"Integrated Curation Data Model"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(시맨틱 데이터베이스 관리 도구 (Python Program))
(문서 내용을 "==사실과 문맥 (Factual Data)== Integrated Curation Data Model: Factual Data ==정보의 분류 (Category Data)== Integrated Curation Data Model: Cate..."으로 바꿈)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
==Database Schema==
==사실과 문맥 (Factual Data)==
===Factual Data===
[[Integrated Curation Data Model: Factual Data]]
====Node Tabel Schema: xxxData ====
==정보의 분류 (Category Data)==
create table concertData (
id nvarchar(40) not null,
class nvarchar(16) null,
groupName nvarchar(16) null,
partName nvarchar(40) null,
label nvarchar(80) null,
infoUrl nvarchar(256) null,
iconUrl nvarchar(256) null,
primary key(id)
====Edge Table Schema: xxxLinks ====
[[Integrated Curation Data Model: Category Data]]
create table concertLinks (
source  nvarchar(40)  not null,
target  nvarchar(40) not null,
relation nvarchar(40) not null,
attribute nvarchar(40) null,
primary key (source, target, relation )
===Category Data===
==나의 이야기 (Storyline Data)==
※ 분류 색인 서비스를 위한 Category Data는 Factual Data Node의 속성 정보에서 기계적으로 추출합니다. 
[[Integrated Curation Data Model: Storyline Data]]
====Node Table Schema: xxxSchema====
==시맨틱 데이터 서비스 도구 (Semantic Data Service Tools)==
create table xxxSchema (
id nvarchar(40) not null,
class nvarchar(16) null,
groupName nvarchar(16) null,
partName nvarchar(40) null,
label nvarchar(80) null,
infoUrl nvarchar(256) null,
iconUrl nvarchar(256) null,
primary key(id)
/* Virtual View: xxxNodes */
[[Integrated Curation Data Model: Semantic Data Service Tools]]
create view xxxNodes as
select * from concertData
select * from concertSchema
====Edge Table Schema: xxxCategory====
create table xxxCategory (
source  nvarchar(40)  not null,
target  nvarchar(40) not null,
relation nvarchar(40) not null,
attribute nvarchar(40) null,
primary key (source, target, relation )
====Object Properties====
* hasCategory
* hasMember
===Storyline Data===
※ Storyline Data는 Factcual Data와 다른 이름을 갖는 독립적 Data Set입니다. Storyline Data의 Edge Table은 Node Table로부터 자동 변환합니다.
====Node Table Schema====
create table yyyData (
id nvarchar(40) not null,
class nvarchar(16) null,
upperNode nvarchar(40) null,
nextNode nvarchar(40) null,
label nvarchar(80) null,
infoUrl nvarchar(256) null,
iconUrl nvarchar(256) null,
primary key(id)
====Edge Table Schema====
create table yyyLinks (
source  nvarchar(40)  not null,
target  nvarchar(40) not null,
relation nvarchar(40) not null,
attribute nvarchar(40) null,
primary key (source, target, relation )
====Object Properties====
* hasTopic
* hasEpisode
* hasFactualComponent
* isPreviousInSequence
* isNextInSequence
==SQL Script==
===Factual Data 처리===
/* insert node data */
insert into xxxData (id, class, groupName, partName, label, infoUrl, iconUrl )
select id, class, groupName, partName, label, infoUrl, iconUrl 
from xxxData$
/* insert link data */
insert into xxxLinks (source, target, relation)
select source, target, relation from xxxLinks$
===Category Data 처리===
/* xxxSchema 데이터 처리 자동화 Script */
insert into xxxSchema (id, class, groupName, label)
values ('Thing', 'Category', 'Top', 'Thing' )
insert into xxxSchema (id, class, groupName, label)
select class as id, 'Category' as class, 'Thing' groupName, class as label
from concertData
group by class
insert into xxxSchema (id, class, groupName, label)
select groupName as id, 'Category' as class, class as groupName, groupName as label
from concertData
where groupName is not NULL
group by class, groupName
insert into xxxSchema (id, class, groupName, label)
select partName as id, 'Category' as class, groupName, partName as label
from concertData
where partName is not NULL
group by groupName, partName
/* xxxCategory 데이터 처리 자동화 Script */
-- hasCategory (top->1st)
insert into concertCategory (source, target, relation )
select 'Thing' as source, class as target, 'hasCategory' as 'relation' from concertData
group by class
-- hasCategory (1st->2nd)
insert into concertCategory (source, target, relation )
select class as source, groupName as target, 'hasCategory' as 'relation' from concertData
where groupName is not NULL
group by class, groupName
-- hasCategory (2nd->3rd)
insert into concertCategory (source, target, relation )
select groupName as source, partName as target, 'hasCategory' as 'relation' from concertData
where partName is not NULL
group by class, groupName, partName
-- hasMember (Major Category)
insert into concertCategory (source, target, relation )
select class as source, id as target, 'hasMember' as 'relation' from concertData
where groupName is NULL
order by class, id
-- hasMember  (2nd Category)
insert into concertCategory (source, target, relation )
select groupName as source, id as target, 'hasMember' as 'relation' from concertData
where groupName is not NULL and partName is NULL
order by groupName, id
-- hasMember  (3rd Category)
insert into concertCategory (source, target, relation )
select partName as source, id as target, 'hasMember' as 'relation' from concertData
where partName is not NULL
order by partName, id
===Storyline Data 처리===
/* insert storyline node data */
insert into yyyData (id, class, upperNode, nextNode, label, infoUrl, iconUrl )
select id, class, upperNode, nextNode, label, infoUrl, iconUrl from yyyData$
/* generate storyline link data */
-- hasTopic
insert into yyyLinks (source, target, relation )
select upperNode, id, 'hasTopic' from yyyData$
where class='Topic' and upperNode is Not Null
-- hasEpisode
insert into yyyLinks (source, target, relation )
select upperNode, id, 'hasEpisode' from yyyData$
where class='Episode' and upperNode is Not Null
-- isPeviousInSequence
insert into yyyLinks (source, target, relation )
select id, nextNode, 'isPreviousInSequence' from yyyData$
where nextNode is Not Null
==시맨틱 데이터베이스 관리 도구 (Python Program)==
===Factual Data 서비스===
* URL: <nowiki>http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/Story01.py</nowiki>
* 매개 변수: db = Database Name, project = Data Table Prefix, key = Factual Data Node Identifier
* 기능: Core Node를 중심으로 하는 1 Hop 네트워크 그래프 반환
* 예시: http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/Story01.py?db=tutor&project=concert&key=Handel
* URL: <nowiki>http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/Story02.py</nowiki>
* 매개 변수: db = Database Name, project = Data Table Prefix, key = Factual Data Node Identifier
* 기능: Core Node를 중심으로 하는 2 Hop 네트워크 그래프 반환
* 예시: http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/Story02.py?db=tutor&project=concert&key=Handel
* URL: <nowiki>http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/Query.py</nowiki>
* 매개 변수: db = Database Name, project = Data Table Prefix, key = String
* 기능: 주어진 문자열을 포함하는 데이터의 노드 리스트 반환
* 예시: http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/Query.py?db=tutor&project=concert&key=Paganini
===Catelog Data 서비스===
* URL: <nowiki>http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/Category.py</nowiki>
* 매개 변수: db = Database Name, project = Data Table Prefix, key = Category Name
* 기능: 주어진 카테고리에 속하는 Factual Data 노드 또는 하위 카테고리 목록 반환
* 예시: http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/Category.py?db=tutor&project=concert&key=Movie
===Storyline Data 서비스===
* URL: <nowiki>http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/StoryMenu.py</nowiki>
* 매개 변수: db = Database Name, project = Storyline Table Prefix
* 기능: 스토리텔링 데이터 풀에 등록된 이야기외 최상위 노드 목록 반환
* 예시: http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/StoryMenu.py?db=tutor&project=narrative
* URL: <nowiki>http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/StoryLine.py</nowiki>
* 매개 변수: db = Database Name, project = Storyline Table Prefix, key =  Storyline Node Identifier
* 기능: 지정 노드를 중심으로 상, 하, 전, 후의 이야기 문맥 노드 반환
* 예시: http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/StoryLine.py?db=tutor&project=narrative&key=T190429K-D

2019년 5월 20일 (월) 15:29 판

사실과 문맥 (Factual Data)

Integrated Curation Data Model: Factual Data

정보의 분류 (Category Data)

Integrated Curation Data Model: Category Data

나의 이야기 (Storyline Data)

Integrated Curation Data Model: Storyline Data

시맨틱 데이터 서비스 도구 (Semantic Data Service Tools)

Integrated Curation Data Model: Semantic Data Service Tools