
"경주 불국사 가구식 석축"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(새 문서: {{진행중}} {{문화유산정보 |사진=경주불국사가구식석축.jpg |사진출처=[http://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/culSelectDetail.do?ccbaCpno=1123717450000 경주 불국...)
33번째 줄: 33번째 줄:
'''Stone Elevation of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju'''
Most Buddhist temples in Korea are built in mountainous areas with steep slopes. To create a level surface upon which to build the wooden worship halls, stone walls and terraced stone foundations have long been utilized as a landscaping technology. Bulguksa Temple has one of the most ornate examples of such a stone foundation wall, seen in the stone elevation built at the front of the worship area of the temple.
This stone wall dates to the mid-8th century when Bulguksa Temple was founded and thus demonstrates the artistry and construction technology of the Unified Silla period (668-935). It stretches across the facade and left side of the main worship area of the temple. Atop the stone wall are corridor buildings and gates that form the perimeter of the courtyards of Daeungjeon and Geungnakjeon Halls.
The stone elevation was built using a combination of large unhewn stones, medium roughly-hewn stones, and stones carved into the shape of pillars and pillar joins. Overall, it resembles a post-and-lintel design found in Korean wooden architecture in which vertical pillars hold up horizontal lintels. Each section of the wall features a slightly different design and stands in harmony with the adjacent stone bridges that lead into the worship area. There are some additional features such as stones which extend horizontally out of the sides of the wall like the eaves of a wooden building,
Some parts of the wall had significantly collapsed in the early 20th century, especially the upper part of the wall, but its overall design could still be ascertained. At this time, only the gates stood atop the wall with no corridor buildings. The wall was repaired in the 1920s and 1970s to restore it to its original appearance. The corridor buildings above the walls were added in the 1970s in the Silla-period fashion.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2020년 9월 25일 (금) 17:47 판

경주 불국사 가구식 석축
Stone Elevation of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju
경주 불국사 가구식 석축, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 경주 불국사 가구식 석축
영문명칭 Stone Elevation of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju
한자 慶州 佛國寺 架構式 石築
주소 경상북도 경주시 진현동 불국로 385
지정번호 보물 제1745호
지정일 2011년 12월 30일
분류 유적건조물
시대 통일신라
수량/면적 1곽
웹사이트 경주 불국사 가구식 석축, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



대부분 산지에 위치한 우리나라의 사찰에서는 건물들이 들어설 평탄한 대지를 마련하기 위해서 석축을 쌓는 기술이 발달하였다. 불국사 안양문과 자하문의 남쪽과 서쪽에 축조되어 있는 이 석축은 앞에 있는 연화교 및 칠보교(국보 제22호), 청운교 및 백운교(국보 제23호)와 아름다운 조화를 이루고 있다.

동쪽 자하문 앞의 석축은 백운교의 계단 위에서 단을 달리하여 윗부분을 변화 있게 꾸몄다. 안양문 앞에서는 밑에서부터 수직으로 쌓으면서 중간 중간 칸을 만들어 자연석으로 채운 행태이다. 자하문이나 범영루 앞의 아래쪽 석축은 밑에서부터 자연석을 쌓고 그 위에 가공한 석재를 가구식으로 짜 올린 특이한 형태를 하고 있다. 범영루 아래의 돌출된 기둥 밑에는 첨차*형의 석재들을 차곡차곡 쌓아 돌기둥을 만들었고 또 돌다리 아래는 정교한 홍예(虹蜺)*를 이루고 있다.

불국사 석축은 길게 다듬은 돌[장대석, 長臺石]과 자연 그대로의 돌을 조화롭게 결합시킨 독특한 형태의 구조물이다. 위쪽에 얹히는 돌의 아랫면을 아래쪽 자연석의 모양대로 다듬어서 맞춘 그랭이 기법, 범영루 기둥에서 보이는 목조건축 같은 결합방식 등 신라의 다양한 석조 건축기술들을 담고 있다.

  • 첨차(檐遮) : 지붕 처마의 무게를 받치기 위해 기둥 상부에 짜 놓은 짧은 가로 부재
  • 홍예(虹蜺) : 무지개, 윗부분을 무지개 모양으로 반쯤 둥글게 만든 문


Stone Elevation of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju

Most Buddhist temples in Korea are built in mountainous areas with steep slopes. To create a level surface upon which to build the wooden worship halls, stone walls and terraced stone foundations have long been utilized as a landscaping technology. Bulguksa Temple has one of the most ornate examples of such a stone foundation wall, seen in the stone elevation built at the front of the worship area of the temple.

This stone wall dates to the mid-8th century when Bulguksa Temple was founded and thus demonstrates the artistry and construction technology of the Unified Silla period (668-935). It stretches across the facade and left side of the main worship area of the temple. Atop the stone wall are corridor buildings and gates that form the perimeter of the courtyards of Daeungjeon and Geungnakjeon Halls.

The stone elevation was built using a combination of large unhewn stones, medium roughly-hewn stones, and stones carved into the shape of pillars and pillar joins. Overall, it resembles a post-and-lintel design found in Korean wooden architecture in which vertical pillars hold up horizontal lintels. Each section of the wall features a slightly different design and stands in harmony with the adjacent stone bridges that lead into the worship area. There are some additional features such as stones which extend horizontally out of the sides of the wall like the eaves of a wooden building,

Some parts of the wall had significantly collapsed in the early 20th century, especially the upper part of the wall, but its overall design could still be ascertained. At this time, only the gates stood atop the wall with no corridor buildings. The wall was repaired in the 1920s and 1970s to restore it to its original appearance. The corridor buildings above the walls were added in the 1970s in the Silla-period fashion.

영문 해설 내용