"봉화 녹동리사와 직방당"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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====Nokdongnisa Confucian Academy====
====Nokdongnisa Confucian Academy====
Nokdongnisa is a Confucian academy established in 1831 to honor Bae Sang-yeol (1759-1789), a scholar of the Joseon period (1392-1910). Confucian academies are private education institutions of the Joseon period (1392-1910) which usually combined the functions of a Confucian shrine and a lecture hall.
Nokdongnisa is a Confucian academy established in 1831 to honor Bae Sang-yeol (1759-1789), a scholar of the Joseon period (1392-1910). Confucian academies are private education institutions of the Joseon period which usually combined the functions of a Confucian shrine and a lecture hall.
Bae Sang-yeol was born in Nokdong Village in Bonghwa. From an early age, he was well-versed in all studies, especially astronomy, mathematics, and divination. He was not interested in pursuing official career, and instead he made a small pond called Jikbangdang near his house and stayed there reading books.
Bae Sang-yeol was born in Nokdong Village in Bonghwa. From an early age, he was well-versed in all studies, especially astronomy, mathematics, and divination. He was not interested in pursuing an official career, and instead, he built a small pond called Jikbangdang near his house where he enjoyed reading books.
This site was originally occupied by a village study hall. After his death, his grandson Bae Yak-ju (1817-1882) and local Confucian scholars built a Confucian academy that consisted of several buildings including a shrine, lecture hall, and other auxiliary buildings, and enshrined a spirit tablet of Bae Sang-yeol in 1852. In 1868, the Confucian academy was demolished when most shrines and Confucian academies were shut down by a nationwide decree, and only its lecture hall survived. In 1871, the spirit tablet of Bae Sang-yeol was moved to the lecture hall building, which is now also used as a shrine.  
This site was originally occupied by a village study hall. After Bae Sang-yeol’s death, his grandson Bae Yak-ju (1817-1882) and local Confucian scholars built a Confucian academy that consisted of several buildings including a shrine, lecture hall, and other auxiliary buildings. In 1852, a spirit tablet of Bae Sang-yeol was placed in the shrine. In 1868, the Confucian academy was demolished when most shrines and Confucian academies were shut down by a nationwide decree, and only its lecture hall survived. In 1871, the spirit tablet of Bae Sang-yeol was moved into the lecture hall building, which is now also used as a shrine.
This Confucian academy holds various historical records and artifacts, including 241 documents, 420 letters, 319 books on ancient astronomical researches, 188 woodblocks for printing collected works of Bae Sang-yeol, as well as several astronomical instruments, such as a celestial globe and sundial.
This Confucian academy has kept various historical records and artifacts, including 241 documents, 420 letters, 319 books on ancient astronomical research, 188 woodblocks for printing collected works of Bae Sang-yeol, as well as several astronomical instruments, such as a celestial globe and sundial.  
====Jikbangdang Pond====
====Jikbangdang Pond====
ikbangdang was where Bae Sang-yeol observed the constellations and calculated the area of the land. As he enjoyed observing the sky at this pond near a pagoda tree, he made his own pen name “Goedam,meaning “a pond with a pagoda tree.” He studied astronomy, mathematics, and divination by himself from an early age, and made astronomical instruments such as a celestial globe.
This was where Bae Sang-yeol observed the constellations and calculated the area of the land. He so much enjoyed observing the sky at this pond near a pagoda tree, that he went by the pen name Goedam, meaning “pagoda tree and pond.” He studied astronomy, mathematics, and divination by himself from an early age, and made astronomical instruments such as a celestial globe.
The pond’s name Jikbangdang implies the combination of astronomical science and Confucian philosophy. It literally means “a pond for observing the right direction.” Also, the name was derived from a passage in the ''Book of Changes'' (I Ching), which states that “the superior man maintains the inward correctness by his self-reverence and adjusts his external acts in righteousness.”
The name Jikbangdang means “a pond for observing the right direction” and implies a combination of astronomical science and Confucian philosophy. It was derived from a passage in the ''Book of Changes'' (I Ching), which states that “the superior man maintains the inward correctness by his self-reverence and adjusts his external acts in righteousness.”
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2020년 9월 29일 (화) 13:09 기준 최신판

봉화 녹동리사와 직방당
Nokdongnisa Confucian Academy and Jikbangdang Pond, Bonghwa
봉화 녹동리사와 직방당, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 봉화 녹동리사와 직방당
영문명칭 Nokdongnisa Confucian Academy and Jikbangdang Pond, Bonghwa
한자 奉化 鹿洞里社와 直方塘
주소 경상북도 봉화군 봉화읍 유록안길 10 외3
지정번호 경상북도 기념물 제178호
지정일 2020년 2월 17일
수량/면적 1동, 연못 65.7㎡
웹사이트 봉화 녹동리사와 직방당, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.




녹동리사는 괴담 배상열(槐潭 裵相說, 1760~1789)의 학문과 덕을 기리기 위해 건립한 서원이다. 배상열의 손자 배약주(裵約周, 1817~1882)와 지역 유림이 순조 31년(1831) 녹동서당으로 사용하던 곳에 재건하였고, 1852년에 배상열의 위패(位牌: 신주의 이름을 적은 나무패)를 모셨다.

조선 후기 서원철폐령으로 1868년(고종 5년) 대부분의 건물이 철거된 후, 1871년에 강당으로 위패를 옮겨 현재의 모습으로 남아 있다. 녹동리사(鹿洞里社),녹동서당(鹿洞書堂),성교당(成敎堂),상현사(尙賢祠), 경학제(敬學薺) 등 여러 현판이 남아 있어 이를 통해 당시의 규모가 컸음을 알 수 있다.

이 서원은 고문서 241점, 간찰 420여 점, 『서계쇄록』 등 천문연구 분야의 고서 319점과 혼천의(선기옥형)·해시계 등 천문과학 자료, 유네스코등재문화재인 『괴담유고』를 비롯하여 『사서찬요』, 『성리찬요』 등 배상열의 저서 목판 188점 등 많은 자료를 보관하고 있다.


직방당은 괴담 배상열이 천문을 관측하고 산천을 측량하던 장소이다. 배상열은 ‘회화나무 아래에 연못을 파고 하늘을 관측·연구한다’하여 호를 괴담(槐潭: 회화나무 연못)으로 하였을 만큼 천문학을 중시하였다. 어릴 때부터 독학으로 역학·산학·천문과학 등을 공부하여, 15세에는 『주역(周易)』, 『역학계몽(易學啓蒙)』, 『율려신서(律呂新書)』 등을 읽었고 16세에는 혼천의 등 천문기구를 직접 만들어 활용하였다고 한다.

직방당(直方塘)은 ‘방위를 바로 찾아보는 관측 장소’라는 뜻과 『주역』의 ‘경이직내 의이방외(敬以直內 義以方外: 경으로써 마음을 곧게 하고, 의로써 행동을 바르게 한다)’라는 의미를 담고 있다. 즉 천문 과학과 유학의 뜻을 함께 표현한 이름이다. 직방당은 천문 관측장소, 관측 기구 등 천문 자료를 민간이 보유하고 있는 사례로서 희귀한 자료이다.


Nokdongnisa Confucian Academy and Jikbangdang Pond, Bonghwa

Nokdongnisa Confucian Academy

Nokdongnisa is a Confucian academy established in 1831 to honor Bae Sang-yeol (1759-1789), a scholar of the Joseon period (1392-1910). Confucian academies are private education institutions of the Joseon period which usually combined the functions of a Confucian shrine and a lecture hall.

Bae Sang-yeol was born in Nokdong Village in Bonghwa. From an early age, he was well-versed in all studies, especially astronomy, mathematics, and divination. He was not interested in pursuing an official career, and instead, he built a small pond called Jikbangdang near his house where he enjoyed reading books.

This site was originally occupied by a village study hall. After Bae Sang-yeol’s death, his grandson Bae Yak-ju (1817-1882) and local Confucian scholars built a Confucian academy that consisted of several buildings including a shrine, lecture hall, and other auxiliary buildings. In 1852, a spirit tablet of Bae Sang-yeol was placed in the shrine. In 1868, the Confucian academy was demolished when most shrines and Confucian academies were shut down by a nationwide decree, and only its lecture hall survived. In 1871, the spirit tablet of Bae Sang-yeol was moved into the lecture hall building, which is now also used as a shrine.

This Confucian academy has kept various historical records and artifacts, including 241 documents, 420 letters, 319 books on ancient astronomical research, 188 woodblocks for printing collected works of Bae Sang-yeol, as well as several astronomical instruments, such as a celestial globe and sundial.

Jikbangdang Pond

This was where Bae Sang-yeol observed the constellations and calculated the area of the land. He so much enjoyed observing the sky at this pond near a pagoda tree, that he went by the pen name Goedam, meaning “pagoda tree and pond.” He studied astronomy, mathematics, and divination by himself from an early age, and made astronomical instruments such as a celestial globe.

The name Jikbangdang means “a pond for observing the right direction” and implies a combination of astronomical science and Confucian philosophy. It was derived from a passage in the Book of Changes (I Ching), which states that “the superior man maintains the inward correctness by his self-reverence and adjusts his external acts in righteousness.”

영문 해설 내용


녹동리사는 조선시대의 학자였던 배상열(1759-1789)을 기리기 위해 1831년에 세운 서원이다. 서원은 조선시대에 설립된 사설교육기관으로, 선현 제향과 교육의 기능을 수행하였다.

배상열은 봉화 녹동마을 출신으로, 어려서부터 모든 학문에 통달했으며 특히 천문학, 산학, 역학에 정통하였다. 벼슬에는 관심이 없었고, 집 근처에 직방당이라는 작은 연못을 만들고는 그곳에서 책을 읽으며 지냈다.

이곳은 원래 서당이 있던 곳인데, 배상열 사후 그의 손자인 배약주(1817-1882)와 지역 유림이 사당, 강당과 기타 부속건물들로 구성된 서원을 설립하고 1852년 배상열의 위패를 모셨다. 그러나 서원철폐령으로 1868년 철거되어 강당만 남게 되었으며, 1871년 배상열의 위패를 강당으로 옮기고 지금은 사당으로도 사용하고 있다.

이 서원은 고문서 241점, 간찰 420여 점, 천문연구 분야의 고서 319점, 배상열의 저서 목판 188점과 혼천의와 해시계를 비롯한 천문과학 기구 등 많은 자료를 보관하고 있다.


직방당은 배상열이 천문을 관측하고 전답의 면적을 계산하던 장소이다. 배상열은 회화나무 아래에 있는 이 연못에서 하늘을 관찰하는 것을 즐겼으며, 자신의 호를 “회화나무 연못”이라는 뜻의 ‘괴담’이라 하였다. 어려서부터 독학으로 역학. 산학, 천문과학을 공부하였고, 혼천의와 같은 관측기구를 직접 만들어 사용했다고 한다.

직방당은 천문과학과 유교 철학의 의미를 함께 표현한 이름이다. 직방당이라는 말 그대로는 ‘방위를 바로 찾아보는 관측 장소’라는 뜻이며, 『주역』의 ‘경이직내 의이방외(敬以直內 義以方外: 경으로써 마음을 곧게 하고, 의로써 행동을 바르게 한다)’라는 의미 역시 담고 있다.