"대한성공회 강화성당"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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(개관 / Overview)
(2명의 사용자에 의한 189개의 중간 편집이 숨겨짐)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
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|대표명칭 = 대한성공회 강화성당 (大韓聖公會 江華聖堂)  
|대표명칭 = 대한성공회 강화성당 (大韓聖公會 江華聖堂)  
11번째 줄: 14번째 줄:
|위도 = 37° 44′ 56″ N
|위도 = 37° 44′ 56″ N
|경도 = 126° 29′ 16″ E
|경도 = 126° 29′ 16″ E
|사진 = [[File:Ganghwa_Anglican_Church.jpg | thumb | 380px | Gangwha Cathedral ]]
|사진 = [[File:Ganghwa_Anglican_Church.jpg | thumb | 380px | 강화성당, Gangwha Cathedral]]
='''개관 / Overview'''=
<h1><strong>대한성고회 강화성당</strong></h1>
'''인천광역시 [http://www.ganghwa.go.kr/open_content/main/| 강화군] 강화읍 관청길에 있는 대한제국시대에 세워진 성공회 성당'''<br/>
<small>''Gangwha Cathedral of the Anglican Church of Korea, established during the Joseon Empire, located on Gwancheong road in [http://www.ganghwa.go.kr/open_content/english/| Gangwha county] of Incheon city.''
<h2><strong>大韓聖公會 江華聖堂</strong></h2>
<iframe width="400" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-n3_isVTXeM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
<h3>인천광역시 [http://www.ganghwa.go.kr/open_content/main/ | 강화군] 강화읍 관청길에 있는 대한제국시대에 세워진 성공회 성당<br>
- Gangwha Cathedral of the Anglican Church of Korea, established during the Joseon Empire, located on Gwancheong road in [http://www.ganghwa.go.kr/open_content/english/| Gangwha] county of Incheon city.
=='''한국어 / Korean'''==
<p>이 페이지는 [[대한성공회| 대한성공회]]의 강화성당의 역사, 건축 및 종교문화 자산에 중점을 둔다. 한국 건축과 성공회의 전통은 아름답게 디자인 된 [https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%95%9C%EC%98%A5| 한옥(韓屋)] 양식의 성당에서 함께 어우러진다. 강화성당은 [[강화도| 강화도]]의 산비탈에 자리 잡고 있는 성당이다. 강화도는 [[서울| 서울의 동쪽에 있는 [[인천광역시| 인천광역시]] 동쪽에 있는 [[인천국제공항|인천국제공항]] 동쪽에 있는 도규모 섬이다. 강화도는 한국의 '관문'이기 때문에 역사가 풍부한 과거이다. 19세기 끝으로 오래된 보호되었고 국경을 페쇄시켰던[[Hermit Nation |'Hermit Nation']]인 한국은 국경을 개방하였다.</p>
<p>1900년에 한국 성공회 책임을 맡은 [http://anglicanhistory.org/asia/kr/corfe1927/| 찰스 존 코프(Charles John Corfe, 한국명: 고요한)] 주교로 강화성당을 설립하였다. 강화성당은 두 문화가 조화를 이루면 얼마나 아름다움을 보여주는 예이다. 코프 주교는 1889년에 조선 최초의 주교로서 한국에 왔으며, 1900년까지 [[경기도| 경기도]]와 [[충청도| 충청도]]뿐만 아니라 인천, 서울에 몇 성당을 세웠다. 초기 영국 성공회 선교사들이 한국학 및 한국 문화와 영어 문화의 통합에서 큰 진보를 이루었다. 코프 주교는 1896년에 강화도에 있는 성공회에 침례를 받은 신자들을 기념하여 강화성당을 세웠다<ref>대한성공회 백년사</ref>.</p>
<p>Korean architecture and Anglican tradition blend together in this beautifully designed Han-ok style church. The Gangwha Cathedral
sits perched in the hills of Gangwha island. Gangwha Island is a large island located to the east of Incheon International Airport and is a part of Incheon city, which is located just east of Seoul. Gangwha is a rich historic past as it is the 'gateway' into Korea. Towards the end of the 19th century, Korea opened its borders after a lengthy time of being a closed and protected 'Hermit Nation'.</p>
          <p>한국 건축과 성공회의 전통은 아름답게 디자인 된 한옥 양식의 성당에서 함께 어우러진다. 강화성당은 강화도의 산비탈에 자리 잡고 있는 성당이다. 강화도는 서울의 동쪽에 있는 인천광역시 동쪽에 있는 인천국제공항 동쪽에 있는 도규모 섬이다. 강화도는 한국의 '관문'이기 때문에 역사가 풍부한 과거이다.19세기 끝으로 윌리엄 오래된 보호되었고 국경을 페쇄시켰던 'Hermit Nation'인 한국은 국경을 개방하였다.</p>
<p>This page focuses on the history, architecture, and religio-cultural assets of Gangwha Cathedral of the Anglican Church of Korea. Established in 1900 by Bishop Charles John Corfe, Gangwha Cathedral is a nominal example of how beautiful it can be when two cultures harmonize. Bishop Corfe first came to Korea in 1889 as the first diocesan bishop of Joseon and had already established a few Anglican churches in Incheon, Seoul, as well as in Gyeonggi and Chungcheong provinces. The early Anglican missionaries made large strides in Korean studies and integrating Korean and English cultures. Gangwha Cathedral is built in the traditional Korean architectural style of Han-ok.</p>
<p>Bishop Corfe established Gangwha Cathedral in memorial of those who were baptized into the Anglican Church on Gangwha Island in 1896.
<div class="floatleft" style="width: 200px">[[Image:ganghwa-island-historical-and-cultural-tour-from-seoul-activity.jpg|200px]]<br><small> 강화성당: 현재 남아있는 건물로는 제일 오래된 성당으로서 지방문화재로 지정되어 있다.<br/>Gangwha Cathedral: As the oldest standing cathedral in Korea today, the Gangwha Cathedral was designated as a cultural heritage site.<ref>대한성공회 백년사</ref></small></div>
=='''영어 / English'''==
<p>This page focuses on the history, architecture, and religio-cultural assets of Gangwha Cathedral of the [[Anglican Church of Korea |Anglican Church of Korea]]. Korean architecture and Anglican tradition blend together in this beautifully designed [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanok| Hanok(韓屋)] style church. The Gangwha Cathedral sits perched in the hills of [[Gangwha Island| Gangwha Island]]. Gangwha Island is a large island located to the east of Incheon International Airport and is a part of Incheon city, which is located just east of [[Seoul| Seoul]]. Gangwha has a rich historic past as it is the 'gateway' into Korea. Towards the end of the 19th century, Korea opened its borders after a lengthy time of being a closed and protected 'Hermit Nation'.</p>
<p>Established in 1900 by [http://anglicanhistory.org/asia/kr/corfe1927/| Bishop Charles John Corfe(Korean name: Go Yohan(고요한))], Gangwha Cathedral is an example of how beautiful it can be when two cultures harmonize. Bishop Corfe first came to Korea in 1889 as the first diocesan bishop of Joseon and, by 1900, had already established a few Anglican churches in Incheon, Seoul, as well as in [[Gyeonggi-do| Gyeonggi]] and [[Chungcheong-do| Chungcheong]] provinces. The early Anglican missionaries made large strides in Korean studies and integrating Korean and English cultures.<br/> Bishop Corfe established Gangwha Cathedral in memorial of those who were baptized into the Anglican Church on Gangwha Island in 1896.</p>
Эта страница посвящена истории, архитектуре и религиозным культурным ценностям англиканской церкви острова Ганхва. Корейская архитектура и англиканская традиция смешаны в красиво оформленном соборе в стиле ханок. Собор Ганхва - это собор, расположенный на горе острова Ганхва. Остров Гангхва - масштабный остров, который находится на востоке города Инчон. Поскольку остров Ганхва представляет собой своего рода ворота в Корею, история его отличается особой насыщенностью.
Церковь основал 1900 году епископ Чарльз Джон Корф(корейское имя Ко Ё-Хан), который тот момент руководил епископальной церковью Кореи. Собор Ганхва является примером того, как прекрасны две культуры в гармонии. Епископ Коф приехал в Корею как первый епископ Кореи в 1889 году и построил несколько церквей в Инчхоне и Сеуле, а также в провинциях Кёнги и Чхунчхон до 1900 года. Ранние английские англиканские миссионеры добились больших успехов в интеграции корееведения и корейской культуры и английской культуры. В 1896 году епископ Кофф основал собор Ганхва в память о верующих, которые были крещены в англиканской церкви на острове Ганхва.
=='''지도 / Map'''==
<iframe width="700" height="500" src="http://digerati.aks.ac.kr/VR/xsl6/navermap.htm?lati=37.748852&longi=126.486320" frameborder="5" ></iframe>
<googlemap  width="700" height="500" lat="37.748852" lon="126.486320" type="normal" zoom="10" icon="http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/marker.png">
37.748852,  126.486320, [[강화성당]]</googlemap>
='''해설 / Commentary'''=
=='''역사 / History'''==
==='''성공회 / The Anglican Church'''<ref>http://anglican.org/church/ChurchHistory.html</ref>===
<iframe width="400" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8oa2Po4Lw60" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>  <iframe width="400" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XC3-9a0e3jc" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
<p>The name "Anglican" means "of England", but the Anglican church exists worldwide. It began in the sixth century in [[England| England]], when [[Pope Gregory the Great| Pope Gregory the Great]] sent [[St. Augustine| St. Augustine]] to Britain to bring a more disciplined [[Apostolic succession| Apostolic succession]] to the [[Celtic Christians| Celtic Christians]]. The Anglican Church evolved as part of the Roman church, but the Celtic influence was folded back into the Roman portion of the church in many ways, perhaps most notably by Charlemagne's tutor Aidan. The Anglican church was spread worldwide first by English colonization and then by English-speaking missionaries.</p>
<p>The Anglican church, although it has apostolic succession, is separate from the Roman church. The history of Christianity has produced numerous notable separations. In 1054 came the first major split from Roman administration of the church, when the Eastern Orthodox church and the Roman split apart.</p>
<p>The conflict of authority in England between church and state certainly dates back to the arrival of Augustine, and has simmered for many centuries. The murder of [[Thomas Becket| Thomas Becket]] was one of the more famous episodes of this conflict. The [[Magna Carta| Magna Carta]], signed by King John in 1215, contains 63 points; the very first point is a declaration that the English church is independent of its government..</p>
<strong>Discontent with Roman administration of the church.</strong>
<p>The beginning of the sixteenth century showed significant discontent with the Roman church. [[Martin Luther| Martin Luther]]'s famous 95 Theses were nailed to the door of the church in Wittenburg in 1517, and news of this challenge had certainly reached England when, 20 years later, the Anglican branch of the church formally challenged the authority of Rome. Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries and abbeys in 1536.</p>
<p>There is a public perception, especially in the United States, that Henry VIII created the Anglican church in anger over the Pope's refusal to grant his divorce, but the historical record indicates that Henry spent most of his reign challenging the authority of Rome, and that the divorce issue was just one of a series of acts that collectively split the English church from the Roman church in much the same way that the Orthodox church had split off five hundred years before.</p>
<strong>Defining the new church</strong>
<p>The newly-separated Anglican church was given some formal structure in 1562 during the reign of [[Elizabeth I| Elizabeth I]]. That structure is not a management process or governing organization. What binds us together is not common administration but shared tradition and shared belief. Our belief is written down in the Holy Bible and the Articles of Religion; their tradition is in part embodied in our Book of Common Prayer. The first Book of Common Prayer was produced in 1549. In it the Latin liturgy was radically simplified and translated into English, and for the first time a single 'use' was enforced throughout England. It has been revised numerous times since then, the most significant revision being the first, in 1552. All revisions since then, before the modern era, were very conservative revisions. The 1662 English Book of Common Prayer forms the historical basis for most Anglican liturgy around the world. While several countries have their own prayer books, all borrow heavily from the English tradition rooted in Cranmer's original work.</p>
<strong>Further Information</strong>
<p>Church history has been an important part of the cultural history of every nation, and through the centuries thousands of books have been written about it. Every library and every encyclopedia will cover it to some degree. An informative online starting point for learning more about the history of the Anglican Church is [http://justus.anglican.org/resources/timeline/| The Anglican Timeline], produced by the American physician Ed Friedlander, MD. It lists several hundred notable events in the history of the Anglican church, with large numbers of links to reference materials and primary sources.</p>
==[https://www.skh.or.kr/|'''대한성공회 / The Anglican Church of Korea''']==
<iframe width="400" height="200"src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/an2h2_xxmQY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>  <iframe width="400" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Oz10r3BlduQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
<p>대한성공회(大韓聖公會, 영어: Anglican Church of Korea)는 대한민국의 독립된 성공회 교회이다. 1993년 세계성공회공동체에 속하는 정식 관구(Province) 로 독립된 성공회 교회가 되었다. 세계교회협의회(WCC)와 세계 성공회 공동체(Anglican Communion)의 일원으로 국제적으로는 세계성공회 사무국(Anglican Communion Office), 세계 각 지역의 관구(Province), 국내적으로는 한국기독교교회협의회(NCCK)에 가입되어 있으며, CBS(기독교방송), 대한성서공회, 대한기독교서회 등과 협력 중이다.<ref>https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%8C%80%ED%95%9C%EC%84%B1%EA%B3%B5%ED%9A%8C</ref></p>
===[https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EA%B0%95%ED%99%94%EB%8F%84| '''강화도'''], '''선교사와 한국민족 /''' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganghwa_Island| '''Gangwhado'''], '''The Missionaries and the Korean People'''===
<html><iframe width="400" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/N8W1Dx6HeFE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
=='''건축 / Architecture'''==
==='''한옥 / Hanok'''===
<html><iframe width="400" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/r5yuurtRiJw" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
<p>한옥(韓屋)은 전통 한국 건축 양식을 사용한 재래식 집을 말한다. 조선집(朝鮮―)이라고도 한다. 현대식으로 지은 집은 '양옥'이라고 한다. 뒤로는 산을 등지고, 앞으로는 물을 마주하며 남쪽으로 짓는 것을 이상적으로 보는 옛 조선의 특징인 배산임수(背山臨水)의 원칙을 지키는 것이 보통이다. 그러나 산의 모양이나 물의 모양에 따라 세부적으로 조율하는데, 이는 건축주의 사주팔자나 직업, 지병 등에 따라 건축가가 임의로 조정하기도 한다. 또, 한옥은 바람의 통로와 물의 위치, 산과 평야와의 거리와 방향, 즉 풍수지리 이론에 근거하며 집의 목적과 거주자의 성향에 따라 매우 다르게 짓는 건축물이기도 하다. 온돌로 방바닥을 데워 추운 겨울을 나고, 마루가 있어 여름을 시원하게 보낼 수 있다. 한국의 전통 건축양식은 다양한 왕조를 거치며 변모해 왔는데 현재 가장 많이 선호되는 양식은 조선왕조의 양식을 주로 따르며, 부분적으로 남북국 시대의 양식이라 보이는 구조와 요소들이 반영되어 있다.<ref>https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%95%9C%EC%98%A5</ref></p>
<p>A '''hanok''' (한옥, 韓屋) is traditional Korea house. Hanoks were first designed and built in the 14th century during the Joseon Dynasty. Korean architecture considers the positioning of the house in relation to its surroundings, with thought given to the land and seasons. The interior of the house is also planned accordingly. This principle is called ''baesanimsu'' ([[Hangul | Hangul]]<nowiki/>: 배산임수; [[Hanja]]: 背山臨水), meaning that the ideal house is built with a mountain in the back and a river in the front. Hanok shapes differ by region. In the cold northern regions of Korea, hanoks are built in a square with a courtyard in the middle in order to retain heat better. In the south, hanoks are more open and L-shaped.<ref>https://books.google.com/books?id=fG3oBAAAQBAJ</ref></p>
===[http://mentalfloss.com/article/538374/whats-difference-between-church-cathedral-and-basilica | '''성당과 교회 차이가 무엇인가? / What is the difference between a cathedral and a church?''']===
<iframe width="400" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QoD9eLjJr4E" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
<p>A church is a "house of worship," a building in which Christians gather to perform the rituals of their religion and interact with one another and hold religious functions and so on. They can be very plain, very simple.</p>
<p>A cathedral is a church which is also the "seat," in the bureaucratic sense more than the literal sense, of a bishop (or, in some denominations, another comparably high-ranking ecclesiastical figure). You therefore ordinarily see just one cathedral per denomination per city. Because bishops are responsible for an area—in Catholicism a diocese—a cathedral can also be thought of as the church associated with the administration of an area.</p>
<p>In common usage, people call really big churches cathedrals pretty often, but this is imprecise and technically mistaken.</p>
===[https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%B0%94%EC%8B%A4%EB%A6%AC%EC%B9%B4| '''바실리카 /'''] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica| '''Basilica''']===
<html><iframe width="400" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/awQfcomlbXo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
<p>A basilica was originally a Roman building featuring certain architectural elements that supported its use as a public, open facility for business, trading, etc. These typically—but not always—included colonnades, naves, and aisles, not unlike a modern pedestrian mall.<ref>http://mentalfloss.com/article/538374/whats-difference-between-church-cathedral-and-basilica</ref></p>
<p>'''바실리카'''(Basilica)는 원래 [[고대 로마]]인들의 공공건물([[고대 그리스]]의 경우에는 주로 [[재판정|법정]]을 칭함)을 칭하는 데 사용한 [[라틴어]]로 대개 고대 로마 마을의 [[포룸]]에 있었다. 고대 그리스 도시들의 경우, 공공 바실리카는 기원전 2세기에 출현한 것으로 보인다.</p>
<p>바실리카는 또한 종교적 용도로도 사용되었다. 1915년 [[포르타 마조레]] 근처에서 1세기 것으로 인정되는 지하의 거대한 [[신피타고라스주의]]적 바실리카 유적지가 발견되었다. 바실리카 내부의 둥근 천장에 발라진 치장 벽토는 살아남아 있는데, 이것에 대한 해석은 서로 다른 의견이 많아 논쟁 중이다. 4세기 기독교 바실리카의 평면도는 세 개의 [[중랑 (건축)|중랑]](中廊)과 한 개의 [[후진 (건축)|후진]](後陣)이 있는 구조인 이 신피타고라스주의적 바실리카의 평면도와 유사하다.</p>
<p>[[로마 제국]]이 [[기독교]]를 공인한 이후, 바실리카라는 용어는 역사적으로 유서가 깊고 규모가 크며 [[교황]]이 특별한 전례 의식을 거행하는 성당을 가리키는 것으로 의미가 확장되었다. 따라서 현재 바실리카에는 두 가지 뜻이 있게 되었는데, 하나는 고대 건축의 문맥에서 공공건물을 가리키는 것이고 다른 하나는 기독교 건축의 문맥에서 대규모의 유서 깊은 성당을 가리키는 것이다.</p>
<p>The [[Latin]] word '''''basilica''''' (derived from Stoa Basileios|βασιλική στοά, Royal ''[[Stoa]]'', the [[tribunal|tribunal chamber]] of a king) has three distinct applications in modern English. Originally, the word was used to refer to an [[ancient Roman architecture|ancient Roman]] public building, where courts were held, as well as serving other official and public functions. It usually had the door at one end and a slightly raised platform and an [[apse]] at the other, where the magistrate or other officials were seated.  The basilica was centrally located in every Roman town, usually adjacent to the main [[Forum (Roman)|forum]]. Subsequently, the basilica was not built near a forum but adjacent to a palace and was known as a "palace basilica".</p>
<p>As the [[Roman Empire]] adopted Christianity, the major church buildings were typically constructed with this basic architectural plan and thus it became popular throughout Europe.  It continues to be used in an architectural sense to describe rectangular buildings with a central [[nave]] and [[Aisle#Church architecture|aisle]]s, and usually a raised platform at the opposite end from the door.  In Europe and the Americas the basilica remained the most common architectural style for churches of all Christian denominations, though this building plan has become less dominant in new buildings since the latter 20th century.</p>
<p>Thirdly, the term refers specifically to an official designation: a large and important Catholic church that has been given special ceremonial rights by the [[Pope]], whatever its architectural plan. These are divided into four [[major basilica]]s, all of which are ancient churches located within Rome, and, as of 2017, 1,757 [[minor basilica]]s around the world.<ref>http://www.gcatholic.org/churches/bas.htm</ref></p>
<p>Some Catholic basilicas are pilgrimage sites, receiving tens of millions of visitors per year. In December 2009 the [[Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe]] set a new record with 6.1 million pilgrims during Friday and Saturday for the anniversary of Our Lady of Guadalupe.</p>
==='''조화 아님 혼합? / Harmonization or Syncretism?'''===
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<p>교회의 내부는 로마의 [[바실리카]] 양식으로, 외관은 불교사찰의 형태를 따랐다. 강화읍 성당은 입구 계단, 외삼문과 내삼문, 성당 건물, [[사제]]관으로 이루어져 있다. 외삼문은 솟을대문에 팔작지붕으로, 현판에는 성공회강화성당(聖公會江華聖堂)이라는 글이 한문으로 쓰여져 있다. 동쪽에 초대 사제의 묘비가 서 있다. 내삼문은 평대문에 팔작지붕으로, 서쪽 칸은 종각으로 쓰여 [[감사성찬례]]때 사용하는 종이 걸려있다. 성당의 현판에는 천주성전(天主聖殿)이라는 글이 한문으로 써져있고 팔작지붕과 돌로 되어 있는 십자가가 세워져 있다. 그 내외부는 서양식 장식이 거의 없는 전형적인 한옥의 형식을 따르고 있다. 정면 4칸, 측면 10칸의 바실리카식 평면구성으로, 내부공간은 교회기능에 충실하도록 연출하였다. 초기 성공회선교사들의 [[토착화]] 의지가 나타나 있는 성당건물이다.<ref>https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%8C%80%ED%95%9C%EC%84%B1%EA%B3%B5%ED%9A%8C_%EA%B0%95%ED%99%94%EC%84%B1%EB%8B%B9</ref></p>
=='''종교문화 / Religion and Culture'''==
==='''영국 국교회주의 / Anglicanism'''===
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==='''1900년대 대한제국의 종교지리 / The Religious Geography of the Joseon Empire in 1900'''===
====[[강화도의 종교| '''강화도의 종교 / The Religion of Gangwha Island''']]====
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=='''가상현실 / Virtual Tour'''==
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2019년 6월 18일 (화) 15:15 기준 최신판

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개관 / Overview

인천광역시 강화군 강화읍 관청길에 있는 대한제국시대에 세워진 성공회 성당
Gangwha Cathedral of the Anglican Church of Korea, established during the Joseon Empire, located on Gwancheong road in Gangwha county of Incheon city.

한국어 / Korean

이 페이지는 대한성공회의 강화성당의 역사, 건축 및 종교문화 자산에 중점을 둔다. 한국 건축과 성공회의 전통은 아름답게 디자인 된 한옥(韓屋) 양식의 성당에서 함께 어우러진다. 강화성당은 강화도의 산비탈에 자리 잡고 있는 성당이다. 강화도는 [[서울| 서울의 동쪽에 있는 인천광역시 동쪽에 있는 인천국제공항 동쪽에 있는 도규모 섬이다. 강화도는 한국의 '관문'이기 때문에 역사가 풍부한 과거이다. 19세기 끝으로 오래된 보호되었고 국경을 페쇄시켰던'Hermit Nation'인 한국은 국경을 개방하였다.

1900년에 한국 성공회 책임을 맡은 찰스 존 코프(Charles John Corfe, 한국명: 고요한) 주교로 강화성당을 설립하였다. 강화성당은 두 문화가 조화를 이루면 얼마나 아름다움을 보여주는 예이다. 코프 주교는 1889년에 조선 최초의 주교로서 한국에 왔으며, 1900년까지 경기도 충청도뿐만 아니라 인천, 서울에 몇 성당을 세웠다. 초기 영국 성공회 선교사들이 한국학 및 한국 문화와 영어 문화의 통합에서 큰 진보를 이루었다. 코프 주교는 1896년에 강화도에 있는 성공회에 침례를 받은 신자들을 기념하여 강화성당을 세웠다[1].

강화성당: 현재 남아있는 건물로는 제일 오래된 성당으로서 지방문화재로 지정되어 있다.
Gangwha Cathedral: As the oldest standing cathedral in Korea today, the Gangwha Cathedral was designated as a cultural heritage site.[2]

영어 / English

This page focuses on the history, architecture, and religio-cultural assets of Gangwha Cathedral of the Anglican Church of Korea. Korean architecture and Anglican tradition blend together in this beautifully designed Hanok(韓屋) style church. The Gangwha Cathedral sits perched in the hills of Gangwha Island. Gangwha Island is a large island located to the east of Incheon International Airport and is a part of Incheon city, which is located just east of Seoul. Gangwha has a rich historic past as it is the 'gateway' into Korea. Towards the end of the 19th century, Korea opened its borders after a lengthy time of being a closed and protected 'Hermit Nation'.

Established in 1900 by Bishop Charles John Corfe(Korean name: Go Yohan(고요한)), Gangwha Cathedral is an example of how beautiful it can be when two cultures harmonize. Bishop Corfe first came to Korea in 1889 as the first diocesan bishop of Joseon and, by 1900, had already established a few Anglican churches in Incheon, Seoul, as well as in Gyeonggi and Chungcheong provinces. The early Anglican missionaries made large strides in Korean studies and integrating Korean and English cultures.
Bishop Corfe established Gangwha Cathedral in memorial of those who were baptized into the Anglican Church on Gangwha Island in 1896.


Эта страница посвящена истории, архитектуре и религиозным культурным ценностям англиканской церкви острова Ганхва. Корейская архитектура и англиканская традиция смешаны в красиво оформленном соборе в стиле ханок. Собор Ганхва - это собор, расположенный на горе острова Ганхва. Остров Гангхва - масштабный остров, который находится на востоке города Инчон. Поскольку остров Ганхва представляет собой своего рода ворота в Корею, история его отличается особой насыщенностью.

Церковь основал 1900 году епископ Чарльз Джон Корф(корейское имя Ко Ё-Хан), который тот момент руководил епископальной церковью Кореи. Собор Ганхва является примером того, как прекрасны две культуры в гармонии. Епископ Коф приехал в Корею как первый епископ Кореи в 1889 году и построил несколько церквей в Инчхоне и Сеуле, а также в провинциях Кёнги и Чхунчхон до 1900 года. Ранние английские англиканские миссионеры добились больших успехов в интеграции корееведения и корейской культуры и английской культуры. В 1896 году епископ Кофф основал собор Ганхва в память о верующих, которые были крещены в англиканской церкви на острове Ганхва.

지도 / Map

해설 / Commentary

역사 / History

성공회 / The Anglican Church[3]

The name "Anglican" means "of England", but the Anglican church exists worldwide. It began in the sixth century in England, when Pope Gregory the Great sent St. Augustine to Britain to bring a more disciplined Apostolic succession to the Celtic Christians. The Anglican Church evolved as part of the Roman church, but the Celtic influence was folded back into the Roman portion of the church in many ways, perhaps most notably by Charlemagne's tutor Aidan. The Anglican church was spread worldwide first by English colonization and then by English-speaking missionaries.

The Anglican church, although it has apostolic succession, is separate from the Roman church. The history of Christianity has produced numerous notable separations. In 1054 came the first major split from Roman administration of the church, when the Eastern Orthodox church and the Roman split apart.

The conflict of authority in England between church and state certainly dates back to the arrival of Augustine, and has simmered for many centuries. The murder of Thomas Becket was one of the more famous episodes of this conflict. The Magna Carta, signed by King John in 1215, contains 63 points; the very first point is a declaration that the English church is independent of its government..

Discontent with Roman administration of the church.

The beginning of the sixteenth century showed significant discontent with the Roman church. Martin Luther's famous 95 Theses were nailed to the door of the church in Wittenburg in 1517, and news of this challenge had certainly reached England when, 20 years later, the Anglican branch of the church formally challenged the authority of Rome. Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries and abbeys in 1536.

There is a public perception, especially in the United States, that Henry VIII created the Anglican church in anger over the Pope's refusal to grant his divorce, but the historical record indicates that Henry spent most of his reign challenging the authority of Rome, and that the divorce issue was just one of a series of acts that collectively split the English church from the Roman church in much the same way that the Orthodox church had split off five hundred years before.

Defining the new church

The newly-separated Anglican church was given some formal structure in 1562 during the reign of Elizabeth I. That structure is not a management process or governing organization. What binds us together is not common administration but shared tradition and shared belief. Our belief is written down in the Holy Bible and the Articles of Religion; their tradition is in part embodied in our Book of Common Prayer. The first Book of Common Prayer was produced in 1549. In it the Latin liturgy was radically simplified and translated into English, and for the first time a single 'use' was enforced throughout England. It has been revised numerous times since then, the most significant revision being the first, in 1552. All revisions since then, before the modern era, were very conservative revisions. The 1662 English Book of Common Prayer forms the historical basis for most Anglican liturgy around the world. While several countries have their own prayer books, all borrow heavily from the English tradition rooted in Cranmer's original work.

Further Information

Church history has been an important part of the cultural history of every nation, and through the centuries thousands of books have been written about it. Every library and every encyclopedia will cover it to some degree. An informative online starting point for learning more about the history of the Anglican Church is The Anglican Timeline, produced by the American physician Ed Friedlander, MD. It lists several hundred notable events in the history of the Anglican church, with large numbers of links to reference materials and primary sources.

대한성공회 / The Anglican Church of Korea

대한성공회(大韓聖公會, 영어: Anglican Church of Korea)는 대한민국의 독립된 성공회 교회이다. 1993년 세계성공회공동체에 속하는 정식 관구(Province) 로 독립된 성공회 교회가 되었다. 세계교회협의회(WCC)와 세계 성공회 공동체(Anglican Communion)의 일원으로 국제적으로는 세계성공회 사무국(Anglican Communion Office), 세계 각 지역의 관구(Province), 국내적으로는 한국기독교교회협의회(NCCK)에 가입되어 있으며, CBS(기독교방송), 대한성서공회, 대한기독교서회 등과 협력 중이다.[4]

강화도, 선교사와 한국민족 / Gangwhado, The Missionaries and the Korean People

건축 / Architecture

한옥 / Hanok

한옥(韓屋)은 전통 한국 건축 양식을 사용한 재래식 집을 말한다. 조선집(朝鮮―)이라고도 한다. 현대식으로 지은 집은 '양옥'이라고 한다. 뒤로는 산을 등지고, 앞으로는 물을 마주하며 남쪽으로 짓는 것을 이상적으로 보는 옛 조선의 특징인 배산임수(背山臨水)의 원칙을 지키는 것이 보통이다. 그러나 산의 모양이나 물의 모양에 따라 세부적으로 조율하는데, 이는 건축주의 사주팔자나 직업, 지병 등에 따라 건축가가 임의로 조정하기도 한다. 또, 한옥은 바람의 통로와 물의 위치, 산과 평야와의 거리와 방향, 즉 풍수지리 이론에 근거하며 집의 목적과 거주자의 성향에 따라 매우 다르게 짓는 건축물이기도 하다. 온돌로 방바닥을 데워 추운 겨울을 나고, 마루가 있어 여름을 시원하게 보낼 수 있다. 한국의 전통 건축양식은 다양한 왕조를 거치며 변모해 왔는데 현재 가장 많이 선호되는 양식은 조선왕조의 양식을 주로 따르며, 부분적으로 남북국 시대의 양식이라 보이는 구조와 요소들이 반영되어 있다.[5]

A hanok (한옥, 韓屋) is traditional Korea house. Hanoks were first designed and built in the 14th century during the Joseon Dynasty. Korean architecture considers the positioning of the house in relation to its surroundings, with thought given to the land and seasons. The interior of the house is also planned accordingly. This principle is called baesanimsu ( Hangul: 배산임수; Hanja: 背山臨水), meaning that the ideal house is built with a mountain in the back and a river in the front. Hanok shapes differ by region. In the cold northern regions of Korea, hanoks are built in a square with a courtyard in the middle in order to retain heat better. In the south, hanoks are more open and L-shaped.[6]

| 성당과 교회 차이가 무엇인가? / What is the difference between a cathedral and a church?

A church is a "house of worship," a building in which Christians gather to perform the rituals of their religion and interact with one another and hold religious functions and so on. They can be very plain, very simple.

A cathedral is a church which is also the "seat," in the bureaucratic sense more than the literal sense, of a bishop (or, in some denominations, another comparably high-ranking ecclesiastical figure). You therefore ordinarily see just one cathedral per denomination per city. Because bishops are responsible for an area—in Catholicism a diocese—a cathedral can also be thought of as the church associated with the administration of an area.

In common usage, people call really big churches cathedrals pretty often, but this is imprecise and technically mistaken.

바실리카 / Basilica

A basilica was originally a Roman building featuring certain architectural elements that supported its use as a public, open facility for business, trading, etc. These typically—but not always—included colonnades, naves, and aisles, not unlike a modern pedestrian mall.[7]

바실리카(Basilica)는 원래 고대 로마인들의 공공건물(고대 그리스의 경우에는 주로 법정을 칭함)을 칭하는 데 사용한 라틴어로 대개 고대 로마 마을의 포룸에 있었다. 고대 그리스 도시들의 경우, 공공 바실리카는 기원전 2세기에 출현한 것으로 보인다.

바실리카는 또한 종교적 용도로도 사용되었다. 1915년 포르타 마조레 근처에서 1세기 것으로 인정되는 지하의 거대한 신피타고라스주의적 바실리카 유적지가 발견되었다. 바실리카 내부의 둥근 천장에 발라진 치장 벽토는 살아남아 있는데, 이것에 대한 해석은 서로 다른 의견이 많아 논쟁 중이다. 4세기 기독교 바실리카의 평면도는 세 개의 중랑(中廊)과 한 개의 후진(後陣)이 있는 구조인 이 신피타고라스주의적 바실리카의 평면도와 유사하다.

로마 제국기독교를 공인한 이후, 바실리카라는 용어는 역사적으로 유서가 깊고 규모가 크며 교황이 특별한 전례 의식을 거행하는 성당을 가리키는 것으로 의미가 확장되었다. 따라서 현재 바실리카에는 두 가지 뜻이 있게 되었는데, 하나는 고대 건축의 문맥에서 공공건물을 가리키는 것이고 다른 하나는 기독교 건축의 문맥에서 대규모의 유서 깊은 성당을 가리키는 것이다.

The Latin word basilica (derived from Stoa Basileios|βασιλική στοά, Royal Stoa, the tribunal chamber of a king) has three distinct applications in modern English. Originally, the word was used to refer to an ancient Roman public building, where courts were held, as well as serving other official and public functions. It usually had the door at one end and a slightly raised platform and an apse at the other, where the magistrate or other officials were seated. The basilica was centrally located in every Roman town, usually adjacent to the main forum. Subsequently, the basilica was not built near a forum but adjacent to a palace and was known as a "palace basilica".

As the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, the major church buildings were typically constructed with this basic architectural plan and thus it became popular throughout Europe. It continues to be used in an architectural sense to describe rectangular buildings with a central nave and aisles, and usually a raised platform at the opposite end from the door. In Europe and the Americas the basilica remained the most common architectural style for churches of all Christian denominations, though this building plan has become less dominant in new buildings since the latter 20th century.

Thirdly, the term refers specifically to an official designation: a large and important Catholic church that has been given special ceremonial rights by the Pope, whatever its architectural plan. These are divided into four major basilicas, all of which are ancient churches located within Rome, and, as of 2017, 1,757 minor basilicas around the world.[8]

Some Catholic basilicas are pilgrimage sites, receiving tens of millions of visitors per year. In December 2009 the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe set a new record with 6.1 million pilgrims during Friday and Saturday for the anniversary of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

조화 아님 혼합? / Harmonization or Syncretism?

교회의 내부는 로마의 바실리카 양식으로, 외관은 불교사찰의 형태를 따랐다. 강화읍 성당은 입구 계단, 외삼문과 내삼문, 성당 건물, 사제관으로 이루어져 있다. 외삼문은 솟을대문에 팔작지붕으로, 현판에는 성공회강화성당(聖公會江華聖堂)이라는 글이 한문으로 쓰여져 있다. 동쪽에 초대 사제의 묘비가 서 있다. 내삼문은 평대문에 팔작지붕으로, 서쪽 칸은 종각으로 쓰여 감사성찬례때 사용하는 종이 걸려있다. 성당의 현판에는 천주성전(天主聖殿)이라는 글이 한문으로 써져있고 팔작지붕과 돌로 되어 있는 십자가가 세워져 있다. 그 내외부는 서양식 장식이 거의 없는 전형적인 한옥의 형식을 따르고 있다. 정면 4칸, 측면 10칸의 바실리카식 평면구성으로, 내부공간은 교회기능에 충실하도록 연출하였다. 초기 성공회선교사들의 토착화 의지가 나타나 있는 성당건물이다.[9]

종교문화 / Religion and Culture

영국 국교회주의 / Anglicanism

1900년대 대한제국의 종교지리 / The Religious Geography of the Joseon Empire in 1900

강화도의 종교 / The Religion of Gangwha Island

시각자료 / Visual Materials

사진 / Pictures

영상 / Video

가상현실 / Virtual Tour

출처 / Sources

  1. 대한성공회 백년사
  2. 대한성공회 백년사
  3. http://anglican.org/church/ChurchHistory.html
  4. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%8C%80%ED%95%9C%EC%84%B1%EA%B3%B5%ED%9A%8C
  5. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%95%9C%EC%98%A5
  6. https://books.google.com/books?id=fG3oBAAAQBAJ
  7. http://mentalfloss.com/article/538374/whats-difference-between-church-cathedral-and-basilica
  8. http://www.gcatholic.org/churches/bas.htm
  9. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%8C%80%ED%95%9C%EC%84%B1%EA%B3%B5%ED%9A%8C_%EA%B0%95%ED%99%94%EC%84%B1%EB%8B%B9

기여 / Contributors

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