Integrated Curation Data Model: Storyline Data

Tutor (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2019년 5월 20일 (월) 15:28 판 (새 문서: ==Database Schema== ※ Storyline Data는 Factcual Data와 다른 이름을 갖는 독립적 Data Set입니다. Storyline Data의 Edge Table은 Node Table로부터 자동 변환합...)

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Database Schema

※ Storyline Data는 Factcual Data와 다른 이름을 갖는 독립적 Data Set입니다. Storyline Data의 Edge Table은 Node Table로부터 자동 변환합니다.

Node Table Schema

create table yyyData (
	id nvarchar(40) not null,
	class nvarchar(16) null,
	upperNode nvarchar(40) null,
	nextNode nvarchar(40) null,
	label nvarchar(80) null,
	infoUrl nvarchar(256) null,
	iconUrl nvarchar(256) null,
	primary key(id)

Edge Table Schema

create table yyyLinks (
	source  nvarchar(40)  not null,
	target  nvarchar(40) not null,
	relation nvarchar(40) not null,
	attribute nvarchar(40) null,
	primary key (source, target, relation )

Object Properties

* hasTopic
* hasEpisode
* hasFactualComponent
* isPreviousInSequence
* isNextInSequence

SQL Script

Insert Storyline Node Data

insert into yyyData (id, class, upperNode, nextNode, label, infoUrl, iconUrl )
select id, class, upperNode, nextNode, label, infoUrl, iconUrl from yyyData$

Generate Storyline Link Data

-- hasTopic
insert into yyyLinks (source, target, relation )
select upperNode, id, 'hasTopic' from yyyData$
where class='Topic' and upperNode is Not Null 

-- hasEpisode
insert into yyyLinks (source, target, relation )
select upperNode, id, 'hasEpisode' from yyyData$
where class='Episode' and upperNode is Not Null

-- isPeviousInSequence
insert into yyyLinks (source, target, relation )
select id, nextNode, 'isPreviousInSequence' from yyyData$
where nextNode is Not Null