"의견비"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
33번째 줄: 33번째 줄:
'''Monument of the Righteous Dog'''
'''Monument of the Righteous Dog'''
This stone monument commemorates the loyalty of a dog that died to save its owner. Its period of creation is unknown. The monument was discovered in a stream in Osu-ri Village in 1928 during the construction of the Jeolla Railway Line and was moved to its current location in Wondongsan Park in 1940.
This stone monument commemorates the loyalty of a dog that died to save its owner. Its period of creation is unknown. The monument was discovered in a stream in Sangni Village in 1928 during the construction of the Jeolla Railway Line and was moved to its current location in Wondongsan Park in 1940.
The story of this dog is found in the ''Collection to Relieve Idleness'' (Bohanjip), written by the civil official Choe Ja (1188-1260) in the Goryeo period (918-1392). Long ago, there was a man named Kim Gae-in who had a dog he greatly adored. One day, Kim went out, got drunk, and passed out along the road. When a fire broke out nearby, his dog tried to save him by repeatedly soaking his fur in a nearby stream and then drenching the area around Kim with water. When Kim finally arose, he saw that this dog had died in an effort to save him, and was deeply moved. So, when he buried the dog, he marked the spot with his cane. The cane eventually grew into a tree, and ever since then, the area became known as Osu-ri, meaning “Village Where a Tree Grew From a Dog's Grave.”
The story of this dog is found in the ''Collection to Relieve Idleness'' (Bohanjip), written by the civil official Choe Ja (1188-1260) in the Goryeo period (918-1392). Long ago, there was a man named Kim Gae-in who had a dog he greatly adored. One day, Kim went out, got drunk, and passed out along the road. When a fire broke out nearby, his dog tried to save him by repeatedly soaking his fur in a nearby stream and then drenching the area around Kim with water. When Kim finally arose, he saw that this dog had died in an effort to save him, and was deeply moved. So, when he buried the dog, he marked the spot with his cane. The cane eventually grew into a tree, and ever since then, the area became known as Osu-ri, meaning “Village Where a Tree Grew From a Dog's Grave.”

2022년 11월 27일 (일) 11:07 기준 최신판

Monument of the Righteous Dog
의견비, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 의견비
영문명칭 Monument of the Righteous Dog
한자 義犬碑
주소 전라북도 임실군 오수면 오수3길 7 (오수리)
지정번호 전라북도 민속문화재 제1호
지정일 1972년 12월 2일
분류 기록유산/서각류/금석각류/비
수량/면적 1기
웹사이트 의견비, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



의견비는 주인을 위해 죽은 오수개의 충성을 기리기 위해 세운 비석이다. 비석의 높이는 218cm, 가로 96cm, 두께 28cm이며, 제작 시기는 알 수 없다. 1928년경 전라선 개설 공사를 하던 중 오수면 상리마을 앞 하천에서 발견되었으며, 1940년에 원동산공원으로 옮겨졌다.

비의 앞면에는 하늘을 보고 누운 개의 형상과 개의 발자국 모양이 있어, 마치 주인을 구하고 의롭게 죽은 개가 발자국을 남기고 하늘로 승천하는 모습을 연상시킨다. 비의 뒷면에는 시주자 명단 80여 명이 새겨져 있다. 해서로 쓰인 비문의 서체는 위진남북조 시대에 유행한 육조체로서 호방하고 웅건한 풍격이 드러난다.

고려시대 최자가 지은 『보한집』(1254)에 실린 오수의견(獒樹義犬) 이야기에 따르면 오수(獒樹)라는 지명은 주인을 위해 죽은 충직한 개의 무덤에서 자란 나무라는 뜻에서 유래되었다고 한다.

  • 문화재청 국가문화유산포털과 한국민족문화대백과사전에는 1955년에 다시 세웠다고 함.


Monument of the Righteous Dog

This stone monument commemorates the loyalty of a dog that died to save its owner. Its period of creation is unknown. The monument was discovered in a stream in Sangni Village in 1928 during the construction of the Jeolla Railway Line and was moved to its current location in Wondongsan Park in 1940.

The story of this dog is found in the Collection to Relieve Idleness (Bohanjip), written by the civil official Choe Ja (1188-1260) in the Goryeo period (918-1392). Long ago, there was a man named Kim Gae-in who had a dog he greatly adored. One day, Kim went out, got drunk, and passed out along the road. When a fire broke out nearby, his dog tried to save him by repeatedly soaking his fur in a nearby stream and then drenching the area around Kim with water. When Kim finally arose, he saw that this dog had died in an effort to save him, and was deeply moved. So, when he buried the dog, he marked the spot with his cane. The cane eventually grew into a tree, and ever since then, the area became known as Osu-ri, meaning “Village Where a Tree Grew From a Dog's Grave.”

The monument measures 218 cm in height, 96 cm in width, and 28 cm in depth. The front is engraved with a depiction of a dog laying down and looking at the sky, along with pawprints. The back is inscribed with the names of about 80 people who helped fund the monument’s creation.

영문 해설 내용

이 비석은 주인을 구하고 죽은 개의 충성을 기리기 위해 세워졌다. 조성 시기는 알 수 없고, 1928년 무렵 전라선 개설 공사를 하던 중 상리마을 앞 하천에서 발견되어 1940년 지금의 위치인 원동산공원으로 옮겨졌다.

이 개에 대한 이야기는 고려시대의 문신인 최자(1188-1260)가 편찬한 『보한집』에 실려있다. 옛날 김개인이라는 사람이 있었는데, 개 한 마리를 기르며 매우 예뻐하였다. 하루는 김개인이 외출하였다가 술에 취해 길가에서 잠이 들었다. 갑자기 들불이 일어나자 김개인과 함께 있던 개는 근처 냇가에서 몸을 적셔서 왔다 갔다 하면서 김개인의 주위를 적셨고, 김개인의 곁에 불이 번지지 않도록 막다가 죽었다. 잠에서 깨어난 김개인이 죽은 개를 보고 감동하여, 개를 장사지낸 뒤에 지팡이를 꽂아 표시하였다. 그 뒤 지팡이가 자라 나무가 되었고, 이때부터 마을 이름을 “개 무덤에서 자란 나무”라는 뜻의 오수라 하였다.

비석의 높이는 218cm, 가로 96cm, 두께 28cm이다. 비의 앞면에는 하늘을 보고 누운 개의 형상과 개의 발자국 모양이 있고, 뒷면에는 시주자 80여 명의 명단이 새겨져 있다.
