Ontology Design for Semantic Cocktails 2.0

§ Classes

class namedescriptionnotes
Cocktail칵테일, mixed alcoholic drinks
Spirit증류주, distilled alcoholic beverages
Wine발효주, fermented alcoholic beverages
Liqueur혼성주, highly flavored alcoholic beverages
SoftModifier비알콜성음료와 소스, non-alcoholic drinks sauces
Garnish장식, decorative ornaments
Glass유리잔, glassware for serving cocktails
Method조주법, making method of cocktails

§ Relations

* Class-Node Relation

relation namedomainrangeinverse relation
hasCategoryupper classslower classhasMember
hasMemberall classesnodes (individuals in OWL) belonging to the classhasCategory

* Inter-node Relation (Link, Object Properties in OWL)

relation namedomainrangeinverse relation
useBaseLiquor Cocktail Spirit isBaseLiquorFor
useModifier Cocktail Liqueur isModifierFor
useSoftModifier Cocktail SoftDrink isSoftModifierFor
isGarnishedWith Cocktail Garnish isGarnishFor
isServedIn Cocktail Glass isGlassFor
isMadeBy Cocktail Method isMethodFor
isAddedBy Cocktail Method isAdditionalMethodFor
or Garnish Garnish or

§ Attributes

* Link Attributes

attribute namedomainrangenotes
1/4oz, 1/3oz, 1/2oz, 3/4oz,
1oz, 2oz, 3oz,
1+1/4oz, 1+1/2oz, 1+3/4oz, 2+1/2oz,
1/2tsp, 1tsp, 1dash, 1ea, 1pinch,
fill, top

* Node Attributes (Datatype Properties in OWL)

attribute namedomainrangenotes
id all Classes string
class all Classes string
label all Classes string
infoUrl all Classes URLURL of the related web document
iconUrl all Classes URLURL of the thumbnail image