Create Photo Archive Database Shell
Bulkload Data Repository
create table photoBulkload (
section nvarchar(40) NULL,
xmltxt XML );
Metadata XML Repository
create table photoXml (
id nvarchar(40) NULL,
section nvarchar(40) NULL,
xmltxt XML )
Metadata View
create view photoMeta as
select id, section,
xmltxt.value('(/Photo/FileName)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)') as FileName,
xmltxt.value('(/Photo/PixelWidth)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)') as PixelWidth,
xmltxt.value('(/Photo/PixelHeight)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)') as PixelHeight,
xmltxt.value('(/Photo/DateTimeOriginal)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)') as DateTimeOriginal,
xmltxt.value('(/Photo/Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)') as Description,
xmltxt.value('(/Photo/Latitude)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)') as Latitude,
xmltxt.value('(/Photo/Longitude)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)') as Longitude,
xmltxt.value('(/Photo/ObjectName)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)') as ObjectName,
xmltxt.value('(/Photo/Keywords)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)') as Keywords
from photoXml
Metadata Table
create table photoData (
id nvarchar(40) not NULL,
class nvarchar(40) NULL,
groupName nvarchar(40) NULL,
partName nvarchar(40) NULL,
label nvarchar(160 ) NULL,
objectName nvarchar(80) NULL,
description nvarchar(80) NULL,
infoUrl nvarchar(256) NULL,
iconUrl nvarchar(256) NULL,
note nvarchar(256) NULL,
latitude nvarchar(40) NULL,
longitude nvarchar(40) NULL,
remark nvarchar(256) NULL,
primary key (id)
XML File Bulkload
use mokpo
/* 기입력 데이터 확인 */
select * from photoBulkload
/* 기존 데이터를 모두 삭제하고 새로 반입하려 할 때 */
delete photoBulkload
/* 특정 지역 데이터만 삭제하고 새로 반입하려 할 때 */
delete photoBulkload where section='bogwang'
/* 특정 지역 데이터 반입(Import) */
insert into photoBulkload ( section, xmltxt )
select 'bogwang', x.* from OPENROWSET(
BULK 'e:\inetpub\wwwroot\data\Mokpo\bogwang\Export_CSV.xml',
select * from photoBulkload
Generate Individual Metadata
/* 기입력 데이터 확인 */
select * from photoXml
/* 기존 데이터를 모두 삭제하고 새로 생성하려 할 때 */
/* 전체 메타데이터 새로 생성 */
delete photoXml
insert into photoXml(section, xmltxt)
select section, node.query('.') as xmltxt
from photoBulkload CROSS APPLY xmltxt.nodes('/Album/Photo') as R(node)
update photoXml
set id=replace(xmltxt.value('(/Photo/FileName)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)'), '.jpg', '')
select * from photoXml
Partial Update
/* 특정 지역 데이터만 삭제하고 새로 반입하려 할 때 */
delete photoXml where section='bogwang'
insert into photoXml(section, xmltxt)
select section, node.query('.') as xmltxt
from photoBulkload CROSS APPLY xmltxt.nodes('/Album/Photo') as R(node)
where section='bogwang'
update photoXml
set id=replace(xmltxt.value('(/Photo/FileName)[1]', 'nvarchar(40)'), '.jpg', '')
where section='bogwang'
select * from photoXml where section='bogwang'
Create Relational Table
Check the Data Validity
/* 중복 id 검사 */
select id, count(*) as occurence from photoMeta
group by id
order by count(*) desc
/* 중복 사진 삭제 * /
delete photometa
where id in('DJI_0451', 'DJI_0374-Pano', '_HUH7623')
/* 사진 설명 유무 검사 */
select ObjectName, Description from photoMeta
order by len(ObjectName)
Create Online Service Data
/* 온라인 서비스 데이터 일괄 생성 */
use mokpo
delete photoData
insert into photoData
id, 'HUH_Photo' as class, section grupName, NULL as partName, NULL as label,
''+section+'/'+FileName as infoUrl,
''+section+'/thumb/'+FileName as iconUrl,
Keywords as note,
DateTimeOriginal as remark
from photoMeta
update photoData
set label=objectName+' - '+description
where description is not NULL
update photoData
set label=objectName
where description is NULL
select * from photoData
Find the Center of Region
/* 지역 중심 위치 좌표 찾기: wiki 용 */
use mokpo
create procedure getCenter( @region nvarchar(40) )
select @region as 지역,
avg(convert(float, latitude)) as 중심_위도,
avg(convert(float, longitude))as 중심_경도
from photoData where groupName=@region
exec getCenter bukgyo