
"충주 동부 외곽순환도로 개설 공사 부지 내 유적"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
43번째 줄: 43번째 줄:
A total of 24 archeological remains such as one stone chamber tomb with corridor and 21 pit tombs from the Goryeo (918-1392) and Joseon (1392-1910) periods were discovered at this archeological site.  They were verified during excavations of the construction site in Chungju’s Geumneung-dong area conducted when the Eastern Ring Expressway was established.
A total of 24 archeological remains such as one stone chamber tomb with corridor and 21 pit tombs from the Goryeo (918-1392) and Joseon (1392-1910) periods were discovered at this archeological site.  They were verified during excavations of the construction site in Chungju’s Geumneung-dong area conducted when the Eastern Ring Expressway was established.
In particular, the stone chamber tomb is presumed to have been made at the turn of 6th and 7th centuries. It consists of a corridor which was dug horizontally into the ground as the distal end(?) of the hill is a point 88 m above sea level, and a burial chamber for the body. The size of the corridor to the south of the burial chamber measures about 77 ㎝ in length and about 50 cm in width. The size of the walls of the burial chamber, which were made by stacking stone blocks in three to four layers, measures about 440 cm in in length, 274 cm in width, and about 77 cm in remaining depth. Some parts of the northern walls have been destroyed due to the pit tombs from the Joseon period. A low bench  where the corpse would have been laid to rest was made on the western wall of the burial chamber by using river stones, with its size measuring 194 ㎝in length, 67 cm in width, and 15 cm in height. One yellowish-brown short-necked jar was excavated from this tomb.  
In particular, the stone chamber tomb is presumed to have been made at the turn of 6th and 7th centuries. It consists of a corridor which was dug horizontally into the ground as the distal end(?) of the hill is a point 88 m above sea level, and a burial chamber for the body. The size of the corridor to the south of the burial chamber measures about 77 ㎝ in length and about 50 cm in width. The size of the walls of the burial chamber, which were made by stacking stone blocks in three to four layers, measures about 440 cm in in length, 274 cm in width, and about 77 cm in remaining depth. Some parts of the northern walls have been destroyed due to the pit tombs from the Joseon period. A low bench  where the corpse would have been laid to rest was made on the northern wall of the burial chamber by using river stones, with its size measuring 194 ㎝in length, 67 cm in width, and 15 cm in height. One yellowish-brown short-necked jar was excavated from this tomb.  
*The official English name of the road needs to be confirmed
*The official English name of the road needs to be confirmed

2024년 8월 19일 (월) 04:02 판

충주 동부 외곽순환도로 개설 공사 부지 내 유적
대표명칭 충주 동부 외곽순환도로 개설 공사 부지 내 유적
한자 忠州 東部 外郭循環道路 開設 工事 敷地 內 遺蹟



충주 동부 외곽순환도로 개설 공사 부지 내 유적은 동부 외곽순환도로를 개설하기 위해 충주시 금릉동 177-20번지 주변의 공사 부지에 대한 발굴 조사를 실시하면서 확인되었다. 이 유적에서는 굴식 돌방무덤* 1기, 고려시대~조선시대 움무덤(土壙墓) 21기 등 총 24기의 유구**가 나왔다.

굴식돌방무덤은 구릉의 말단부인 해발 88m 지점에 있으며, 조선시대의 움무덤 때문에 북벽 일부가 파괴된 상태이다. 장례 제도의 차이에 따라 구덩식(竪穴式)과 굴식(橫穴式)으로 나뉘는데, 이 무덤은 지면과 수평으로 판 널길***을 따라 무덤방으로 들어가 시신을 매장하는 굴식에 해당한다.

굴식돌방무덤은 깬돌을 3~4단가량 쌓아 벽체를 조성하였고, 규모는 길이 440㎝, 너비 274㎝, 남아 있는 깊이 77㎝ 정도이다. 시신을 안치하는 시상(屍床)을 무덤방 서쪽 벽에 강돌을 이용하여 만들었으며, 규모는 길이 194㎝, 너비 67㎝, 높이 15㎝이다. 널길은 무덤방의 남쪽에 있으며, 규모는 길이 약 77㎝, 너비 약 50㎝이다.

무덤에서 나온 유물은 황갈색의 짧은 목 항아리 1점인데, 이를 통해 6세기 말~7세기 초에 무덤이 만들어진 것으로 추정하였다.

이 굴식 돌방무덤은 557년에 국원소경을 설치한 이후 신라의 영역 지배 과정을 보여 주는 좋은 자료이다.

  • 굴식 돌방무덤(橫穴式 石室墓): 깬돌로 널을 안치하는 널방(玄室)을 만들고 외부로 통하는 널길(羨道)를 만든 뒤 흙으로 씌운 무덤 양식.
  • 유구(遺構): 옛날 토목건축의 구조와 양식을 알 수 있는 실마리가 되는 자취.
  • 널길: 무덤의 입구에서 시체를 안치한 방까지 이르는 길. 연도(羨道).


Archaeological Site at the Eastern Ring Expressway’s Construction Site, Chungju

A total of 24 archeological remains such as one stone chamber tomb with corridor and 21 pit tombs from the Goryeo (918-1392) and Joseon (1392-1910) periods were discovered at this archeological site. They were verified during excavations of the construction site in Chungju’s Geumneung-dong area conducted when the Eastern Ring Expressway was established.

In particular, the stone chamber tomb is presumed to have been made at the turn of 6th and 7th centuries. It consists of a corridor which was dug horizontally into the ground as the distal end(?) of the hill is a point 88 m above sea level, and a burial chamber for the body. The size of the corridor to the south of the burial chamber measures about 77 ㎝ in length and about 50 cm in width. The size of the walls of the burial chamber, which were made by stacking stone blocks in three to four layers, measures about 440 cm in in length, 274 cm in width, and about 77 cm in remaining depth. Some parts of the northern walls have been destroyed due to the pit tombs from the Joseon period. A low bench where the corpse would have been laid to rest was made on the northern wall of the burial chamber by using river stones, with its size measuring 194 ㎝in length, 67 cm in width, and 15 cm in height. One yellowish-brown short-necked jar was excavated from this tomb.

  • The official English name of the road needs to be confirmed

영문 해설 내용

이 유적은 굴식돌방무덤 1기, 고려시대~조선시대 움무덤 21기 등 총 24기의 유구가 발견된 곳이다. 동부 외곽순환도로를 개설하는 과정에서 충주시 금릉동 주변의 공사 부지에 대한 발굴 조사를 실시하면서 확인되었다.

특히 굴식돌방무덤은 6세기 말~7세기 초에 만들어진 것으로 추정된다. 구릉의 말단부인 해발 88m 지점에 있으며, 지면에 수평이 되도록 판 널길과 시신을 안치하는 무덤방으로 이루어져 있다. 널길은 무덤방의 남쪽에 있으며, 규모는 길이 약 77㎝, 너비 약 50㎝이다. 무덤방은 깬돌을 3~4단 가량 쌓아 벽체를 조성하였고, 규모는 길이 440㎝, 너비 274㎝, 남아 있는 깊이 77㎝ 정도이다. 북벽 일부는 조선시대의 움무덤 때문에 파괴된 상태이다. 시신을 안치하는 시상(屍床)은 무덤방 서쪽 벽에 강돌을 이용하여 만들었으며, 규모는 길이 194㎝, 너비 67㎝, 높이 15㎝이다. 이 무덤에서는 황갈색의 짧은 목 항아리 1점이 출토되었다.