
"옥산서원(정읍)"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(영문 해설 내용)
32번째 줄: 32번째 줄:
Oksanseowon is dedicated to Kim Nam-sik (1617-1683), Kim I-seong (1652-1696), and Kim Seong-eun (1765-1830) of the Gwangsan Kim Clan.
Oksanseowon is dedicated to Kim Nam-sik (1617-1683), Kim I-seong (1652-1696), and Kim Seong-eun (1765-1830) of the Gwangsan Kim Clan.
In 1636, when Manchu invaded Joseon, Kim Nam-sik raised a civilian army in the Gochang area. However, disappointed with Joseon’s humiliating surrender, he came back to his hometown and lived in retirement. His son Kim I-seong was known for his filial piety, and Kim Seong-eun, a great-grandson of Kim I-seong, was an eminent Confucian scholar.
In 1636, when the Manchus invaded Joseon, Kim Nam-sik raised a civilian army in the Gochang area. However, disappointed with Joseon’s humiliating surrender, he came back to his hometown and lived in retirement. His son Kim I-seong was known for his filial piety, and Kim Seong-eun, a great-grandson of Kim I-seong, was an eminent Confucian scholar.
This Confucian academy complex includes a lecture hall named Oksanjeongsa, a shrine, an inner gate, a portrait shrine for Kim Seong-eun, and a commemorative pavilion. Oksanjeongsa was first established in 1661 by Kim Nam-sik, and the current building was reconstructed in 1987. The shrine was built in 1956 to enshrine the spirit tablets of Kim Nam-sik, Kim I-seong, and Kim Seong-eun. In 1828, commemorative plaques were bestowed by the royal court to honor loyal subjects, filial sons, and virtuous ladies of the Gwangsan Kim Clan, and the current pavilion housing these plaques was rebuilt in 1948.
This Confucian academy complex includes a lecture hall named Oksanjeongsa, a shrine, an inner gate, a portrait shrine for Kim Seong-eun, and a commemorative pavilion. Oksanjeongsa was first established in 1661 by Kim Nam-sik, and the current building was reconstructed in 1987. The shrine was built in 1956 to enshrine the spirit tablets of Kim Nam-sik, Kim I-seong, and Kim Seong-eun. In 1828, commemorative plaques were bestowed by the royal court to honor loyal subjects, filial sons, and virtuous ladies of the Gwangsan Kim Clan, and the current pavilion housing these plaques was rebuilt in 1948.

2019년 6월 17일 (월) 10:56 판

Oksanseowon Confucian Academy
"정읍소성면의 숨겨진 보물 옥산서원을 소개해요~!", 정읍시공식블로그, 네이버 블로그.
대표명칭 옥산서원
영문명칭 Oksanseowon Confucian Academy
한자 玉山書院
주소 전라북도 정읍시 소성면 애당모촌길 9
지정번호 문화재자료 제141호
지정일 1998년 11월 27일
분류 유적건조물/교육문화/교육기관/서원
수량/면적 1廓
웹사이트 "옥산서원", 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



옥산서원은 충신 김남식(金南式)을 중심으로 김이성(金履成)과 김성은(金性溵)을 모시고 제사 지내는 곳이다. 김남식은 병자호란 때 고창에서 의병을 일으켜 남한산성으로 가다가 조선이 청나라에 항복하였다는 소식을 듣자 통곡하며 돌아와 세상을 등지고 살았다. 김남식의 아들인 김이성은 병든 아버지에게 손가락을 잘라 피를 아버지의 입에 흘려 넣어 목숨을 구한 효자로 알려져 있다. 김이성의 증손자인 김성은은 『동국문헌록』을 지은 유학자로 이름이 높았다. 옥산서원은 이들의 높은 뜻을 기리고자 건립하였다.

  • 동국문헌록: 신라 이래의 주요 인물들을 그 성격에 따라 모아놓은 책


A seowon is a private education institution of the Joseon period (1392-1910) which usually combined the functions of a Confucian shrine and a lecture hall.

Oksanseowon is dedicated to Kim Nam-sik (1617-1683), Kim I-seong (1652-1696), and Kim Seong-eun (1765-1830) of the Gwangsan Kim Clan.

In 1636, when the Manchus invaded Joseon, Kim Nam-sik raised a civilian army in the Gochang area. However, disappointed with Joseon’s humiliating surrender, he came back to his hometown and lived in retirement. His son Kim I-seong was known for his filial piety, and Kim Seong-eun, a great-grandson of Kim I-seong, was an eminent Confucian scholar.

This Confucian academy complex includes a lecture hall named Oksanjeongsa, a shrine, an inner gate, a portrait shrine for Kim Seong-eun, and a commemorative pavilion. Oksanjeongsa was first established in 1661 by Kim Nam-sik, and the current building was reconstructed in 1987. The shrine was built in 1956 to enshrine the spirit tablets of Kim Nam-sik, Kim I-seong, and Kim Seong-eun. In 1828, commemorative plaques were bestowed by the royal court to honor loyal subjects, filial sons, and virtuous ladies of the Gwangsan Kim Clan, and the current pavilion housing these plaques was rebuilt in 1948.

영문 해설 내용

서원은 조선시대에 설립된 사설교육기관으로, 선현 제향과 교육의 기능을 수행하였다.

옥산서원은 광산김씨 집안의 김남식(1617-1683), 김이성(1652-1696), 김성은(1765-1830)을 배향한 서원이다.

김남식은 1636년 병자호란이 일어났을 때 고창에서 의병을 일으켰으나, 조선이 청나라에 항복하였다는 소식을 듣고 고향으로 돌아와 세상을 등지고 살았다. 김남식의 아들인 김이성은 효성이 지극했던 것으로 알려졌으며, 김이성의 증손인 김성은은 저명한 유학자였다.

옥산서원은 강당인 옥산정사, 사우, 내삼문, 김성은의 영당, 삼강문 등으로 구성되어 있다. 옥산정사는 1661년 김남식이 처음 세웠고, 현재의 건물은 1987년에 지은 것이다. 사우는 1956년에 지었고, 김남식, 김이성, 김성은의 위패를 봉안하고 있다. 삼강문은 김남식을 비롯한 김씨 집안의 충신, 효자, 열녀를 기리기 위해 1828년 나라에서 내린 정려로 현재의 건물은 1948년에 다시 지은 것이다.
