"2018 GGHS Team 9"의 두 판 사이의 차이

DH 교육용 위키
이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(2018 GGHS 9Team Members)
36번째 줄: 36번째 줄:
벽란도는 고려시대의 동아시아의 국제무역항으로 황해도 예성강 하류에 있다. 원래는 중국 송나라 사람들이 예성강 어귀의 강을 부르던 명칭으로 예성항이라고 불렀으나  중국의 송나라
상인뿐만 아니라 일본을 비롯하여 멀리 남양지방 서역지방의 해상들까지 자주 드나들며 교역을 하였던 곳이다. 특히 이 때 아라비아상인과 교류를 하면서 ‘korea’라는 명칭이 만들어졌다. 국제적인 교역뿐만 아니라 외국으로 나가거나 국내로 들어오기 위하여서는 반드시 거쳐야 하는 고려의 관문적 역할을 하던 곳이기도 하였다. 고려 시대에 들어와 국도가 개성으로 정하여지고 도로망이 정비됨에 따라 벽란도의 중요성은 증가되었다. 더욱이 국제항으로서 개항된 것은 벽란도의 중요성을 한층 높여준 것이었다. 또한 벽란도 내부에 있는 벽란정은 벼슬을 대접하기도 하였다. 고려에서는 주로 귀족이나 왕족의 물품을 수입하였는데 그 자료로는 『고려의 예로부터 전해 오는 유서에, 매양 사신이 이르게 되면 사람들이 모여 큰 저자를 이루고 온갖 물품과 재화를 나열하는데, 붉고 검은 비단은 모두 화려하고 좋도록 하려고 힘쓴다. 그러나 금과 은으로 만든 그릇은 모두 왕부의 것을 때에 맞추어 진열한 것이지 실제로 그 풍속이 그런 것은 아니다. 관청이나 대관 때의 심부름꾼들은 이런 것을 볼 수 있었는데, 지금은 그렇지 않다.
대개 그 풍속이 사람이 살면서 장사하는 가옥은 없고 오직 한낮에 시장을 벌여
남녀, 노소, 관리 등 재치 있는 기술자들이 각기 자기가 가진 것으로써 교역하고, 돈을 사용하지 않는다.』
고 적혀져있다.
Byeorun-do  is located in the lower Yeosong River in Hwanghae Province as an international trade port in East Asia during the Goryeo period.
Originally, Chinese Song people were called "Yesung Hang" because they used to call the river at the mouth of the Yesung River, but they often went to the sea not only for Chinese Song merchants but also for trade with Japan.
Especially at this time, the name "korea" was created while interacting with Arabian merchants.
It was not only an international trade, but it was also a barrier to Goryeo that had to go through in order to go abroad. In the Goryeo Dynasty, the National Roads were designated as Kaesong. As the road network was fixed, the importance of Byk-rulan-do increased. Furthermore, the opening of the port as an international port added to the importance of Byrulan-do. Also, Byeolanjeong, located inside Byeokran-do, served as a government official.In the Goryeo Dynasty, the National Roads were designated as Kaesong. As the road network was fixed, the importance of Byk-rulan-do increased.
Furthermore, the opening of the port as an international port added to the importance of Byrulan-do. Also, Byeolanjeong, located inside Byeokran-do, served as a government official.Goryeo mainly imported items from the nobility and royal families.It says, In a note handed down from the Goryeo Dynasty, people would gather together to make a great author and list all kinds of articles and goods. All the gold and silver vessels, however, were timely displays, not the custom. These were things that government or great office messengers could see, but not now. Usually, the custom is that there are no houses where people live and sell, but they open a market in the middle of the day. Smart engineers such as men and women, young people, and management trade and do not spend money on what they have.
==Exports and Imports==
==Exports and Imports==
<big><big>Goryeo Exports</big><big></big></big><big></big>  
<big><big>Goryeo Exports</big><big></big></big><big></big>  

2018년 7월 26일 (목) 11:16 판


Management in Goryeo Dynasty, The stage of the Gaeseong merchant - Byeongnando

The Gaeseong merchant of the Goryeo Dynasty traded with different foreign countries through Byeongnando. It is also called 'Yeseong Port' and government officers were also hosted in the Byeongnando.[1]

2018 GGHS 9Team Members

Team Position Name(English) Name(korean) Student ID Wiki ID
Teacher Salma 살마 - 9salma
Leader Lee Shin Hee 이신희 20205 9이신희
Vice-Leader Jeon Ji Hyeon 전지현 20721 9전지현
Member Yang Ji Won 양지원 20204 9양지원
Member Han Chae Rim 한채림 20210 9한채림
Member Yoo Su Jeong 유수정 20713 9유수정
Member Park Su Bin 박수빈 10209 9박수빈
Member Kim Ga Eun 김가은 10703 9김가은
Member Park So Hyun 박소현 10709 9박소현

Management of the Gaeseong merchant in Goryeo Dynasty

During the Goryeo Dynasty, The trade was flourished by Gaeseong merchants beacuse of the frequent public and private trade with foreign merchantsas through 'Yeseonggang international port' that based in Byrullando entrance.

Especially, ginseng was one of the highest traded product. Ginseng has cultivated in the Korean peninsula since the three Kingdoms era. During the unification of the later three Kingdoms, the ginseng that was grown on the Korean peninsula, was commonly called by Korean ginseng. In addition to that the Ginseng that was prdouced in Gaesong province has beacome famous since the middle of Goryeo period as it was the representative cultivation area of Korean ginseng.


벽란도는 고려시대의 동아시아의 국제무역항으로 황해도 예성강 하류에 있다. 원래는 중국 송나라 사람들이 예성강 어귀의 강을 부르던 명칭으로 예성항이라고 불렀으나 중국의 송나라

상인뿐만 아니라 일본을 비롯하여 멀리 남양지방 서역지방의 해상들까지 자주 드나들며 교역을 하였던 곳이다. 특히 이 때 아라비아상인과 교류를 하면서 ‘korea’라는 명칭이 만들어졌다. 국제적인 교역뿐만 아니라 외국으로 나가거나 국내로 들어오기 위하여서는 반드시 거쳐야 하는 고려의 관문적 역할을 하던 곳이기도 하였다. 고려 시대에 들어와 국도가 개성으로 정하여지고 도로망이 정비됨에 따라 벽란도의 중요성은 증가되었다. 더욱이 국제항으로서 개항된 것은 벽란도의 중요성을 한층 높여준 것이었다. 또한 벽란도 내부에 있는 벽란정은 벼슬을 대접하기도 하였다. 고려에서는 주로 귀족이나 왕족의 물품을 수입하였는데 그 자료로는 『고려의 예로부터 전해 오는 유서에, 매양 사신이 이르게 되면 사람들이 모여 큰 저자를 이루고 온갖 물품과 재화를 나열하는데, 붉고 검은 비단은 모두 화려하고 좋도록 하려고 힘쓴다. 그러나 금과 은으로 만든 그릇은 모두 왕부의 것을 때에 맞추어 진열한 것이지 실제로 그 풍속이 그런 것은 아니다. 관청이나 대관 때의 심부름꾼들은 이런 것을 볼 수 있었는데, 지금은 그렇지 않다.

대개 그 풍속이 사람이 살면서 장사하는 가옥은 없고 오직 한낮에 시장을 벌여

남녀, 노소, 관리 등 재치 있는 기술자들이 각기 자기가 가진 것으로써 교역하고, 돈을 사용하지 않는다.』

고 적혀져있다.

Byeorun-do is located in the lower Yeosong River in Hwanghae Province as an international trade port in East Asia during the Goryeo period.

Originally, Chinese Song people were called "Yesung Hang" because they used to call the river at the mouth of the Yesung River, but they often went to the sea not only for Chinese Song merchants but also for trade with Japan.

Especially at this time, the name "korea" was created while interacting with Arabian merchants.

It was not only an international trade, but it was also a barrier to Goryeo that had to go through in order to go abroad. In the Goryeo Dynasty, the National Roads were designated as Kaesong. As the road network was fixed, the importance of Byk-rulan-do increased. Furthermore, the opening of the port as an international port added to the importance of Byrulan-do. Also, Byeolanjeong, located inside Byeokran-do, served as a government official.In the Goryeo Dynasty, the National Roads were designated as Kaesong. As the road network was fixed, the importance of Byk-rulan-do increased.

Furthermore, the opening of the port as an international port added to the importance of Byrulan-do. Also, Byeolanjeong, located inside Byeokran-do, served as a government official.Goryeo mainly imported items from the nobility and royal families.It says, In a note handed down from the Goryeo Dynasty, people would gather together to make a great author and list all kinds of articles and goods. All the gold and silver vessels, however, were timely displays, not the custom. These were things that government or great office messengers could see, but not now. Usually, the custom is that there are no houses where people live and sell, but they open a market in the middle of the day. Smart engineers such as men and women, young people, and management trade and do not spend money on what they have.

Exports and Imports

Goryeo Exports

  • Agricultural tools, grain, drape, stationery, gold, silver, najeon, hwamunseok, ginseng

Goryeo imports

  • Jurchen imports - silver, fur, and horses
  • Liao Dynasty imports - silver, fur, and horses
  • Song Imports - silk, medicine, books, and porcelain
  • Japan imports- pearl, Mercury, and sulfur
  • Tamna Imports - Mercury, Flavor and Coral

Advantage of Location

Byrullando was the gateway to Gaegyeong, the capital of Goryeo. It was also a port on the estuary of the Ye Sung River, so it was easy to trade and it was connected also to the sea. Not only that but also the water was too deep to allow even the huge ships to get through.

Transportation is convenient as it is located in the middle of Japan and At that time, trading by sea route was widespread due to the Khitan and Jurchen.

송, 일본의 중간 위치로 교통이 편리하고 당시는 거란, 여진 때문에 뱃길을 이용한 무역이 성행하였다.


  1. Lee, Shin Hee. 2018. History of Goryeo.