"김해 대성동 고분군 1호분"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
28번째 줄: 28번째 줄:
'''Tomb No. 1'''
'''Tomb No. 1'''
This massive wooden chamber tomb, located on the southern peak of Aeguji Hill, was built in the 5th century. When it was discovered, it was found looted with a damaged east corner.
This massive wooden chamber tomb, located on the southern peak of Aeguji Hill, was built in the early 5th century. When it was discovered, it was found looted with a damaged east corner.
It consists of a main chamber where the owner of the tomb was buried and an auxiliary chamber with the burial goods. In the main chamber, the tomb's owner was found buried with five human sacrifices. Various burial goods were also discovered in the main chamber such as iron weapons, iron plates(?), gilt-bronze harness decorations, saddle ornaments, and foot straps. Eight cylindrical bronzeware pieces were also discovered that might have originally been attached at the end of a spear handle. Some of them had bronze rods inside as if to produce a clear sound, which suggests they could have been used for a ritual purpose. Such bronzeware was found not only in the tombs of Geumgwan Gaya but also in the ancient tombs of the Kansai region in Japan, which shows that Geumgwan Gaya and ancient Japan actively traded with one another.  
It consists of a main chamber where the owner of the tomb was buried and an auxiliary chamber with the burial goods. In the main chamber, the tomb’s owner was found buried with five human sacrifices. Various burial goods were also discovered in the main chamber such as iron weapons, iron plates, gilt-bronze harness decorations, saddle ornaments, and stirrups. Eight cylindrical bronzeware pieces were also discovered that might have originally been attached at the end of a spear handle. Some of them had bronze rods inside as if to produce a clear sound, which suggests they could have been used for a ritual purpose. Such bronzeware was found not only in the tombs of Geumgwan Gaya but also in the ancient tombs of the Kansai region in Japan, which shows that Geumgwan Gaya and ancient Japan actively traded with one another.
In the auxiliary chamber, an iron helmet and iron armor used to protect the throat and waist were discovered.
In the auxiliary chamber, an iron helmet and iron armor used to protect the throat and waist were discovered.

2020년 11월 17일 (화) 14:05 기준 최신판

김해 대성동 고분군 1호분
Goto.png 종합안내판: 김해 대성동 고분군



김해 대성동 고분군 1호분은 애구지 언덕 남동쪽 정상부에 위치한 5세기 초의 초대형 주부곽식* 덧널무덤*이다.

주곽에는 무덤 주인과 5명의 순장자가 매장되어 있다. 동쪽에서는 철제 무기가 주로 출토되었다. 동북쪽 모서리에서는 도굴로 원래의 형태가 훼손되어 있으나 2열 5겹으로 쌓아 올린 덩이쇠*가 출토되었다. 북서쪽 모서리 부근에서는 금동제 말 띠 꾸미개와 말안장 장식, 발걸이 등의 말 갖춤새가 발견되었다.

창 자루 끝부분에 붙였을 것으로 추정되는 원통 모양의 통형 동기 8점은 청동 막대가 들어 있는 것도 있어 맑은 소리를 내던 주술 도구의 역할도 한 것으로 추정된다. 이는 일본 긴키 지역에서도 출토되어 그 당시 일본 수장과의 교류를 짐작할 수 있게 한다.

부곽에서는 목과 허리를 보호하는 철제 갑옷과 투구가 출토되어 무덤의 주인이 가야 왕국의 지배층이었던 것으로 추정된다.

  • 주부곽식: 시신을 넣는 주곽과 껴묻거리를 넣는 부곽을 따로 만든 형식.
  • 덧널무덤: 무덤 속에 관을 넣어두는 묘실을 나무로 짜 만든 무덤.
  • 덩이쇠: 가운데로 갈수록 잘록해지는 단순한 모양의 쇠판.


Tomb No. 1

This massive wooden chamber tomb, located on the southern peak of Aeguji Hill, was built in the early 5th century. When it was discovered, it was found looted with a damaged east corner.

It consists of a main chamber where the owner of the tomb was buried and an auxiliary chamber with the burial goods. In the main chamber, the tomb’s owner was found buried with five human sacrifices. Various burial goods were also discovered in the main chamber such as iron weapons, iron plates, gilt-bronze harness decorations, saddle ornaments, and stirrups. Eight cylindrical bronzeware pieces were also discovered that might have originally been attached at the end of a spear handle. Some of them had bronze rods inside as if to produce a clear sound, which suggests they could have been used for a ritual purpose. Such bronzeware was found not only in the tombs of Geumgwan Gaya but also in the ancient tombs of the Kansai region in Japan, which shows that Geumgwan Gaya and ancient Japan actively traded with one another.

In the auxiliary chamber, an iron helmet and iron armor used to protect the throat and waist were discovered.

영문 해설 내용

애구지 언덕 남동쪽 정상부에 위치한 1호분은 5세기 초의 초대형 덧널무덤이다. 도굴되어 동북쪽 모서리의 형태가 훼손된 상태로 발견되었다.

주곽에는 무덤 주인과 5명의 순장자가 매장되었다. 주곽에 함께 매장된 부장품으로는 철제 무기, 덩이쇠, 금동제 말띠 꾸미개, 말안장 장식, 발걸이 등이 있다. 이곳에서 발견된 원통 모양의 청동기 8점은 창 자루 끝부분에 붙였던 것으로 추정된다. 이중에는 청동 막대가 안에 들어있는 것도 있어서, 맑은 소리를 내는 주술 도구로도 사용되었던 것으로 보인다. 이러한 청동기는 금관가야의 고분 외에 일본 긴키(近畿) 지역에서도 출토되고 있으며, 금관가야와 고대 일본 사이의 교류가 매우 활발하였음을 보여주는 유물이다.

부곽에서는 목과 허리를 보호하는 철제 갑옷과 투구가 출토되었다.