
"영주 무섬마을"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
34번째 줄: 34번째 줄:
'''Museom Village, Yeongju'''
'''Museom Village, Yeongju'''
This is a clan village of the Bannam Bak clan and the Yean Kim clan.
This is a clan village of the Bannam Bak and Yean Kim clans.
Bak Su (1642-1729), who originally lived across the river in Wonnam Village, moved here in 1666 thus becoming the first person from the Bannam Bak clan to settle in Museom Village. Later, Kim Dae (1732-1809), who married Bak’s great-granddaughter, also moved to the village thereby establishing here a Yean Kim clan village. Museom Village was a prosperous place that produced many scholars, state officials, and wealthy families. Even during the Korean Empire period (1897-1910), the population of the village was over 500 people and consisted of more than 120 households. However, in 1934, nearly half of the houses were destroyed by a huge flood, which followed by the outflow of the population to the cities in the 1960s and 1970s, almost led to the full abandonment of the village. From 2004 to 2010, the village underwent a large-scale restoration, during which the old houses were repaired, and some tourist facilities, such as, a village museum and a traditional Korean house experience center were established. In 2013, the whole village was designated as an important folklore cultural heritage. The old houses that survived to this day include Manjukjae House (Folklore Cultural Heritage of Gyeongsangbuk-do No. 93) built by Bak Su when he first moved to the village, Haeudang House (Folklore Cultural Heritage of Gyeongsangbuk-do No. 92) built by Kim Dae’s grandson and a few others.  
Bak Su (1642-1729), who originally lived across the river in Wonnam Village, moved here in 1666, thus becoming the first person from the Bannam Bak clan to settle in Museom Village. Later, Kim Dae (1732-1809), who married Bak’s great-granddaughter, also moved to the village, thereby establishing a Yean Kim clan village.  
Museom Village is also known to have produced the largest number* of Korean independence movement leaders during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945). Adoseosuk Study Hall founded here by the local youths became an important center of the local anti-Japanese movement. Five movement activists from this study hall received the Order of Merit for National Foundation.  
Museom Village was a prosperous place that produced many scholars, state officials, and wealthy families. Even during the Korean Empire period (1897-1910), the population of the village was over 500 people and consisted of more than 120 households. However, in 1934, nearly half of the houses were destroyed by a huge flood, and in the 1960s and 1970s, many remaining residents moved into the cities, resulting in the village becoming nearly abandoned. From 2004 to 2010, the village underwent a large-scale restoration, during which the old houses were repaired, and some tourist facilities, such as, a village museum and a traditional Korean house experience center were added. In 2013, the whole village was designated as an important folklore cultural heritage. The old houses that survived to this day include Manjukjae House (Gyeongsangbuk-do Folklore Cultural Heritage No. 93) built by Bak Su when he first moved to the village, and Haeudang House (Gyeongsangbuk-do Folklore Cultural Heritage No. 92), built by Kim Dae’s grandson.
The name of the village means “the island that floats on water,” as it is almost completely encircled by the river/stream that goes around the village making it appear like an island. In Feng shui, such topography can be interpreted as a blossom fallen from a plum tree or a lotus flower floating on water, which indicates an ideal/likely place for many great and virtuous people be born.
Museom Village is also known to have produced the largest number* of Korean independence movement leaders during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945). Adoseosuk Study Hall founded here by the local youth became an important center of the local anti-Japanese movement. Five movement activists from this study hall received the Order of Merit for National Foundation.  
The long single-log bridge laid across Naeseongcheon Sream was the only way where the villagers could cross it. In the past, the bridge used to be swept away by the stream during the monsoon season and had to be replaced each year. It disappeared for a while when the new concrete bridge was constructed in 1983 but was rebuilt in its original form again in 2005.  
The name of the village means “the island that floats on water,” as it is almost completely encircled by Naeseongcheon Stream, which wraps around the village making it appear like an island. According to Korean feng shui principles, such topography can be interpreted as a blossom fallen from a plum tree or a lotus flower floating on water, which indicates an ideal place for many great and virtuous people be born.
The long wooden bridge crossing the stream was once the only way villagers could get to the other side. In the past, the bridge would be swept away during monsoon season and had to be replaced each year. After a concrete bridge was constructed in 1983, this wooden bridge was not replaced for over two decades, until 2005 when it was rebuilt.
*Does it only iclude the people who received the order?
*Does it only include the people who received the order?
*다리는 아직도 매년 다시 만드는 건가?
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2020년 4월 23일 (목) 09:18 판

영주 무섬마을
Museom Village, Yeongju
영주 무섬마을, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 영주 무섬마을
영문명칭 Museom Village, Yeongju
한자 榮州 무섬마을
주소 경상북도 영주시 문수로 732-20 (문수면)
지정(등록) 종목 국가민속문화재 제278호
지정(등록)일 2013년 8월 23일
분류 유적건조물/주거생활/주거건축/마을
시대 조선시대
수량/면적 669,193㎡
웹사이트 영주 무섬마을, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



무섬마을은 마을의 삼면을 내성천이 감싸듯 휘감아 돌아나가서 육지 속의 섬처럼 보이는 물돌이 마을이다. 풍수로 보면 매화꽃이 떨어진 모습을 닮은 매화낙지(梅花落地) 또는 연꽃이 물 위에 떠 있는 연화부수(蓮花浮水) 모양의 지형으로서, 명성과 덕망이 높은 자손이 많이 나온다는 명당으로 꼽히는 곳이다. 마을 이름인 무섬은 물 위에 떠 있는 섬을 뜻하는 수도리(水島里)의 우리말이며, 원래 물섬이라고 불리었다.

이 마을은 조선 시대인 17세기에 박수가 터를 잡았고, 박수의 증손녀와 혼인한 김대가 들어와 살면서 만들어진 마을로, 반남 박씨 가문과 예안(선성) 김씨 가문 사람들이 모여 사는 집성촌이다. 조선 시대에는 수많은 선비와 관리를 배출하고 부자가 많이 살았던 마을이었고, 대한제국 시기에도 120여 가구에 500명 이상이 살았을 만큼 마을이 번성하였다. 일제 강점기인 1934년에 큰 홍수로 마을의 절반 정도가 사라지는 시련을 겪었지만, 해방 전까지는 100여 가구가 사는 큰 마을이었다. 1960년대와 1970년대에는 많은 주민이 도시로 떠나가면서 한때 마을이 사라질 위기에 처하였으나 이후 명맥을 이어오다가 2000년대에 전통 마을로 지정되고 정비가 이루어지면서 지금의 모습을 갖추었다. 현재에는 약 50가구에 50여 명의 주민이 살고 있으며 40여 동의 전통 가옥이 있다.

무섬마을은 자연과 어우러진 전통 마을의 모습을 잘 간직한 곳으로, 조선 시대에 만들어진 다양한 구조와 크기의 전통 가옥이 많이 남아 있다. 흥선대원군의 친필 현판이 있는 해우당(경상북도 민속문화재 제92호), 조선 현종 7년(1666)에 박수가 지은 마을에서 가장 오래된 한옥인 만죽재(경상북도 민속문화재 제93호), 마을의 큰 부자로 알려졌던 김위진 가옥(경상북도 문화재자료 제360호), 담장 없이 지은 초가집인 김규진 가옥(경상북도 문화재자료 제361호) 등이 대표적이다.

무섬마을은 지리적으로 고립되어 있었다. 마을과 외부를 이어주는 외나무다리가 폭이 좁아서 긴 장대에 의지하여 건넜다. 과거에는 장마 때마다 다리가 물에 떠내려가서 매년 새로 외나무다리를 만들었다고 한다. 그러나 사상은 자유로웠던 마을이다. 조선 시대에는 양반과 농민이 함께 공부하였고, 일제 강점기에는 항일 운동의 본거지로 양반과 상민, 남녀노소의 구별 없이 민족교육을 실시했던 아도서숙(亞島書塾)이 있었다. 6・25전쟁 때에는 좌익과 우익이 공존한 마을이었다. 면적 대비 전국에서 가장 많은 항일 독립 운동가를 배출한 마을로도 유명한데 독립 유공자만 5명에 이른다.


Museom Village, Yeongju

This is a clan village of the Bannam Bak and Yean Kim clans.

Bak Su (1642-1729), who originally lived across the river in Wonnam Village, moved here in 1666, thus becoming the first person from the Bannam Bak clan to settle in Museom Village. Later, Kim Dae (1732-1809), who married Bak’s great-granddaughter, also moved to the village, thereby establishing a Yean Kim clan village.

Museom Village was a prosperous place that produced many scholars, state officials, and wealthy families. Even during the Korean Empire period (1897-1910), the population of the village was over 500 people and consisted of more than 120 households. However, in 1934, nearly half of the houses were destroyed by a huge flood, and in the 1960s and 1970s, many remaining residents moved into the cities, resulting in the village becoming nearly abandoned. From 2004 to 2010, the village underwent a large-scale restoration, during which the old houses were repaired, and some tourist facilities, such as, a village museum and a traditional Korean house experience center were added. In 2013, the whole village was designated as an important folklore cultural heritage. The old houses that survived to this day include Manjukjae House (Gyeongsangbuk-do Folklore Cultural Heritage No. 93) built by Bak Su when he first moved to the village, and Haeudang House (Gyeongsangbuk-do Folklore Cultural Heritage No. 92), built by Kim Dae’s grandson.

Museom Village is also known to have produced the largest number* of Korean independence movement leaders during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945). Adoseosuk Study Hall founded here by the local youth became an important center of the local anti-Japanese movement. Five movement activists from this study hall received the Order of Merit for National Foundation.

The name of the village means “the island that floats on water,” as it is almost completely encircled by Naeseongcheon Stream, which wraps around the village making it appear like an island. According to Korean feng shui principles, such topography can be interpreted as a blossom fallen from a plum tree or a lotus flower floating on water, which indicates an ideal place for many great and virtuous people be born.

The long wooden bridge crossing the stream was once the only way villagers could get to the other side. In the past, the bridge would be swept away during monsoon season and had to be replaced each year. After a concrete bridge was constructed in 1983, this wooden bridge was not replaced for over two decades, until 2005 when it was rebuilt.

  • Does it only include the people who received the order?
  • 다리는 아직도 매년 다시 만드는 건가?

영문 해설 내용

무섬마을은 반남박씨와 예안김씨 가문의 사람들이 모여 사는 집성촌이다.

조선시대인 1666년 강 건너 원암마을에 살던 박수(1642-1729)가 이곳에 터를 잡았고, 박수의 증손녀와 혼인한 김대(1732-1809)가 들어와 살면서 각 가문의 입향조가 되었다. 조선시대에는 수많은 선비와 관리를 배출하고 부자가 많이 살았던 마을이었고, 대한제국 시기에도 120여 가구에 500명 이상이 살았을 만큼 마을이 번성하였다. 1934년에 큰 홍수로 마을의 절반 정도가 사라지는 시련을 겪었고, 1960년대와 1970년대에는 많은 주민이 도시로 떠나가면서 한때 마을이 사라질 위기에 처하기도 하였다. 그러나 2004년부터 2010년까지 대대적인 정비사업이 이루어지면서 고택들을 보수하고 마을 자료관과 전통한옥체험관을 건립하였으며, 2013년에는 한국에서 일곱 번째로 마을 전체가 중요민속문화재로 지정되었다. 현재 마을에는 박수가 입향하면서 지은 만죽재(경상북도 민속문화재 제93호)와 김대의 손자가 지은 해우당(경상북도 민속문화재 제92호)을 비롯하여 여러 고택들이 남아 있다.

이 마을은 일제강점기에 전국에서 가장 많은 독립운동가를 배출한 마을이기도 하다. 마을청년들이 설립한 교육기관이었던 아도서숙이 항일운동의 본거지가 되었으며, 이곳을 거점으로 활동한 독립운동가들 중 다섯명이 건국훈장을 받았다.

마을 이름인 무섬은 ’물 위에 떠 있는 섬‘을 뜻한다. 마을의 삼면을 내성천이 감싸듯 휘감아 돌아나가서 마을이 섬처럼 보이기 때문에 지어진 이름이다. 풍수상으로 이곳은 매화꽃이 떨어진 모습이나 연꽃이 물 위에 떠 있는 모습으로 해석되며, 이는 명성과 덕망이 높은 자손이 많이 나온다는 명당으로 여겨진다.

내성천에 놓인 긴 외나무다리는 마을 사람들이 강을 건널 수 있는 유일한 길이었다. 과거에는 장마 때마다 다리가 물에 떠내려가서 매년 새로 다리를 만들었다고 한다. 1983년 현대식 콘크리트 다리가 세워지면서 사라졌다가, 2005년 원래의 모습대로 복원되었다.
