
From Korean Cultural Heritage VR Materials Archive
Revision as of 11:32, 7 June 2018 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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This is the "Media" template. It should be called in the following format:

|Format / 유형=
|Vantage / 시점=
|Date / 촬영일=
|GIS / 지리정보=
|Camera / 카메라=
|Photographer / 촬영가=
|Editor / 편집자=
|Province / 도=
|City / 시, 군=
|District / 구=
|Town / 읍, 면, 동=
|Village / 리, 통=
|Address / 남은 주소=
|Site / 관련 유적지=
|Subject 1 / 상위 대상=
|Subject 2 / 하위 대상=

Edit the page to see the template text.