
"DH Lecture 2021 Oct 27"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(새 문서: <indicator name="music">40px</indicator> '''원광대학교 2021-2 문화•인문콘텐츠학 특강''' 2021. 10. 27. 비대면 온라인 세미나 <center> <font...)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
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'''원광대학교 2021-2 문화•인문콘텐츠학 특강''' 2021. 10. 27. 비대면 온라인 세미나
'''원광대학교 2021-2 문화•인문콘텐츠학 특강''' 2021. 10. 27. 주관: 원광대학교 사학과
20번째 줄: 20번째 줄:
=='''비대면 (non-face-to-face interactions) 시대'''==
==1.  Introduction==
Humanities education and research activities in the post-human era are called "Digital Humanities."
This lecture is intended to suggest from the perspective of "Digital Humanities" how our cultural activities of exploring and studying traditional cultures can become richer without withering in the post-human era.
==2. Post-human==
===내가 인식하는 비대면 시대===
===What is Post-human===
☞ ('''준비되지 않은 상황에서''') 사회 활동의 '''디지털 전환(Digital Transformation)'''이 급격히 추진('''강요''')되는 시대
This illustration that you've seen a lot shows the evolution of mankind. Human evolution will not remain in the present but will continue. The part marked by the question mark is the future human - post-human, which will be defined differently from the present human.
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[[파일:evolution1.jpg | 600px]]
| colspan="2" | 교육부는 9일(2020. 9. 9.) 열린 제15차 포용국가 실현을 위한 사회관계장관회의에서 포스트코로나 시대 미래교육 전환을 위한 ‘디지털 기반 고등교육 혁신 지원방안’을 발표했다.<br/>
1. 디지털 기술을 교육과정 혁신의 기회로 활용.
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* 원격수업 운영에 대한 규제를 개선하여, 대학이 원격/대면수업을 자율적으로 활용할 수 있도록 한다. (20% → 자율)
*국내대학이 단독 또는 공동으로 운영하는 온라인 석사과정 및 국내-해외대학간 공동 온라인 학‧석사 학위과정 운영을 허용한다.
post-human is one of the themes of today's newly launched social, cultural, and academic discourse. This does not yet have a generally accepted definition, and there is much discussion in the fields of philosophy, literature, art, engineering, and social sciences.
2. 디지털 분야 역량을 갖춘 인재 양성
However, a common background for these discussions is the perception that the environment in which humans live today has changed and that change will accelerate rapidly in the future.
* 신기술 혁신공유대학 지원사업’을 통해 ’26년까지 신기술분야 수준별 인재 10만 명을 양성을 목표로 2021년 예산 1048억원이 배정
*4단계 두뇌한국21를 통해 비대면‧디지털 분야(트랙)를 신설하고, 디지털분야 우수박사학위 취득자의 연수를 지원(21~27/4,080억, 21/570억 원)
3. 원격교육 내실화 지원<br/>
4. 대학의 직업교육 활성화 지원
| [[파일:교육부2020-01.png|500px]]|| [[파일:교육부2020-02.png|500px]]
| colspan="2" | ([https://www.moe.go.kr/boardCnts/view.do?boardID=294&boardSeq=81865&lev=0&searchType=null&statusYN=W&page=1&s=moe&m=020402&opType=N 교육부 보도자료 2020.9.9.])
☞ 우리 사회의 일반적인 반응: '''“기대”'''보다는 '''“우려”'''
===Post-human and AI===
There is a lot of discussion about the changes in the post-human era. One of the main topics of the discussion is "artificial intelligence (AI)." post-human in the future will be human beings living with artificial intelligence.
[[파일:evolution2.jpg | 600px | link=http://dhlab.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Documents/PDF/2021/PostHumanAndAI.pdf]]<br/>
[http://dhlab.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Documents/PDF/2021/PostHumanAndAI.pdf How will Humans Evolve in the Future?]
==3. AI and Cultural Heritage==
===Cultural Heritage in the AI World===
Artificial intelligence is already affecting human lives in many areas of our society. Finance, transportation, healthcare, shopping ...... Those influences will be even greater in the future.
By the way, there are certain areas that are still being left out of this artificial intelligence world. One of them is the '''<u>cultural heritage</u>''' of the past that all of us gathered here are deeply interested in.
Why? Most of what happens in modern society are managed and recorded through computer systems. So everything leaves a trace of "data," and that data comes together to form artificial intelligence.
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However, most of the cultural heritage of the past remains analog materials or records, so computers cannot understand them and use them as data for artificial intelligence.
| “수도권 4년제 대학생 박모 씨는 ‘일반대학에서도 온라인으로 학위를 딸 수 있다면 사이버대학과 무슨 차이가 있느냐’며 ‘원격수업이 늘어나는 만큼 등록금도 사이버대학처럼 낮아져야 한다’고 반발했다.”([http://www.newdaily.co.kr/site/data/html/2020/07/03/2020070300188.html “학생 반발 여전한데… '온라인 학위' 운영 허용한 교육부”, 뉴데일리 경제, 2020.7.3.])
Do you question whether cultural heritage should be addressed in the world of artificial intelligence? It is human to enjoy cultural heritage, but if the knowledge and information about it are not migrated to the computer-readable data,  the valuable asset will be increasingly forgotten in the post-human era.
===Misguided ideas about AI===
The wrong idea about artificial intelligence is to perceive it as a confrontation against human beings. It is a similar idea that the workers regarded steam engines as an enemy threatening their survival during the First Industrial Revolution.
[[파일:WrongAI.jpg | 500px]]
Artificial intelligence can learn and improve its intelligence only through human-supplied data.
If humans provide distinct and meaningful raw data, artificial intelligence will make reliable decisions and help humans.
On the contrary, if humans provide AI with inaccurate knowledge, ambiguous information, and wrong data, AI will be forced to make wrong decisions, and it will be harmful to humans.
===Learning Cluture in post-human Era===
How can we properly teach AI, which will be a partner of post-human, with the knowledge that is meaningful and valuable?
Until now, humans have expressed cultural knowledge in a way that only humans can understand: Languages, sounds, movements that only we humans can understand.
By converting this information into something that computers can understand and interpret, computers can develop into something that helps us a lot more.
So far, the way we study humanities has been to read the text written in the book, understand the context, and write a new text.
In the post-human era, we must have the ability to read and interpret knowledge written in "data" and the ability to express our own discoveries and thoughts with "data." Because that is how we share knowledge with the world.
Digital Humanities is the study of how to transform cultural knowledge into digital data that can be shared with artificial intelligence (and therefore, how to share and utilize it with more people).
===An Example of Digital Humanities Data===
* Semantic Database: The World of Korean Buddhist Heritage
<iframe width="90%" height="600px" src="http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/cgi-bin/ency/encyStory02.py?도선" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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==4. Digital Humanities==
* 수많은 반대의 이유들 .... 예전에는 그것 때문에 못했지만, 이제는 그것을 그냥 무시. (비대면의 시급성을 구실로)
===What is Digital Humanities?===
* 중요한 사실은 COVID19로 생각지 못한 추동력을 얻게된 고등교육계의 디지털 전환이 되돌아갈 수도, 멈출 수도 없으리라는 것.
===비대면 시대, 디지털 인문학의 과제===
☞  "Digital Humanities" refers to the conduct of humanities research and education in the digital environment, as well as the effort to spread and utilize the achievements of such research in our society.
* 우리의 기대보다 더 빨리, 갑작스럽게 찾아온 전지구적 디지털 전환이 궁극적으로 미래 고등인문교육의 정상화에 기여토록 하는 것이 우리의 당면 과제
Digital Humanities does not merely mean digitizing humanities materials or publishing research results in a digital format.
* COVID19 사태의 발생에 관계 없이  디지털 세계에서 추구하는 인문교육의 발전과 변화는 그 목표와 방향이 명백히 존재 ☞ 소통, 협업, 융합을 통해 삶의 가치를 높일 수 있게 하는 공부
It means developing more creative humanities endeavors in an information technology environment.
☞ 현대 인문학이 전문화의 함정에 빠져서 점점 더 잃어가고 있는 교육과 연구의 생기를 새로운 소통과 협업, 융합의 환경에서 부활시키는 노력.
It also includes efforts made to advance the reproduction of humanities knowledge in more innovative ways through the communication facilitated by digital media,
=='''하기 싫은 인문학 vs. 즐거운 인문학'''==
===Educational Issues of Digital Humanities===
===인문학 공부가 즐겁지 않은 이유===
One expression referring to today's younger generation is the term "digital natives." It refers to people who have grown up in a digital environment since they were young, communicating digitally and expressing digitally.
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When they act as the mainstream of this society, the world will be much different from it now: Everything will become much more digital.
| • 子曰: 學而時習之, 不亦說乎! ( 《論語》 「學而」1 ) <br/>
• 學所以知也。習所以行也。..... 後世之學, 學而不習, 所以無可悅也。(丁若鏞, 《論語古今註》) <br/>
※ 배움(學)은 앎을 얻는 것이고, 익힘(習)은 그것을 실행하는 것이다. 오늘날의 학문은 아는 데 그치고 실행하지 않으니 즐겁지가 않다.
===디지털 인문학 교육===
It is not just the content that exists as tangible objects, such as toys, books, or music records, that is being transferred to the digital world. The act of using and enjoying the object is also moving into the digital world.
* 자기주도적인 탐구과 응용, 그것을 통한 자기표현의 실행이 가능하기 때문에 ‘배우는 것이 재미있는’ 교육
Searching for and reading digitized text on the Internet instead of reading a paper book is just an intermediate aspect of the changing picture. Even the process of discovering more meaningful elements in the contents of the text and exploring new knowledge in the direction of his curiosity will be done by manipulating data in the digital world.
* 디지털 환경에서 수행하는 자기주도적 지식의 탐구와 표현 ☞ 디지털 큐레이션(Dital Curation)
"Digital Curation" is practiced as a digital literacy education for the digital natives,  cultivating the ability to combine and organize the elements of knowledge to get answers to problems and open the doors to the world of new knowledge.
* Involve me, and I learn!
==5. Digital Curation==
===What is Digital Curation?===
=='''디지털 큐레이션 교육'''==
☞ self-directed exploration and representation of knowledge in the digital environment
===디지털 큐레이션이란?===
* 박물관의 큐레이터가 전시를 위해 유물 하나 하나와 관련이 있는 다양한 지식 정보를 찾아내고, 의미의 연결고리를 찾아 그 유물의 문화적 가치를 설명하는 이야기를 만들 듯이, 디지털 인문학의 연구자와 학생들은 디지털 세계에서 유의미한 지식의 조각을 탐색하고 그것들 사이의 관계성을 탐구하는 방법으로 새로운 사실을 발견하고 대상 세계에 대한 이해를 넓혀간다.
Just as a museum curator engages in curation by finding and connecting diverse information related to an individual artifact to expose its cultural value, The Digital Humanities scholar engages in the curation of knowledge by connecting the elements of humanities knowledge in a digital environment and broadening the world of that knowledge.
※ 해외 한국학 교육을 위한 한국문화유산 메타아카이브
===A New Method for the Convergence of Humanities and Arts===
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As a cultural study activity, students survey various pieces of knowledge through internet surfing and combine them into a data network, and turns them into stories.  
| <html><iframe width="95%" height="400px" src="http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~sandbox/cgi-bin/Category.py?db=khw&project=Jeongjo&key=English"></iframe></html> || <html><iframe width="95%" height="400px" src="http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~sandbox/cgi-bin/Category.py?db=khw&project=Jeongjo&key=%EC%86%8C%EC%9E%A5%EC%B2%98"></iframe></html>
| colspan="2" | ([http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~metaArchive/wiki/index.php/해외_한국학_교육을_위한_한국문화유산_메타아카이브 강혜원, 해외 한국학 교육을 위한 한국문화유산 메타아카이브])
※ [http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~sandbox/cgi-bin/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/dhlab/CesiumSpaceV3.py?db=s_okehkim&project=mokpo 목포 근대역사문화공간 근대문화자산 아카이브]<br/>
The result of digital curation is not just the knowledge that only remains in their memory, but online content that they can show to others, and share with more people. This, together with the students' musical performances, becomes their own creation, opening the way for them to express themselves in the digital world.
※*[http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Gallery/aks/aksGallery.htm 한국학중앙연구원 가상 미술관]
* 인문지식의 디지털 큐레이션은 미래 인문학의 교육 ·연구 방법이자, 데이터 기반 지식 세계의 큐레이터 역할을 수행할 수 있는 전문 인력의 육성 교육.
===An Example of Digital Curation===
===입문 단계의 디지털 큐레이션 교육 과정===
*  Yeon-ga and Pokarekare Ana: An Intangible Cultural Heritage Shared by Two Countries
* 전통적인 인문학 공부와 내용적으로 상응하는 스몰 데이터(Small Data)의 편찬
* 이것이 다수의 협업 공간에서 빅 데이터(Big Data)로 발전할 수 있게 하는 데이터 모델(온톨로지, Ontology)의 설계
<iframe width="90%" height="600px" src="http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/StoryLine.py?db=tutor&project=narrative&key=S190429E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
* 데이터로 전환된 인문지식을 시각화여 그 정확성과 명시성을 검증하는 데이터 시각화 기술
* 학술적 이론과 아카이브의 유물, 현장의 활동을 하나의 가상 공간에서 융합하고 감성적으로 체험하게 할 수 있는 하이퍼미디어 응용 기술
<input type="button" value="Full Screen" onclick="location.href='http://dh.aks.ac.kr/cgi-bin/encyves/StoryLine.py?db=tutor&project=narrative&key=S190429E'">
=='''디지털 인문학이 인식하는 미래 인문학의 과제'''==
==6. Conclusion: The Task of Digital Humanities to prepare for the Post-human Era==
* 인문지식 탐구의 과정에서 그 지식을 ‘데이터’로 기술하여 소통시키는 일, 그렇게 해서 그 지식이 인간사회의 다양한 영역에서 활용되고 가치를 발휘할 수 있게 하는 것이 디지털 인문학이 인식하는 미래 인문학의 과제.
☞ Describing the knowledge as "data" in the process of exploring humanities, and thus enabling it to be used in various areas of human society.
* 디지털 인문학의 일차적인 관심사는 우리의 역사와 문화 속에서 의미를 가져 온 ‘인간의 이야기’를 담은 ‘스몰 데이터‘(Small Data), 그리고 그 작은 이야기들이 서로 이어져서 ‘빅 데이터‘(Big Data)가 될 수 있게 하는 개방적 소통의 방법.
* 디지털 큐레이션은 디지털 환경에서 인문학을 공부하는 방법이자, 그 공부를 통해 얻은 것을 세계와 소통하는 표현의 수단이며, 그 성과를 공유하고 공동의 노력으로 확장해 나아가는 협업의 장치
* 이러한 노력을 통해 우리의 인문지식은 전통적인 인문학의 경계를 넘어서 현대 사회의 다양한 영역과 교섭할 것이며, 인간과 사회에 대한 이해로서의 인문학의 외연을 더욱 의미있게 확장해 갈 수 있을 것을 기대.
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The primary concern of digital humanities is to create "small data" that contains "human stories" that have been meaningful in our history and culture, and to create an open way of communication that allows the small stories to become "big data."
!비대면 시대, 디지털 환경에서의 시도하는 인문교육의 목표<br/>'''“기존의 인문교육을 디지털 환경에서 재현하는 것”'''이 아니라, '''“기존의 인문교육이 하지 못하던 것을 디지털 세계에서 실현하는 것.”'''
Digital curation is a way to study humanities in a digital environment and an effort to convert traditional humanities knowledge into "data" that can communicate in the digital world.
===디지털 인문학 교육 교과목 예시===
Through these efforts, our humanities knowledge will be meaningfully activated in various areas of post-human society beyond the boundaries of traditional humanities.
* [http://dh.aks.ac.kr/Edu/wiki/index.php/Curriculum_2018-2019 한국학중앙연구원 대학원 인문정보학 커리큘럼]
===디지털 인문학 교육 실습을 위한 Open-source curriculum===
[[파일:Time198212.jpg|250px|TIME 1982. 12.]] [[파일:Time200612.jpg|250px|TIME 2006. 12.]] [[파일:AInHuman-TimeFrame.jpg | 250px| Present & Tomorrow]]
* [http://dhlab.aks.ac.kr/Edu/wiki/index.php?title=인문정보학_튜토리얼 인문정보학 튜토리얼]
===이 주제와 관련이 있는 글===
==Coffee Concert==
* [http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~tutor/Documents/PDF/2020/DigitalCuration.pdf 金炫, 「유교문화 디지털 아카이브를 위한 디지털 큐레이션 모델」, 세계유교문화박물관 디지털 아카이브 마스터플랜 연구, 2020. 3.]
* [http://dh.aks.ac.kr/Edu/wiki/index.php/디지털_인문학_교육의_현장_(김현_2018) 김현, 「디지털 인문학 교육의 현장」, 『인문콘텐츠』 50, 2018. 9.]
* [http://dh.aks.ac.kr/Edu/wiki/index.php/데이터_시대의_한문_고전 金炫, 「데이터 時代의 漢文 古典」, 『전통문화연구회 30년의 회고와 전망』, 2018. 11.]
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2021년 10월 24일 (일) 17:24 판

원광대학교 2021-2 문화•인문콘텐츠학 특강 2021. 10. 27. 주관: 원광대학교 사학과

포스트 휴먼 시대, 인공지능과 동행하는 인문학
비대면 온라인 강의실: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81118587083?pwd=M1ViYmZBQ2t5NEtwV1FlcXRqYmYwUT09


1. Introduction

Humanities education and research activities in the post-human era are called "Digital Humanities."

This lecture is intended to suggest from the perspective of "Digital Humanities" how our cultural activities of exploring and studying traditional cultures can become richer without withering in the post-human era.

2. Post-human

What is Post-human

This illustration that you've seen a lot shows the evolution of mankind. Human evolution will not remain in the present but will continue. The part marked by the question mark is the future human - post-human, which will be defined differently from the present human.


post-human is one of the themes of today's newly launched social, cultural, and academic discourse. This does not yet have a generally accepted definition, and there is much discussion in the fields of philosophy, literature, art, engineering, and social sciences. However, a common background for these discussions is the perception that the environment in which humans live today has changed and that change will accelerate rapidly in the future.

Post-human and AI

There is a lot of discussion about the changes in the post-human era. One of the main topics of the discussion is "artificial intelligence (AI)." post-human in the future will be human beings living with artificial intelligence.

How will Humans Evolve in the Future?

3. AI and Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage in the AI World

Artificial intelligence is already affecting human lives in many areas of our society. Finance, transportation, healthcare, shopping ...... Those influences will be even greater in the future.

By the way, there are certain areas that are still being left out of this artificial intelligence world. One of them is the cultural heritage of the past that all of us gathered here are deeply interested in.

Why? Most of what happens in modern society are managed and recorded through computer systems. So everything leaves a trace of "data," and that data comes together to form artificial intelligence.

However, most of the cultural heritage of the past remains analog materials or records, so computers cannot understand them and use them as data for artificial intelligence.

Do you question whether cultural heritage should be addressed in the world of artificial intelligence? It is human to enjoy cultural heritage, but if the knowledge and information about it are not migrated to the computer-readable data, the valuable asset will be increasingly forgotten in the post-human era.

Misguided ideas about AI

The wrong idea about artificial intelligence is to perceive it as a confrontation against human beings. It is a similar idea that the workers regarded steam engines as an enemy threatening their survival during the First Industrial Revolution.


Artificial intelligence can learn and improve its intelligence only through human-supplied data.

If humans provide distinct and meaningful raw data, artificial intelligence will make reliable decisions and help humans.

On the contrary, if humans provide AI with inaccurate knowledge, ambiguous information, and wrong data, AI will be forced to make wrong decisions, and it will be harmful to humans.

Learning Cluture in post-human Era

How can we properly teach AI, which will be a partner of post-human, with the knowledge that is meaningful and valuable?

Until now, humans have expressed cultural knowledge in a way that only humans can understand: Languages, sounds, movements that only we humans can understand.

By converting this information into something that computers can understand and interpret, computers can develop into something that helps us a lot more.

So far, the way we study humanities has been to read the text written in the book, understand the context, and write a new text.

In the post-human era, we must have the ability to read and interpret knowledge written in "data" and the ability to express our own discoveries and thoughts with "data." Because that is how we share knowledge with the world.

Digital Humanities is the study of how to transform cultural knowledge into digital data that can be shared with artificial intelligence (and therefore, how to share and utilize it with more people).

An Example of Digital Humanities Data

  • Semantic Database: The World of Korean Buddhist Heritage

4. Digital Humanities

What is Digital Humanities?

☞ "Digital Humanities" refers to the conduct of humanities research and education in the digital environment, as well as the effort to spread and utilize the achievements of such research in our society.

Digital Humanities does not merely mean digitizing humanities materials or publishing research results in a digital format.

It means developing more creative humanities endeavors in an information technology environment.

It also includes efforts made to advance the reproduction of humanities knowledge in more innovative ways through the communication facilitated by digital media,

Educational Issues of Digital Humanities

One expression referring to today's younger generation is the term "digital natives." It refers to people who have grown up in a digital environment since they were young, communicating digitally and expressing digitally.

When they act as the mainstream of this society, the world will be much different from it now: Everything will become much more digital.

It is not just the content that exists as tangible objects, such as toys, books, or music records, that is being transferred to the digital world. The act of using and enjoying the object is also moving into the digital world.

Searching for and reading digitized text on the Internet instead of reading a paper book is just an intermediate aspect of the changing picture. Even the process of discovering more meaningful elements in the contents of the text and exploring new knowledge in the direction of his curiosity will be done by manipulating data in the digital world.

"Digital Curation" is practiced as a digital literacy education for the digital natives, cultivating the ability to combine and organize the elements of knowledge to get answers to problems and open the doors to the world of new knowledge.

5. Digital Curation

What is Digital Curation?

☞ self-directed exploration and representation of knowledge in the digital environment


Just as a museum curator engages in curation by finding and connecting diverse information related to an individual artifact to expose its cultural value, The Digital Humanities scholar engages in the curation of knowledge by connecting the elements of humanities knowledge in a digital environment and broadening the world of that knowledge.

A New Method for the Convergence of Humanities and Arts

As a cultural study activity, students survey various pieces of knowledge through internet surfing and combine them into a data network, and turns them into stories.

The result of digital curation is not just the knowledge that only remains in their memory, but online content that they can show to others, and share with more people. This, together with the students' musical performances, becomes their own creation, opening the way for them to express themselves in the digital world.

An Example of Digital Curation

  • Yeon-ga and Pokarekare Ana: An Intangible Cultural Heritage Shared by Two Countries

6. Conclusion: The Task of Digital Humanities to prepare for the Post-human Era

☞ Describing the knowledge as "data" in the process of exploring humanities, and thus enabling it to be used in various areas of human society.

The primary concern of digital humanities is to create "small data" that contains "human stories" that have been meaningful in our history and culture, and to create an open way of communication that allows the small stories to become "big data."

Digital curation is a way to study humanities in a digital environment and an effort to convert traditional humanities knowledge into "data" that can communicate in the digital world.

Through these efforts, our humanities knowledge will be meaningfully activated in various areas of post-human society beyond the boundaries of traditional humanities.

TIME 1982. 12. TIME 2006. 12. Present & Tomorrow

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