
Lyndsey (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 4월 11일 (일) 20:00 판 (신간회 안내판)
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현장 안내판 해설문 내용 - 국문

신간회 안내판

신간회 목포지회 활동의 터전

여기는 1927년 6월 18일 설립된 일제강점하 국내 최대 항일민족운동단체인 신간회의 목포지회가 활동한 곳이다.

신간회 목포지회는 강연회・정기대회・시민대회 추진, 하의도 농민운동 지원, 재만동포 탄압 규탄 등을 통해 항일의식 고취와 민족협동전선 형성에 힘썼다.

2017. 9. 27
신간회기념사업회, 조선일보, 목포시
특별후원: 방일영문화재단
후원: 국가보훈처, 광복회

문화재청 국가문화유산포털 해설문 - 국문

영문 해설문

현장 안내판 해설문 내용 - 영문

Mokpo Old Youth Center
National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 43

The Mokpo Old Youth Center was built as a gathering place for the ‘Mokpo Youth Association’ activities. The building is a one-story stone building with a simple rectangular structure. As it was used as a church, etc. for a long time after liberation, its interior and roof structure was greatly altered from its original form, but the stone walls remained. The Mokpo Youth Association was founded on May 9, 1920 by young people in Mokpo amid the increasing national awareness and active youth movement due to the influence of the March 1st Independence Movement in 1919. Its main activities were lectures and discussions, publication of magazines, education, etc.

The current building began to be constructed in September 1924 and was completed on December 30 of the same year. At that time, citizens from all walks of life in Mokpo raised about 10,000 won for the construction of the Youth Center. The Youth Center was the pride of Mokpo youth and citizens and the cradle of the Mokpo anti-Japanese movement, such as the founding ceremony of the Mokpo branch of Singanhoe, a united front of the Korean people, being held here in 1927. It is also the stage for the short novel <The Demolished Youth Center>(1934) by Park Hwa-seong(1903-1988), the fist female feature novelist in Korea.

문화재청 국가문화유산포털 해설문 - 영문

Former Mokpo Youth Center
Classification: National Registered Cultural Heritage 43
Name of Cultural Properties: Former Mokpo Youth Center
Quantity: One Building 510.07㎡
Designated Date: 2002.09.13
Age: Japanese Imperialism Period
Address: 6-1, Chabeomseok-gil 35beon-gil, Mokpo, Jeollanam-do

Built in 1925, this building served Mokpo’s young men as the base for anti-Japanese movement during the Japanese Occupation.

This historical place was also the house for publication of magazine entitled “Joseon Youth.” Because the center was built by raising fund from a variety of social strata, each portion of the building focuses on practicality without particular design elements.

The center was established and managed by Koreans, and is now the living proof of national movement performed by the youth of Mokpo during the Japanese Occupation, having played the central role in the youth movement.

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현장 안내판
시간회 안내판