書狀官尹璋及崔自俊、禹雄、成仲溫、金孟敬、張佑奇、韓忠常、韓謹、吳近位、金敬熙、權熙止、成後生、李義山、朴、鄭興祖等來寓驟中. 臣請謁使臣于中庭,使臣下階,亦俯伏語臣曰:“上體平安,國家無事,爾家鄉亦亡悲,上聞爾漂海無歸處,啟下禮曹,令各道觀察使通沿海各官,不輕搜寬,急速啟聞,且於對馬島及日本諸島使送人書契修答時,右辭緣并錄 通識,右承旨慶俊次知啟依允,聖恩何可量哉?”臣拜伏退舍,謂金重等日:“我等,小民也,如媳姑嫂蝶之生死於天地.  
84번째 줄: 84번째 줄:
“처음에 표류되어 실종되었다는 보고를 듣고는 사람들이 모두 그대의 죽음을 탄식하고 있었는데, 성희안(成希顔)139만은 혼자 큰 소리로, '내 생각에 최부는 바다에서 죽지 않고 조만간에 반드시 살아서 돌아올 것이다' 운운하였소. 지금 와서 서로 만나 보게 되니 과연 그의 말이 맞았소"라고 하였습니다.  
“처음에 표류되어 실종되었다는 보고를 듣고는 사람들이 모두 그대의 죽음을 탄식하고 있었는데, 성희안(成希顔)139만은 혼자 큰 소리로, '내 생각에 최부는 바다에서 죽지 않고 조만간에 반드시 살아서 돌아올 것이다' 운운하였소. 지금 와서 서로 만나 보게 되니 과연 그의 말이 맞았소"라고 하였습니다.  
저녁에 사신이 신을 맞이하여 같이 앉아 신에게 저녁밥을 대접하고 배리(陪吏)들에게까지도 먹였습니다.  
저녁에 사신이 신을 맞이하여 같이 앉아 신에게 저녁밥을 대접하고 배리(陪吏)들에게까지도 먹였습니다.  
111번째 줄: 109번째 줄:
[We went from Pai-chien Stop to Yü-yang Station, about five li south of Chi-chou.] Chi-chou had been the Yü-yang-chün of Ch’in and Han. When An Lushan of T’ang rebelled [755-763], he occupied it. Later it took the name of the old Chi-men Pass. P’an-lung Mountain is in the northwest and K’ung-t’ung Mountain in the northeast. Inside the wall are the prefectural capital and the headquarters of Chi-chou Garrison, Chen-shuo Garrison, and Ying-chouyu-t’un Garrison. In the northwest corner of the headquarters is the shrine of Chang K’an. When K’an was Governor of Yü-yang, he taught the people to plant. A children's song says, “Two ears on each stalk of wheat ..."23 That is in memory of him. His shrine is kept like new. When we were about to set out, a man rushed up and reported that an ambassador from Korea was coming. I talked it over with Chang Shu-tsu: “An envoy from my country is coming shortly. If we meet on the road, we must pass with no more than a bow. I should like to stay here a little and hear things about my homeland.” Chang Shu-tsu said, “All right.” That afternoon, Song Kôn, Chief Secretary in the Privy Council and Envoy of Thanksgiving, 24 First Secretary Yun Chang, Ch’oe Cha-jun, Wu Ung, Sống Chung-on, Kim Maeng-gyỏng,25 Chang U-gi, Han Chỉung-sang, Han 23 Kữn, O Kũn-wi, Kim Kyõng-hui, Kwồn Hui-ji, Sông Chun-saeng, Yi Ủi-san, Pak Son, and Chong Hùng-jo came and lodged at the station. When I called on the Envoy in the central garden, he came down the steps, returned my low bow, and said to me, “His Highness is well, the State is without incident. Your home district has also been spared misfortune. When His Highness heard that you had drifted to sea and not returned, he sent down instructions to the Board of Rites to order the governors of all the provinces to notify all officials along the coast to search thoroughly and report back quickly. Moreover, copies of these instructions were sent to Tsushima Island and the islands of Japan by earliest envoys.26 Kyongjun, Right Receiver of the Royal Edicts, in turn made the instructions known accordingly. How impossible it is to measure His Highness's graciousness!” I bowed and left. I said to Kim Chung and others, “We are little people. Like the life and death of cicadas and flies, our life is no gain to Heaven or earth, and our death is no loss. How wonderful that His Highness's thoughts should go out like that to little people! It has been by such royal sympathy that our lives have been saved from certain death as they have.” Kim Chung and the others wept with emotion. In a short while, the First Secretary and Ch'oe Cha-jun came to the place where I was staying and talked more fully about recent affairs at home. They said, “When we first heard the report that you had drifted away and drowned, everyone lamented your death. Sơng Hi-an alone said loudly, 'I feel that Ch'oe Pu cannot die at sea. Sooner or later he must return alive. Now we meet and prove the truth of what he said.” | At dusk the Envoy invited me to sit with him. He offered me dinner and had some sent to my secondary officials, and I thanked him: “I am an unfilial son, my sins have been great: not having died myself, misfortune extended to my dead father. I have not yet beaten my breast or stamped my feet by the coffin; rather, I have been driven by a typhoon, my insides have collapsed, and I have thought I should not survive. I went east more than six thousand li and fortunately arrived at Min. Still, when I looked around me, I knew no one, and my speech was not understood. I have wanted to tell someone of my grief and suffering; meeting you now, therefore, is like seeing my father and mother.” The Envoy said, “I first heard that you had reached Chekiang and other places alive when I met His Excellency An's party at Tung-pa [Stop?]. I was weak with joy.27 Is it not fortunate that I have met you unexpectedly today?” He then said, “A groom in this group of mine died on the way. It is certainly hard to keep everyone alive over thousands of li. Did some of the men who went with you also die?” I said, “Fortunately, all forty-three of us survived. All of us have come here." The Envoy said, “Heaven really saved you, really saved you. Not only saved you, but did it through His Highness's virtue. We can be happy for that.” I was then questioned by the Envoy and described in general the circumstances of my drifting and staying at places, the dangers of the ocean we crossed, the outstanding geographical sites, and the differences of custom. The Envoy said, “When my party passed some places, I thought we were doing great things. When I have seen what your eyes have beheld, there will be little left to impress me."  
[We went from Pai-chien Stop to Yü-yang Station, about five li south of Chi-chou.] Chi-chou had been the Yü-yang-chün of Ch’in and Han. When An Lushan of T’ang rebelled [755-763], he occupied it. Later it took the name of the old Chi-men Pass. P’an-lung Mountain is in the northwest and K’ung-t’ung Mountain in the northeast. Inside the wall are the prefectural capital and the headquarters of Chi-chou Garrison, Chen-shuo Garrison, and Ying-chouyu-t’un Garrison. In the northwest corner of the headquarters is the shrine of Chang K’an. When K’an was Governor of Yü-yang, he taught the people to plant. A children's song says, “Two ears on each stalk of wheat ..."23 That is in memory of him. His shrine is kept like new. When we were about to set out, a man rushed up and reported that an ambassador from Korea was coming. I talked it over with Chang Shu-tsu: “An envoy from my country is coming shortly. If we meet on the road, we must pass with no more than a bow. I should like to stay here a little and hear things about my homeland.” Chang Shu-tsu said, “All right.” That afternoon, Song Kôn, Chief Secretary in the Privy Council and Envoy of Thanksgiving, 24 First Secretary Yun Chang, Ch’oe Cha-jun, Wu Ung, Sống Chung-on, Kim Maeng-gyỏng,25 Chang U-gi, Han Chỉung-sang, Han 23 Kữn, O Kũn-wi, Kim Kyõng-hui, Kwồn Hui-ji, Sông Chun-saeng, Yi Ủi-san, Pak Son, and Chong Hùng-jo came and lodged at the station. When I called on the Envoy in the central garden, he came down the steps, returned my low bow, and said to me, “His Highness is well, the State is without incident. Your home district has also been spared misfortune. When His Highness heard that you had drifted to sea and not returned, he sent down instructions to the Board of Rites to order the governors of all the provinces to notify all officials along the coast to search thoroughly and report back quickly. Moreover, copies of these instructions were sent to Tsushima Island and the islands of Japan by earliest envoys.26 Kyongjun, Right Receiver of the Royal Edicts, in turn made the instructions known accordingly. How impossible it is to measure His Highness's graciousness!” I bowed and left. I said to Kim Chung and others, “We are little people. Like the life and death of cicadas and flies, our life is no gain to Heaven or earth, and our death is no loss. How wonderful that His Highness's thoughts should go out like that to little people! It has been by such royal sympathy that our lives have been saved from certain death as they have.” Kim Chung and the others wept with emotion. In a short while, the First Secretary and Ch'oe Cha-jun came to the place where I was staying and talked more fully about recent affairs at home. They said, “When we first heard the report that you had drifted away and drowned, everyone lamented your death. Sơng Hi-an alone said loudly, 'I feel that Ch'oe Pu cannot die at sea. Sooner or later he must return alive. Now we meet and prove the truth of what he said.” | At dusk the Envoy invited me to sit with him. He offered me dinner and had some sent to my secondary officials, and I thanked him: “I am an unfilial son, my sins have been great: not having died myself, misfortune extended to my dead father. I have not yet beaten my breast or stamped my feet by the coffin; rather, I have been driven by a typhoon, my insides have collapsed, and I have thought I should not survive. I went east more than six thousand li and fortunately arrived at Min. Still, when I looked around me, I knew no one, and my speech was not understood. I have wanted to tell someone of my grief and suffering; meeting you now, therefore, is like seeing my father and mother.” The Envoy said, “I first heard that you had reached Chekiang and other places alive when I met His Excellency An's party at Tung-pa [Stop?]. I was weak with joy.27 Is it not fortunate that I have met you unexpectedly today?” He then said, “A groom in this group of mine died on the way. It is certainly hard to keep everyone alive over thousands of li. Did some of the men who went with you also die?” I said, “Fortunately, all forty-three of us survived. All of us have come here." The Envoy said, “Heaven really saved you, really saved you. Not only saved you, but did it through His Highness's virtue. We can be happy for that.” I was then questioned by the Envoy and described in general the circumstances of my drifting and staying at places, the dangers of the ocean we crossed, the outstanding geographical sites, and the differences of custom. The Envoy said, “When my party passed some places, I thought we were doing great things. When I have seen what your eyes have beheld, there will be little left to impress me."  
*4월 28일
===4월 28일===
二十八日,朝雨而陰,使臣叫臣至前,又饋早飯,因贈以口粮十__、管帽二事、扇十把、理中二十丸及諸般餵物,又叫件送臣等之百戶,語日:“你送我國人,善自護恤,嘉喜嘉喜”贈以笠帽、扇子等物,又分帽、扇于臣之陪吏等,書狀官亦臣以夏衣一領、布鞭一雙,崔自俊、禹雄亦各以扇二柄為行豔,使臣又搞臣之從者以酒肉,各有差,因謂臣曰:“日漸惠熱,路猶阻長,少不調護,疾病纏身,努力加餐,好還本國,以孝慈闡云云。時有李(預)【禎]醉感,使臣所饋,突入前,極陳在海浮沉之苦,臣即告辭而別,過永濟橋,橋跨龍池河,一名漁水,流入白龍港,談傅此橋乃安祿山所築也,又過泰山東岳廟、五里店、八里鋪、別山里、石河鋪、枯樹里,至陽樊露, 뒷부분 없음. 덧붙일 것.  
二十八日,朝雨而陰,使臣叫臣至前,又饋早飯,因贈以口粮十__、管帽二事、扇十把、理中二十丸及諸般餵物,又叫件送臣等之百戶,語日:“你送我國人,善自護恤,嘉喜嘉喜”贈以笠帽、扇子等物,又分帽、扇于臣之陪吏等,書狀官亦臣以夏衣一領、布鞭一雙,崔自俊、禹雄亦各以扇二柄為行豔,使臣又搞臣之從者以酒肉,各有差,因謂臣曰:“日漸惠熱,路猶阻長,少不調護,疾病纏身,努力加餐,好還本國,以孝慈闡云云。時有李(預)【禎]醉感,使臣所饋,突入前,極陳在海浮沉之苦,臣即告辭而別,過永濟橋,橋跨龍池河,一名漁水,流入白龍港,談傅此橋乃安祿山所築也,又過泰山東岳廟、五里店、八里鋪、別山里、石河鋪、枯樹里,至陽樊露, 뒷부분 없음. 덧붙일 것.  
142번째 줄: 140번째 줄:
The Envoy called me before him, served me breakfast and then presented to me ten pecks of ration rice, two rain hats, ten fans, twenty li-chung (pills],28 and several kinds of food. He then called for the Centurion who was escorting us and said to him, “You are escorting my countrymen well, giving them your own protection and sympathy. I am extremely pleased.” He then presented to him rain hats, fans, and other things. He distributed hats and fans to my secondary officials. The First Secretary also presented to me one summer gown and a pair of cloth slippers. Ch’oe Cha-jun and Wu Ung also each gave us two fans as farewell gifts. The Envoy feasted my followers, each according to his rank, with wine and meat. He said to me, “The days are gradually getting hotter, and the way is long and dangerous. If you are even a little careless, sickness will cripple you. If you take pains to eat enough, you will return safely home to be filial to your mother.” Just then Yi Chòng, beside himself with gratitude for what the Envoy had given him, came suddenly to the very front and described the hardships of drifting at sea. I took my leave and went. [We went from Yung-chi Bridge to Yang-fan Station.]  
The Envoy called me before him, served me breakfast and then presented to me ten pecks of ration rice, two rain hats, ten fans, twenty li-chung (pills],28 and several kinds of food. He then called for the Centurion who was escorting us and said to him, “You are escorting my countrymen well, giving them your own protection and sympathy. I am extremely pleased.” He then presented to him rain hats, fans, and other things. He distributed hats and fans to my secondary officials. The First Secretary also presented to me one summer gown and a pair of cloth slippers. Ch’oe Cha-jun and Wu Ung also each gave us two fans as farewell gifts. The Envoy feasted my followers, each according to his rank, with wine and meat. He said to me, “The days are gradually getting hotter, and the way is long and dangerous. If you are even a little careless, sickness will cripple you. If you take pains to eat enough, you will return safely home to be filial to your mother.” Just then Yi Chòng, beside himself with gratitude for what the Envoy had given him, came suddenly to the very front and described the hardships of drifting at sea. I took my leave and went. [We went from Yung-chi Bridge to Yang-fan Station.]  
*4월 29일
===4월 29일===
二十九日,過玉田縣,遇天使於道上,是日晴,過扣鋪,至宋亭橋,橋跨藍水河,至玉田縣,-->이 부분 해석 없음. 해야함.  
二十九日,過玉田縣,遇天使於道上,是日晴,過扣鋪,至宋亭橋,橋跨藍水河,至玉田縣,-->이 부분 해석 없음. 해야함.  
188번째 줄: 186번째 줄:
We passed K'ou-lun Stop and came to Ts’ai-t’ing Bridge, which spanned the Lan-shui River. Soon we came to Yü-t’ien County, entered the wall through Lan-t'ien Gate, and came to Lan-t'ien Transfer Station. Hsiao-ch'uan, Hsü-wu, and other mountains were twenty or thirty li to the northeast. The Yen Mountains were in the northwest, about twenty li from the wall. It is of them that it is said in Su Che's poem, “The Yen-shan are like a long snake,/ Separating Chinese from barbarians for a thousand li.”:29 I asked Chang Shu-tsu a question: “I have heard it said that this land was the land of Yu-pei-p’ing of Han. Where is the rock in which Li Kuang, shooting for a tiger, buried [the arrow] to the feathers ?”'30 Chang Shu-tsu said, “Thirty li northeast of here is Wu-chung Mountain, and at the bottom are the old site of Wu-chung-kuo and the ruins of the wall of Pei-p'ing. The wall was the place from which Li Kuang went out hunting and came upon a rock. On top of the mountain is also the tomb of Yen Chao Wang (traditionally r. 311 B.C.–279].” We then passed the banner gate of Filial Son Li Mao and went out the east gate of the wall, which was the Gate of Hsing-chou-tso-t’un Garrison. When we had gone about two li past Han-chia Village, we met two officials, who rode up in sedan-chairs. They had tallies and halberds and pewter shields. The scouts shouted, “Dismount!” I dismounted. The two officials called to me to come forward and said, “Who are you?” Before I had answered, the senior official ordered me to write in the palm of his hand. Chang Chung-ying came up quickly and issued a statement of my name and the circumstances of my meeting winds, going adrift, and returning. The senior official turned and said to me, “Your countrymen already know that you reached China alive.” I bowed in thanks and left. When I asked who the officials were, Chung-ying said, “The one in front is Tung Yüeh, Chancellor of the Hanlin Academy, and the second one is Wang Ch'ang, a Supervising Secretary. Last month they received orders from the Emperor to go to your country with gifts, and now they are returning.”31 We passed Liang-chia Stop and Sha-liu-ho Stop and came to Yung-chi Station.  
We passed K'ou-lun Stop and came to Ts’ai-t’ing Bridge, which spanned the Lan-shui River. Soon we came to Yü-t’ien County, entered the wall through Lan-t'ien Gate, and came to Lan-t'ien Transfer Station. Hsiao-ch'uan, Hsü-wu, and other mountains were twenty or thirty li to the northeast. The Yen Mountains were in the northwest, about twenty li from the wall. It is of them that it is said in Su Che's poem, “The Yen-shan are like a long snake,/ Separating Chinese from barbarians for a thousand li.”:29 I asked Chang Shu-tsu a question: “I have heard it said that this land was the land of Yu-pei-p’ing of Han. Where is the rock in which Li Kuang, shooting for a tiger, buried [the arrow] to the feathers ?”'30 Chang Shu-tsu said, “Thirty li northeast of here is Wu-chung Mountain, and at the bottom are the old site of Wu-chung-kuo and the ruins of the wall of Pei-p'ing. The wall was the place from which Li Kuang went out hunting and came upon a rock. On top of the mountain is also the tomb of Yen Chao Wang (traditionally r. 311 B.C.–279].” We then passed the banner gate of Filial Son Li Mao and went out the east gate of the wall, which was the Gate of Hsing-chou-tso-t’un Garrison. When we had gone about two li past Han-chia Village, we met two officials, who rode up in sedan-chairs. They had tallies and halberds and pewter shields. The scouts shouted, “Dismount!” I dismounted. The two officials called to me to come forward and said, “Who are you?” Before I had answered, the senior official ordered me to write in the palm of his hand. Chang Chung-ying came up quickly and issued a statement of my name and the circumstances of my meeting winds, going adrift, and returning. The senior official turned and said to me, “Your countrymen already know that you reached China alive.” I bowed in thanks and left. When I asked who the officials were, Chung-ying said, “The one in front is Tung Yüeh, Chancellor of the Hanlin Academy, and the second one is Wang Ch'ang, a Supervising Secretary. Last month they received orders from the Emperor to go to your country with gifts, and now they are returning.”31 We passed Liang-chia Stop and Sha-liu-ho Stop and came to Yung-chi Station.  
*4월 30일
===4월 30일===
三十日,過豐潤縣,是日陰,早發行至漢水,一名還鄉河,下流入梁河. 諺傅唐太宗征遼還時所名,又過登雲門,至豐潤縣城西門,門之重城內,有火神廟,入其城,過武安王廟、騰霄門、繡衣門,復出城東門,門之楣刻書‘興州前衛,門外有在城總鋪,鋪之東有東關遞運所,所有官員姓名田能也,鬚眉皓白,頗示款待之意,請藏吏鄭文宗,速討車輛,以送臣等,文宗啡然怒撥田能之巔,其大無官衙上下之節類如此,縣有鴉鵑、靈應二山在西北,陳宮山在北,崖兒口山在東北,馬頭、明月、腰帶三山在東,唯鴉鵑近城。臣等又過林城鋪,至義豐驛.  
三十日,過豐潤縣,是日陰,早發行至漢水,一名還鄉河,下流入梁河. 諺傅唐太宗征遼還時所名,又過登雲門,至豐潤縣城西門,門之重城內,有火神廟,入其城,過武安王廟、騰霄門、繡衣門,復出城東門,門之楣刻書‘興州前衛,門外有在城總鋪,鋪之東有東關遞運所,所有官員姓名田能也,鬚眉皓白,頗示款待之意,請藏吏鄭文宗,速討車輛,以送臣等,文宗啡然怒撥田能之巔,其大無官衙上下之節類如此,縣有鴉鵑、靈應二山在西北,陳宮山在北,崖兒口山在東北,馬頭、明月、腰帶三山在東,唯鴉鵑近城。臣等又過林城鋪,至義豐驛.  
217번째 줄: 215번째 줄:
[We went from the Keng River past Feng-jun County to I-feng Station.]  
[We went from the Keng River past Feng-jun County to I-feng Station.]  
*5월 1일
===5월 1일===
232번째 줄: 230번째 줄:
1st Day, Fifth Month. Cloudy. [We went from Luan-chou to Ch’ai-chia-ling Station.]  
1st Day, Fifth Month. Cloudy. [We went from Luan-chou to Ch’ai-chia-ling Station.]  
*5월 2일
===5월 2일===
267번째 줄: 265번째 줄:
[From the Sha and Luan rivers we came to Luan-ho Station, near the wall of Yung-p’ing Prefecture.] The wall was two li north of the station, and a line of towers was built on top of it. One was Koryo-Lookout [Wang-kao] Tower. Inside the wall were the prefectural capital, the seat of Lu-lung County, and the headquarters of Yung-p’ing Garrison, Lu-lung Garrison, and Tung-sheng Left Garrison. The prefecture had been a Nan-ching of Chin.32 Lu-lung had been old Fei-tzu-kuo and is the same Lu-lung that is often used to mean the land beyond the Wall. Lung, Tung, Shuang-tzu, Chou-wang, Ma-an, Yang, Hui, and Pi-chia mountains were there, linked one to the next and curving round in a natural barrier. South of the station a mound dominated the scenery, and on top of it was a Buddhist temple. Pai Ssu-ching, the Station Master, said “This is K’ai-yuan Temple.” At that time, an official of the Imperial Bodyguard, coming to arrest bandits, came to the office behind the station.  
[From the Sha and Luan rivers we came to Luan-ho Station, near the wall of Yung-p’ing Prefecture.] The wall was two li north of the station, and a line of towers was built on top of it. One was Koryo-Lookout [Wang-kao] Tower. Inside the wall were the prefectural capital, the seat of Lu-lung County, and the headquarters of Yung-p’ing Garrison, Lu-lung Garrison, and Tung-sheng Left Garrison. The prefecture had been a Nan-ching of Chin.32 Lu-lung had been old Fei-tzu-kuo and is the same Lu-lung that is often used to mean the land beyond the Wall. Lung, Tung, Shuang-tzu, Chou-wang, Ma-an, Yang, Hui, and Pi-chia mountains were there, linked one to the next and curving round in a natural barrier. South of the station a mound dominated the scenery, and on top of it was a Buddhist temple. Pai Ssu-ching, the Station Master, said “This is K’ai-yuan Temple.” At that time, an official of the Imperial Bodyguard, coming to arrest bandits, came to the office behind the station.  
*6월 1일
===6월 1일===

2020년 4월 2일 (목) 16:43 판



*서울대광고등학교 졸업
*동국대학교 사학과 재학중


*2019.01.02. 대한민국 육군 병장 만기전역
*2019년 2학기 사랑,우정,관용 다르마칼리지 최우수상 선정

좋아하는 것들

음악, 영화, 문학

최부의 표해록

2월 30일


숙천현(宿遷縣)[1]을 지났습니다.

이 날은 흐렸습니다.

아침에 고성역에서 무가구(武家溝)를 지나 백양하, 육가돈(陸家數), 소하구(小河口)를 거슬러 올라가서 종오역(鐘吾驛)336에 이르렀습니다.

역 앞에 황화문(皇華門), 비영문(基英門), 쌍계문(雙桂門) 등이 있었고, 역의 북쪽은 숙천현이었습니다.

또 체운소를 지나 순풍에 돛을 펼치니 마치 나는 듯이 빠르게 갔습니다. 조하(河), 청돈(靑數), 사방(沙)337 등의 천포(淺鋪)를 지나 밤 3경에 직하역(直河驛)338에 이르렀습니다.

5경에 큰 천둥소리가 나고 번개가 번쩍이며 우박이 내렸습니다.

30th Day. Passing Su-ch’ien County. This day was cloudy. [We went from Ku-ch'eng Station past Su-ch’ien County to Chih-ho Station.]

4월 26일

二十六日,陰,清早,三河知縣姓吳、縣丞姓范、主簿姓楊,俱失其名,以 飯米一盤、肉一斤、酒一瓶、菜一盤,來問慰,復出自南門,至草橋店,店之東有臨河“河,積草為橋,又過煙屯鋪、石碑店、東嶺鋪,至公樂驟.


이른 아침에 이름은 잊었지만 삼하지현(三河知縣) 오(吳)씨123, 현승(縣丞)범(范)씨와 주부(主簿) 양(楊)씨가 쌀 1쟁반, 고기 1근, 술 1병, 소채 1쟁반을 가지고 찾아와 위로하였습니다.

다시 남문으로부터 나와서 초교점(草橋店)에 이르니, 초교점의 동쪽에 임구하(臨河河)가 있었는데 풀을 쌓아 다리를 만들었습니다.

또 연둔포(煙屯鋪)·석비점(石碑店)·동령포(東嶺鋪)를 지나서 공락역(公樂驛)에 이르렀습니다.

26th Day. Cloudy.

Early in the morning, Wu, the Magistrate of San-ho County, Fan, the Vice Magistrate, and Yang, the Auditor [Chu-pu], (I have lost the given names of them all) brought a plate of rice, one catty of meat, one jar of wine, and a plate of vegetables and asked how we were. [We went from there to Kung-lo Station.]

4월 27일

二十七日,至漁陽驛, 遇謝恩使臣,是日陰,夜大雨,過白潤鋪、二十里铺、十里鋪,至漁陽睾,睾在蓟州城南五里許,驛之南有南關遞運所,驛丞乃曹鹏也,蓟州即秦漢漁陽郡,唐安祿山叛據之,後取古薊門關以名,盤龍山在西北,崆峒山在東北,城中有州治及薊州衛、鎮朔衛、營州右中衛治,所治西北隅有張堪廟,堪為漁陽太守時,教民種植,童謠云:“麥秀兩歧’云云,有去思立廟如新,臣等欲起程時,有一人馳報云:’朝鮮國使臣來.’臣語諸張述祖曰:“我本國使臣來在一刻間,若於路上相逢,則不過一辑而 過,我姑留待,以認本國家山之事,”述祖曰:“諾,”日哺,謝恩使知中樞成健、書狀官尹璋及崔自俊、禹雄、成仲溫、金孟敬、張佑奇、韓忠常、韓謹、吳近位、金敬熙、權熙止、成後生、李義山、朴、鄭興祖等來寓驟中. 臣請謁使臣于中庭,使臣下階,亦俯伏語臣曰:“上體平安,國家無事,爾家鄉亦亡悲,上聞爾漂海無歸處,啟下禮曹,令各道觀察使通沿海各官,不輕搜寬,急速啟聞,且於對馬島及日本諸島使送人書契修答時,右辭緣并錄 通識,右承旨慶俊次知啟依允,聖恩何可量哉?”臣拜伏退舍,謂金重等日:“我等,小民也,如媳姑嫂蝶之生死於天地.

p. 442 中,生不為天地之益,死不為天地之損,豈意 聖念及於小民若此若此?聖念若此,我等所以萬死得一生也。”金重等亦感泣,少選,書狀官與崔自俊,借到于臣所寓,備語鄉國潮來之事,因曰:“初聞漂沒之報,人皆以死為嘆,成希顏獨大言曰我心以為崔溥不死海,早晚必生還云云,及今相遇, 果驗其言”當昏,使臣邀臣同坐,饋臣以晚飯,下及陪吏,臣謝曰:“小人 罪逆深重,不自死滅,禍延先人,未及瓣踊于殯側,反為颶(母)[母]所驅,五內分崩,無復望生,幸到閩東,行過六千餘里間,亦顧無親,語音不 曉,悲辛艱楚,欲訴誰因?今遇令公,如見父母,”使臣曰:“我初於東八贴,遇安合公之行,聞爾生到浙江等處,喜氣欲顯,今日邂逅,顧非幸嗽?”又曰:“我之此行,有養馬者,中途斃死,跋涉萬里,俱生實難,爾帶去人,亦有死者否?”臣曰:“凡我四十三人,幸得不死,與之借來。”使臣曰:“天實生之, 天實生之,非徒生之, 實由 上德, 是可喜也.” 臣又承 使臣之間,略陳漂寓之故,所過滄溟之險,山川之勝跡,風俗之有異,使臣曰:“我行過此等地,獨以為壯觀,爾之眼界,難為水也。”

어양역(漁陽驛)에 이르러 사은사신(謝恩使臣)을 만났습니다.

이 날은 흐리고 밤에는 큰비가 내렸습니다.

백간포(白潤鋪)124. 이십리포(二十里鋪)·십리포(十里鋪)를 지나서 어양역에 이르니, 어양역은 계주성(__州城) 남쪽 5리가량에 있었습니다. 125 어양역의 남쪽에 남관체운소(南關遞運所)가 있었는데 역승(驛丞)은 조붕(曹鵬)이었습니다.

계주[1]는 곧 진한(秦漢)시대의 어양군(漁陽郡)인데 당나라 안록산(安祿山)[2]126이 반란을 일으켜 점거했던 곳으로 후에 옛 계문관(__門關)을 따서 '계주(__州)'라고 이름지었던 것입니다.

반룡산(盤龍山)은 서북방에 있고 공동산(__山)은 동북방에 있었습니다.

성안에 계주의 치소와 계주위(__州衛), 진삭위(鎭朔衛), 영주우둔위(營州右屯衛)의 치소가 있었습니다.

치소의 서북 모퉁이에 장감(張堪)의 사당이 있었습니다.

장감이 어양태수(漁陽太守)였을 때 백성들에게 씨뿌리고 심는 법을 가르쳤더니 동요(童謠)에, 보리 이삭 두 가닥이 패었네 운운3했다 하였습니다. 이임할 때 그의 선정(善政)을 기리어 세운 사당이 새 것 같았습니다.

신 등이 길을 떠나려고 할 때 한 사람이 달려와서 “조선국 사신이 오고 있습니다”고 보고하였습니다.

신이 장술조에게 말하기를,

“우리 본국 사신이 곧 도착할 터인데 만약 노상에서 만난다면 읍(駐) 한 번만 하고 지날 수밖에 없으니, 내 잠시 머물러 기다려서 고향 소식을 알고 싶습니다” 라고 하니 장술조가 “좋습니다”라고 하였습니다.

해질 무렵 사은사인 지중추부사(知中樞府事) 성건(成健)32, 서장관(書狀官)133 윤장(尹__)과 최자준(崔自俊)·우웅(禹雄)·성중온(成仲溫)·김맹경(金孟敬)134 · 장우기(張佑奇)·한충상(韓忠常)·한근(韓)·오근위(吳近位)·김경희(金敬熙)·권희지(權熙止)·성후생(成後生)·이의산(李義山)·박선(朴__)·정흥조(鄭興祖) 등이 와서 어양역 안으로 들어왔습니다.

신이 나아가서 사신을 중정(中庭)에서 뵈니 사신이 섬돌에서 내려와 역시 몸을 굽히면서 신에게 말하기를,

“성상의 옥체도 평안하시고 나라도 무사하며 그대의 집이 있는 고향도 별 탈이 없소. 임금께서 그대가 표류되어 간 곳이 없다는 소식을 들으시고, 예조(禮曹)135에 명을 내려 각 도(道)의 관찰사(觀察使)로 하여금 연해의 각 급 관원에게 널리 알려 수색하기를 소홀히 하지 말고 속히 그 결과를 보고하도록 하셨소. 또 대마도와 일본 여러 섬의 사송인(使送人)에게 회답을 쓸 때 위의 사연을 함께 기록해서 널리 알릴 것을 우승지(右承旨)136 경준(慶俊)이 아뢰자 이를 윤허하셨으니 성은을 어찌 헤아릴 수 있겠소?”라고 하였습니다.

신은 절하고 엎드렸다가 객관으로 물러 나와 김중 등에게 말하기를,

“우리들은 미천한 백성이므로 마치 쓰르라미와 하루살이가 천지 간에 살다가 죽는 것과 같아 살아도 천지의 이로움이 되지 못하고 죽어도 천지의 손실됨이 없는데, 어찌 성상의 염려가 미천한 백성에게 미치심이 이와 같을 줄을 생각했겠는가? 성상의 염려하심이 이와 같았으므로 우리들이 거의 죽을 뻔하다가 다시 살아나게 된 것이다”라고 하였습니다.

김중 등도 또한 감격해 울었습니다.

조금 후에 서장관이 최자준과 함께 신이 머물고 있는 곳에 와서 고국에서 요즘 일어난 일들을 상세히 이야기하고, 이어서 말하기를,

“처음에 표류되어 실종되었다는 보고를 듣고는 사람들이 모두 그대의 죽음을 탄식하고 있었는데, 성희안(成希顔)139만은 혼자 큰 소리로, '내 생각에 최부는 바다에서 죽지 않고 조만간에 반드시 살아서 돌아올 것이다' 운운하였소. 지금 와서 서로 만나 보게 되니 과연 그의 말이 맞았소"라고 하였습니다.

저녁에 사신이 신을 맞이하여 같이 앉아 신에게 저녁밥을 대접하고 배리(陪吏)들에게까지도 먹였습니다.

신이 사례하며 말하기를,

“소인은 죄지은 것이 매우 무거운데도 스스로 죽지 못하여 재앙이 선인(先人)에게 미치게 되었는데, 빈소 곁에서 가슴을 치고 뛰면서 슬퍼하기도 전에 도리어 회오리바람에 몰린 바 되었으니, 오장이 무너지는 듯하여 다시 살아나기를 바랄 수 없었습니다. 다행히 민동(圃東)140에 도착하여 6천여 리를 지나는데 돌아보아도 의지할 데가 없었으며, 말소리를 알아듣지 못하니 비참하고 고생한일 을 호소하려고 한들 누구에게 하겠습니까? 지금 영공(令公)을 만나니 마치 부모를 뵈는 것과 같습니다” 라고 하였습니다.

사신이 말하기를,

“나도 처음 동팔참(東八站)에서 안(安) 영공의 행차를 만나 그대가 살아서 절강 등지에 도착했다는 말을 듣고서는 매우 기뻐했는데, 오늘 서로 만나게 되니 다행이 아니겠소?”라고 하고,

또 말하기를, “나의 이번 행차에 말을 돌보던 자(養馬]4가 중도에서 죽었소. 산을 넘고 물을 건너 만 리 길을 가노라면 모두 다 살아남기는 실로 어려운 일이오. 그대가 데리고 간 사람 중에도 죽은 사람이 있지 않겠소?" 라고 하였습니다.

“우리 43인은 다행히 죽지 않고 모두 함께 왔습니다.”

“실로 하늘이 살린 것이오! 실로 하늘이 살린 것이오! 그냥 살린 것이 아니라 실로 임금의 덕[3][4] 때문이니 이야말로 기쁜 일이오."

신은 또 사신의 물음을 받고는 표류하고 기거(壽居)한 사유와 지나온 창해의 험한 물결과 산천의 뛰어난 유적과 풍속의 다른 점을 대략 진술하니 사신이 말하기를,

“나는 이런 지방을 지나면서도 혼자 장관이라 생각했는데 그대가 보기에는 별 것이 아니겠구료”라고 하였습니다.

27th Day. Arriving at Yü-yang Station and Meeting an Envoy of Thanksgiving. This day was cloudy; at night there was heavy rain.

[We went from Pai-chien Stop to Yü-yang Station, about five li south of Chi-chou.] Chi-chou had been the Yü-yang-chün of Ch’in and Han. When An Lushan of T’ang rebelled [755-763], he occupied it. Later it took the name of the old Chi-men Pass. P’an-lung Mountain is in the northwest and K’ung-t’ung Mountain in the northeast. Inside the wall are the prefectural capital and the headquarters of Chi-chou Garrison, Chen-shuo Garrison, and Ying-chouyu-t’un Garrison. In the northwest corner of the headquarters is the shrine of Chang K’an. When K’an was Governor of Yü-yang, he taught the people to plant. A children's song says, “Two ears on each stalk of wheat ..."23 That is in memory of him. His shrine is kept like new. When we were about to set out, a man rushed up and reported that an ambassador from Korea was coming. I talked it over with Chang Shu-tsu: “An envoy from my country is coming shortly. If we meet on the road, we must pass with no more than a bow. I should like to stay here a little and hear things about my homeland.” Chang Shu-tsu said, “All right.” That afternoon, Song Kôn, Chief Secretary in the Privy Council and Envoy of Thanksgiving, 24 First Secretary Yun Chang, Ch’oe Cha-jun, Wu Ung, Sống Chung-on, Kim Maeng-gyỏng,25 Chang U-gi, Han Chỉung-sang, Han 23 Kữn, O Kũn-wi, Kim Kyõng-hui, Kwồn Hui-ji, Sông Chun-saeng, Yi Ủi-san, Pak Son, and Chong Hùng-jo came and lodged at the station. When I called on the Envoy in the central garden, he came down the steps, returned my low bow, and said to me, “His Highness is well, the State is without incident. Your home district has also been spared misfortune. When His Highness heard that you had drifted to sea and not returned, he sent down instructions to the Board of Rites to order the governors of all the provinces to notify all officials along the coast to search thoroughly and report back quickly. Moreover, copies of these instructions were sent to Tsushima Island and the islands of Japan by earliest envoys.26 Kyongjun, Right Receiver of the Royal Edicts, in turn made the instructions known accordingly. How impossible it is to measure His Highness's graciousness!” I bowed and left. I said to Kim Chung and others, “We are little people. Like the life and death of cicadas and flies, our life is no gain to Heaven or earth, and our death is no loss. How wonderful that His Highness's thoughts should go out like that to little people! It has been by such royal sympathy that our lives have been saved from certain death as they have.” Kim Chung and the others wept with emotion. In a short while, the First Secretary and Ch'oe Cha-jun came to the place where I was staying and talked more fully about recent affairs at home. They said, “When we first heard the report that you had drifted away and drowned, everyone lamented your death. Sơng Hi-an alone said loudly, 'I feel that Ch'oe Pu cannot die at sea. Sooner or later he must return alive. Now we meet and prove the truth of what he said.” | At dusk the Envoy invited me to sit with him. He offered me dinner and had some sent to my secondary officials, and I thanked him: “I am an unfilial son, my sins have been great: not having died myself, misfortune extended to my dead father. I have not yet beaten my breast or stamped my feet by the coffin; rather, I have been driven by a typhoon, my insides have collapsed, and I have thought I should not survive. I went east more than six thousand li and fortunately arrived at Min. Still, when I looked around me, I knew no one, and my speech was not understood. I have wanted to tell someone of my grief and suffering; meeting you now, therefore, is like seeing my father and mother.” The Envoy said, “I first heard that you had reached Chekiang and other places alive when I met His Excellency An's party at Tung-pa [Stop?]. I was weak with joy.27 Is it not fortunate that I have met you unexpectedly today?” He then said, “A groom in this group of mine died on the way. It is certainly hard to keep everyone alive over thousands of li. Did some of the men who went with you also die?” I said, “Fortunately, all forty-three of us survived. All of us have come here." The Envoy said, “Heaven really saved you, really saved you. Not only saved you, but did it through His Highness's virtue. We can be happy for that.” I was then questioned by the Envoy and described in general the circumstances of my drifting and staying at places, the dangers of the ocean we crossed, the outstanding geographical sites, and the differences of custom. The Envoy said, “When my party passed some places, I thought we were doing great things. When I have seen what your eyes have beheld, there will be little left to impress me."

4월 28일

二十八日,朝雨而陰,使臣叫臣至前,又饋早飯,因贈以口粮十__、管帽二事、扇十把、理中二十丸及諸般餵物,又叫件送臣等之百戶,語日:“你送我國人,善自護恤,嘉喜嘉喜”贈以笠帽、扇子等物,又分帽、扇于臣之陪吏等,書狀官亦臣以夏衣一領、布鞭一雙,崔自俊、禹雄亦各以扇二柄為行豔,使臣又搞臣之從者以酒肉,各有差,因謂臣曰:“日漸惠熱,路猶阻長,少不調護,疾病纏身,努力加餐,好還本國,以孝慈闡云云。時有李(預)【禎]醉感,使臣所饋,突入前,極陳在海浮沉之苦,臣即告辭而別,過永濟橋,橋跨龍池河,一名漁水,流入白龍港,談傅此橋乃安祿山所築也,又過泰山東岳廟、五里店、八里鋪、別山里、石河鋪、枯樹里,至陽樊露, 뒷부분 없음. 덧붙일 것.

아침에 비 내리다 흐렸습니다.

사신이 신을 불러 앞에 오게 하고는 또 아침밥을 접대했으며, 이어 구량(口糧) 10되, 입모(笠帽) 2개, 부채 10자루, 이중환(理中__)142 20알과 여러 가지 음식물을 주었습니다.

또 신 등을 호송하는 백호(百戶)를 불러,

"당신이 우리나라 사람을 호송하면서 잘 보호해 주었으니 가상한 일이오, 가상한 일이오”라 하고는 입모, 부채 등 물건을 선사했으며, 또 모자와 부채를 신의 배리들에게도 나누어 주었습니다.

서장관도 신에게 여름 옷 한 벌과 베버선 한 쌍을 선사했으며, 최자준과 우웅도 각기 부채 두 자루를 전별하는 선사품으로 주었습니다.

사신이 또 신의 종자들에게 술과 고기를 각기 차등 있게 주고 위로하였습니다.

이어 신에게, “날씨가 점점 더워지는데 길은 아직 험하고 머니, 조금이라도 몸조리를 하지 않는다면 병이 생길 것이오. 애써 밥을 더 먹고 본국으로 잘 돌아가서 자당(慈堂)에게 효도를 하시오”라고 운운하였습니다.

이 때 이정이 술에 취한 데다 사신이 베푼 대접에 감격하여 갑자기 앞으로 뛰어나와 바다에 있을 때 물에 떴다 가라앉았다 하던 고생한 이야기를 빠짐없이 늘어놓았습니다.

신은 곧 하직을 고하고 작별하였습니다.

영제교(永濟橋)[1]를 지나니 영제교는 어수(漁水)라고도 하는 용지하(龍池河)[2]에 걸쳐 있었는데 백룡항(白龍港)으로 흘러 들어갔습니다.

민간에서는 이 다리를 바로 안록산이 축조한 것으로 전해지고 있었습니다.

또 태산동악묘(泰山東岳廟)·오리점(五里店)·팔리포(八里鋪)·별산리(別山里)·석하포(石河鋪)·고수리(枯樹里)를 지나서 양번역(陽樊驛)에 이르렀습니다.

28th Day. The morning was rainy and cloudy.

The Envoy called me before him, served me breakfast and then presented to me ten pecks of ration rice, two rain hats, ten fans, twenty li-chung (pills],28 and several kinds of food. He then called for the Centurion who was escorting us and said to him, “You are escorting my countrymen well, giving them your own protection and sympathy. I am extremely pleased.” He then presented to him rain hats, fans, and other things. He distributed hats and fans to my secondary officials. The First Secretary also presented to me one summer gown and a pair of cloth slippers. Ch’oe Cha-jun and Wu Ung also each gave us two fans as farewell gifts. The Envoy feasted my followers, each according to his rank, with wine and meat. He said to me, “The days are gradually getting hotter, and the way is long and dangerous. If you are even a little careless, sickness will cripple you. If you take pains to eat enough, you will return safely home to be filial to your mother.” Just then Yi Chòng, beside himself with gratitude for what the Envoy had given him, came suddenly to the very front and described the hardships of drifting at sea. I took my leave and went. [We went from Yung-chi Bridge to Yang-fan Station.]

4월 29일

二十九日,過玉田縣,遇天使於道上,是日晴,過扣鋪,至宋亭橋,橋跨藍水河,至玉田縣,-->이 부분 해석 없음. 해야함.


p.444 到中國”云云,臣謝辑而退,問其官人為誰,仲英曰:“前去者乃翰林學士董越,後者乃給事中王敬,前月間奉皇帝,往頒你國,今是回還之時也。”又過兩家店、沙流河鋪,至永濟驛。

옥전현(玉田縣)을 지나 천사(天使)143를 길에서 만났습니다.

이 날은 맑았습니다.

구유포(加諭鋪)를 지나서 채정교(采亭橋)에 이르니 채정교는 남수하(藍水河)에 걸쳐져 있었습니다.

달려서 옥전현에 이르러 남전문(藍田門)을 통하여 성안으로 들어가 남전체운소(藍田遞運所)에 이르렀습니다.

소천산(小泉山)과 서무산(徐無山)은 모두 동북방의 20-30리 사이에 있고 연산(燕山)[1]은 서북방에 있어 성과의 거리가 20여 리였는데, 곧 소철(蘇轍)[2]의 시에 이른바 '연산(燕山)은 긴 뱀과 같아, 천리에 걸쳐 오랑캐와 중국을 갈라놓았네'[3][4]144라고 한 곳이었습니다.

신이 장술조에게 묻기를, “전해 듣건대 이 지방은 곧 한(漢)나라 우북평(右北平)의 땅이라 하니, 이광(李廣)이 범을 쏘아서 활촉이 박혔다는 바위[5][6]가 146 어디에 있습니까?"라고 하였습니다. “

이곳에서 동북으로 30리 떨어진 지점에 무종산(無終山)이 있고, 무종산 아래에 무종국(無終國)[7]147의 옛 터와 북평성(北平城)[8]의 유지(遺址)가 있습니다. 북평성이 바로 이광이 사냥하러 나가서 바위를 만났던 곳입니다.

산 위에는 연소왕(燕昭王)148의 무덤도 있습니다.”

신 등은 효자(孝子) 이무(李茂)의 정문(産門)을 지나서 성의 동문으로 나왔는데, 동문은 곧 홍주좌둔위(興州左屯衛)의 문이었습니다.

가다가 한가장(韓家莊)을 지나서 2리가량을 가니 두 관인이 교자를 타고 왔습니다.

절월(節鍼)과 납패(鎭牌)를 가지고 앞에서 인도하는 사람이, “말에서 내리시오”라며 소리치기에 신은 즉시 말에서 내렸습니다.

두 관인은 신을 불러 앞에 오게 하고 말하기를, “당신은 어떤 사람이오?”라고 하였습니다.

신이 미처 대답하기 전에 상관인(上官人)149 이 신으로 하여금 자기 손바닥에 쓰도록 했는데, 장중영(張仲英)이 재빨리 나타나 신의 성명과 함께 바람을 만나 표류되었다가 돌아가는 일을 상세히 진술하였습니다.

상관인은 신을 돌아보고, “당신 나라 사람들은 그대가 살아서 중국에 도착한 것을 이미 알고 있소” 운운하였습니다.

신은 감사하여 읍(__)하고 물러 나와 그 관인이 누구인가를 물으니 장중영이 말하기를,

“앞에 가신 분이 한림학사(翰林學士)5 동월(董越)이고, 뒤 에 가신 분이 급사중(給事中) 왕창(王敬)입니다. 지난 달 황제의 칙서(勅書)를 받들고 당신 나라에 가서 반포하고 지금 돌아오는 길입니다 5'라고 하였습니다.[9]

또 양가점(兩家店), 사류하포(沙流河鋪)를 지나서 영제역(永濟驛)에 이르렀습니다.

29th Day. Passing Yü-tien County and Meeting Imperial Envoys on the Road. This day was fair.

We passed K'ou-lun Stop and came to Ts’ai-t’ing Bridge, which spanned the Lan-shui River. Soon we came to Yü-t’ien County, entered the wall through Lan-t'ien Gate, and came to Lan-t'ien Transfer Station. Hsiao-ch'uan, Hsü-wu, and other mountains were twenty or thirty li to the northeast. The Yen Mountains were in the northwest, about twenty li from the wall. It is of them that it is said in Su Che's poem, “The Yen-shan are like a long snake,/ Separating Chinese from barbarians for a thousand li.”:29 I asked Chang Shu-tsu a question: “I have heard it said that this land was the land of Yu-pei-p’ing of Han. Where is the rock in which Li Kuang, shooting for a tiger, buried [the arrow] to the feathers ?”'30 Chang Shu-tsu said, “Thirty li northeast of here is Wu-chung Mountain, and at the bottom are the old site of Wu-chung-kuo and the ruins of the wall of Pei-p'ing. The wall was the place from which Li Kuang went out hunting and came upon a rock. On top of the mountain is also the tomb of Yen Chao Wang (traditionally r. 311 B.C.–279].” We then passed the banner gate of Filial Son Li Mao and went out the east gate of the wall, which was the Gate of Hsing-chou-tso-t’un Garrison. When we had gone about two li past Han-chia Village, we met two officials, who rode up in sedan-chairs. They had tallies and halberds and pewter shields. The scouts shouted, “Dismount!” I dismounted. The two officials called to me to come forward and said, “Who are you?” Before I had answered, the senior official ordered me to write in the palm of his hand. Chang Chung-ying came up quickly and issued a statement of my name and the circumstances of my meeting winds, going adrift, and returning. The senior official turned and said to me, “Your countrymen already know that you reached China alive.” I bowed in thanks and left. When I asked who the officials were, Chung-ying said, “The one in front is Tung Yüeh, Chancellor of the Hanlin Academy, and the second one is Wang Ch'ang, a Supervising Secretary. Last month they received orders from the Emperor to go to your country with gifts, and now they are returning.”31 We passed Liang-chia Stop and Sha-liu-ho Stop and came to Yung-chi Station.

4월 30일

三十日,過豐潤縣,是日陰,早發行至漢水,一名還鄉河,下流入梁河. 諺傅唐太宗征遼還時所名,又過登雲門,至豐潤縣城西門,門之重城內,有火神廟,入其城,過武安王廟、騰霄門、繡衣門,復出城東門,門之楣刻書‘興州前衛,門外有在城總鋪,鋪之東有東關遞運所,所有官員姓名田能也,鬚眉皓白,頗示款待之意,請藏吏鄭文宗,速討車輛,以送臣等,文宗啡然怒撥田能之巔,其大無官衙上下之節類如此,縣有鴉鵑、靈應二山在西北,陳宮山在北,崖兒口山在東北,馬頭、明月、腰帶三山在東,唯鴉鵑近城。臣等又過林城鋪,至義豐驛.

풍윤현(豐潤縣)[1][2]을 지났습니다.

이 날은 흐렸습니다.

일찍 출발하여 환향하(還鄕河)[3]라고도 하는 경수(硬水)에 이르렀는데 물길은 양하(梁河)로 흘러 들어갔습니다.[4]

전해오는 이야기로는, 당태종(唐太宗)152 이 요동을 정벌하고 돌아올 때에 지은 이름이라고 하였습니다.

또 등운문(登雲門)을 지나서 풍윤현성(豐潤縣城) 서문에 이르니 서문의 겹성의 안에 화신묘(火神廟)가 있었습니다.

그 성으로 들어가 무안왕묘(武安王廟)153, 등소문(騰門), 수의문(繡衣門)을 지나서 다시 성의 동문으로 나오니, 동문의 문미(門)154에는 '홍주전둔위(興州前屯衛)'라고 새겨 있었습니다.

동문 밖에 재성총포(在城總鋪)가 있고, 그 포의 동쪽에는 동관체운소(東關遞運所)가 있었습니다.

체운소에 있는 전능(田能)이라는 관원은 수염과 눈썹이 하얀 노인이었는데 자못 간곡히 대접하려는 뜻을 보이면서, 장타리(藏採吏)155 정문종(鄭文宗)을 꾸짖어 속히 수레를 준비하여 신 등을 보내게 하자 정문종은 발끈 성을 내며 전능의 수염을 뽑아 버렸습니다.

관아에서 상하의 예절같은 것이 전혀 없는 것이 이와 같은 정도였습니다.

풍윤현에는 아골산(__鴻山), 영응산(靈應山) 두 산이 서북쪽에 있고, 진궁산(陳宮山)이 북쪽에 있고, 애아구산(崖兒口山)[5]이 동북쪽에 있고, 마두산(馬頭山), 명월산(明月山), 요대산(腰帶山) 등이 동쪽에 있었는데, 아골산만이 성에 가까웠습니다.

신 등은 또 임성포(林城鋪)5%를 지나서 의풍역(義豐驛)에 이르렀습니다.

30th Day. Passing Feng-jun County. This day was cloudy.

[We went from the Keng River past Feng-jun County to I-feng Station.]

5월 1일



새벽에 난주(漢州) 지방에 이르렀습니다.

중국에서는 난주를 상(商) 나라의 고죽국(孤竹國)[1]이라 하고157, 우리나라 이첨(李詹)은 해주(海州)를 고죽국이라 하여 두 설이 다른데 어느 쪽이 옳은지 모르겠습니다.

또 철성포(鐵城鋪)159, 낭와포(狼窩鋪), 행아현(杏兒峴), 진자진(榛子鎭), 망우교점(忙牛橋店), 전자리포(伯子里鋪) 지나서 천안현(遷安縣) 지방의 신점체운소(新店遞運所)에 이르니, 그 동쪽이 칠가령역(侯家嶺驛)이었습니다.

그 역의 동북쪽 30리 밖으로 도산(都山), 망산(山), 단산(島山), 황대산(黃臺山), 용천산(龍泉山), 쇄갑산(西甲山) 등이 보였는데, 도산이 더욱 높고 험준하며 특히 수려하였습니다.

1st Day, Fifth Month. Cloudy. [We went from Luan-chou to Ch’ai-chia-ling Station.]

5월 2일


영평부성(永平府城)[1]의 남쪽에 이르렀습니다.

이 날은 맑았습니다.

사하(沙河)를 지나서 난하(漠河)[2]에 이르렀는데, 중간에 지난 곳으로 사와(沙窩), 색산(色山), 적봉(赤峯), 백불원(白佛院), 석제자(石梯子) 등의 포(鋪)가 있었습니다.

난하는 원류가 장성 이북의 개평(開平)으로부터 시작되었는데, 북방 여러 산의 물이 합류하여 하나가 되고 하류는 정류하(定流河)가 되어 바다로 들어갔습니다.

신 등은 배를 타고 건넌 뒤 다시 7-8리를 가서 또 칠하(漆河)를 건넜습니다.

칠하는 비여하(肥如河)와 합류하여 영평부성 서남쪽을 감아 돌아 난하로 흘러 들어갔기 때문에 호성하(護城河)라고도 불렀습니다.

백이(伯夷)·숙제(叔齊)[3]의 사당은 칠하의 언덕 위에 있었습니다. 2리를 가서 영은문(迎恩門)·세영문(世英門)·관영문(冠英門)·상의 문(尙義門) 등을 지나서 난하역(豫河驛)에 이르니, 난하역 북쪽 2리에 성이 있었습니다.

성 위에는 많은 누각이 죽 늘어서 있었으니 그중 하나가 망고루(望高樓)였습니다.

성안에는 영평부치(永平府治)와 노룡현(盧龍縣), 영평위(永平衛), 노룡위(盧龍衛), 동승좌위(東勝左衛)의 치소가 있었습니다.

부(府)는 곧 금(金)나라[4] 남경(南京)이고, 노룡이 옛날의 비자국(肥子國)으로서 이른바 노룡새외(盧龍塞外)란 곳입니다.

용산(龍山)·동산(洞山)·쌍자산(雙子山)·주왕산(周王山)·마안산(馬鞍山)·양산(陽山)·회산(灰山)·필가산(筆架山) 등 여러 산이 길게 잇달아 둘러싸고 있었으니, 또 하나의 절경이었습니다.

역 남쪽 언덕은 풍경이 좋았는데 그 위에 절이 있었습니다.

역승(驛丞) 백사경(白思敬)이, “이곳이 개원사(開元寺)입니다”라고 하였습니다.

그 때 금의위(錦衣衛)의 관인이 강도를 잡아 역 뒤에 있는 청사(廳舍)로 왔습니다.

2nd Day. Arriving South of the Wall of Yung-p’ing Prefecture. This day was fair.

[From the Sha and Luan rivers we came to Luan-ho Station, near the wall of Yung-p’ing Prefecture.] The wall was two li north of the station, and a line of towers was built on top of it. One was Koryo-Lookout [Wang-kao] Tower. Inside the wall were the prefectural capital, the seat of Lu-lung County, and the headquarters of Yung-p’ing Garrison, Lu-lung Garrison, and Tung-sheng Left Garrison. The prefecture had been a Nan-ching of Chin.32 Lu-lung had been old Fei-tzu-kuo and is the same Lu-lung that is often used to mean the land beyond the Wall. Lung, Tung, Shuang-tzu, Chou-wang, Ma-an, Yang, Hui, and Pi-chia mountains were there, linked one to the next and curving round in a natural barrier. South of the station a mound dominated the scenery, and on top of it was a Buddhist temple. Pai Ssu-ching, the Station Master, said “This is K’ai-yuan Temple.” At that time, an official of the Imperial Bodyguard, coming to arrest bandits, came to the office behind the station.

6월 1일


맑고 일식(日食)이 있었습니다.[1][2]

현득령(顯得嶺)·청석령(靑石嶺)을 넘었는데 두 영 사이에는 청석(靑石)이 길에 가득하였습니다.

또 첨수하아(括水河兒)를 지나서 서남쪽을 바라보니 높고 험준한 흑산(黑山)이 있었고, 상자동(豫子洞)에는 탑사(塔寺)가 있었습니다.

동남쪽으로 고령(高嶺)을 넘으니, 고개는 깎아지른 듯하고 바위는 꼬불꼬불하였습니다.

태자하(太子河)[3]를 지나서 연산관(連山關)에 이르니 관(關)을 지키는 천호 동문(董文)이 신과 오새·전복·방상(房祥)·장용(張勇)·심영(沈榮)을 맞이하여 밥을 지어 접대해 주었습니다.

전복·방상·장용·심영 및 왕승(王升)·마총(馬摠)·홍걸(洪傑)·오세(吳洗)·김청(金淸)·주단(周端) 등과 백호 30인, 군인 200여 인, 관부(館夫) 10인은 모두 요동총병관(遼東總兵官)의 명으로 신 등을 호송하는 사람들이었습니다.

연산하(連山河)를 거슬러 올라가서 저녁에 백가장(百家莊)의 민가에 투숙하였습니다.

1st Day, Sixth Month. Fair. An eclipse of the sun.50

[From Hsien-te Range we came to Lien-shan Pass.] Tung Wen, the Pass Chiliarch, invited me, Wu Hsi, T’ien Fu, Fang Hsiang, Chang Yung, and Shen Jung [to join him). He had food prepared and served to us. Fu, Hsiang, Yung, and Jung; and Wang Sheng, Ma Tsung, Hung Chieh, Wu Hsi, Chin Ch’ing, and Chou Tuan, with thirty centurions, over two hundred soldiers, and ten porters from the inn, were men who had been commissioned by the Regional Commander of Liao-tung to escort us. We went up the Lien-shan River and at sundown stopped at people's houses at Pai-chia Village.