
"광주읍성 유허"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(새 문서: {{진행중}} {{문화유산정보 |사진= |사진출처= |대표명칭=광주읍성 유허 |영문명칭=Site of Gwangjueupseong Walled Town |한자=光州邑城 遺墟 |주소=광...)
38번째 줄: 38번째 줄:
'''Site of Gwangjueupseong Walled Town'''
'''Site of Gwangjueupseong Walled Town'''
A walled town, called eupseong in Korean, was established at an important location in an area to protect residents and serve military and administrative functions.
A walled town, called ''eupseong'' in Korean, was established at an important location in an area to protect residents and serve military and administrative functions.
Gwangjueupseong Walled Town was first established around 1378-1379 during the Goryeo period, when Japanese pirates frequently invaded the Korean Peninsula, and underwent several repairs and renovations in the Joseon period (1392-1910).  
Gwangjueupseong Walled Town was first established circa 1378-1379 at the end of the Goryeo period (918-1392) when Japanese pirates frequently invaded the Korean Peninsula. It underwent several repairs and renovations in the Joseon period (1392-1910).  
According to the History of the Three Kingdoms (Samguk sagi), the name Gwangju is said to have been used from 940. However, the Revised and Augmented Survey of the Geography of Korea (Sinjeung dongguk yeoji seungnam) published in 1530 recorded that this area was called Gwangju from the turn of the 10th century.  
According to the ''History of the Three Kingdoms'' (Samguk sagi) published in 1145, the name Gwangju has been used from 940. According to the ''Revised and Augmented Survey of the Geography of Korea'' (Sinjeung dongguk yeoji seungnam) published in 1530, the name has been used since turn of the 9th and 10th centuries.  
When it was first constructed, the walls were built atop foundation stones by alternating layers of soil and stones. Later, during the renovations, the walls were widened with the construction of outer walls with large stones, and the inner parts of the original walls were strengthened with rammed earth. This kind of reinforcement is typical of fortress architecture during the Joseon period.  
When the walled town was first constructed, the walls were built atop foundation stones by alternating layers of soil and stones. During later renovations, the walls were widened through the construction of outer walls with large stones, and the inner parts of the walls were reinforced with rammed earth. This kind of reinforcement is typical of fortress architecture of the Joseon period.  
This walled town was excavated in 2006-2007. The pentagonal walls originally measured 2.26 km in circumference and 4.2 m in height. There were four main gates in the east, west, south and north, as well as a moat dug around the walls to provide an additional line of defence from the enemy. The original walls were dismantled and preserved after the first excavation, and some parts of the walls were reconstructed based on the archaeological findings during the excavation conducted in 2014.  
Gwangjueupseong Walled Town was excavated in 2006-2007 and 2014. The walled town had a pentagonal layout and originally measured 2.26 km in perimeter and 4.2 m in height. There were four main gates, one in each cardinal direction, as well as a moat dug around the walls to provide an additional line of defense. At the time of the 2006-2007 excavation, the walls were dismantled and put into storage. During the 2014 excavation, some sections of the walls were rebuilt using the original parts.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2021년 10월 25일 (월) 10:25 판

광주읍성 유허
Site of Gwangjueupseong Walled Town
대표명칭 광주읍성 유허
영문명칭 Site of Gwangjueupseong Walled Town
한자 光州邑城 遺墟
주소 광주광역시 동구 광산동 12-2번지
지정(등록) 종목 광주광역시 문화재자료 제20호
지정(등록)일 1994년 4월 13일
분류 유적건조물/정치국방/성/성지
수량/면적 일원
웹사이트 광주읍성 유허, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



광주읍성은 왜구가 극성을 부리던 고려시대 우왕 4~5년(1378~1379) 무렵에 처음 쌓아졌고, 조선시대에 몇 차례 수·개축되었다. 처음 쌓을 당시에는 성벽의 아래 부분에 지대석1)과 기단석을 놓고 일정 높이까지는 흙과 돌을 번갈아 쌓고, 상부는 흙을 판축기법2)으로 쌓았다. 이후 수・개축공사 때 성벽의 폭을 더 넓히는 동시에 큰 성돌로 외벽을 쌓고, 안쪽과 상부는 흙을 경사지게 다진 내탁법으로 고쳐 쌓았는데, 이는 조선시대의 축성방식을 잘 반영하고 있다.

광주읍성은 오각형을 띤 석축성이다.『신증동국여지승람』에 읍성은 둘레 8,253척, 높이 9척으로 기록되어 있는데, 이는 둘레 2,262m, 높이 4.2m 정도의 규모이다. 읍성의 규모가 큰 만큼 동・서・남・북쪽에 4개의 성문을 두었다. 성 밖에는 도랑을 둘러 이중으로 방어시설을 마련하였다. 동문을 서원문(瑞元門:대의동 옛 광주문화방송 네거리), 서문을 광리문(光利門:황금동 옛 미국공보관 쪽 네거리), 남문을 진남문(鎭南門):광산동 옛 전남대학교 의과대학 네거리), 북문을 공북문(拱北門): 충장로 3가 충장파출소 네거리)이라 불렀다.

『삼국사기』지리지에 의하면 광주(光州)는 노지(奴只), 무진주(武珍州), 무주(武州) 등으로 불리다가 고려 태조 23년(940)에 처음 광주(光州)라고 불렀다고 한다. 한편『신증동국여지승람』에는 태조 23년(940) 이전인 후백제 견훤 때부터 광주라 불렀다는 기록이 있으며, 이색(李穡, 1328~1396)이 석서정기(石犀亭記)에서 '광지주(光之州)'라 언급하였다는 기록이 있다.

이곳은 국립아시아문화전당을 조성하면서 2006~2007년에 발굴·조사하였고, 성벽을 이루고 있던 성들을 해체 보관해 오다가 2014년 5월에 발굴조사 당시 일부 구간을 원형대로 복원하였다.

  • 지대석: 건축물을 세우기 위하여 잡은 터에 쌓은 돌
  • 판축기법: 성을 쌓을 때 돌을 깔고 위에 흙을 펴서 다져가며 축조하는 공법


Site of Gwangjueupseong Walled Town

A walled town, called eupseong in Korean, was established at an important location in an area to protect residents and serve military and administrative functions.

Gwangjueupseong Walled Town was first established circa 1378-1379 at the end of the Goryeo period (918-1392) when Japanese pirates frequently invaded the Korean Peninsula. It underwent several repairs and renovations in the Joseon period (1392-1910).

According to the History of the Three Kingdoms (Samguk sagi) published in 1145, the name Gwangju has been used from 940. According to the Revised and Augmented Survey of the Geography of Korea (Sinjeung dongguk yeoji seungnam) published in 1530, the name has been used since turn of the 9th and 10th centuries.

When the walled town was first constructed, the walls were built atop foundation stones by alternating layers of soil and stones. During later renovations, the walls were widened through the construction of outer walls with large stones, and the inner parts of the walls were reinforced with rammed earth. This kind of reinforcement is typical of fortress architecture of the Joseon period.

Gwangjueupseong Walled Town was excavated in 2006-2007 and 2014. The walled town had a pentagonal layout and originally measured 2.26 km in perimeter and 4.2 m in height. There were four main gates, one in each cardinal direction, as well as a moat dug around the walls to provide an additional line of defense. At the time of the 2006-2007 excavation, the walls were dismantled and put into storage. During the 2014 excavation, some sections of the walls were rebuilt using the original parts.

영문 해설 내용

읍성이란 지방 주요 지역에 쌓은 성으로, 지방 주민들을 보호하고 군사, 행정 기능을 담당하던 곳이다.

광주읍성은 왜구가 극성을 부리던 고려시대 1378~1379년 무렵에 처음 쌓아졌고, 조선시대에 몇 차례 수·개축되었다.

『삼국사기』에 의하면 광주라는 지명은 940년부터 처음 쓰였다고 한다. 한편 1530년에 간행된 『신증동국여지승람』에는 9세기 말-10세기 초부터 이미 광주라 불렀다는 기록이 있다.

광주읍성을 처음 쌓을 당시에는 성벽의 아래 부분에 지대석과 기단석을 놓고, 흙과 돌을 번갈아 쌓았다. 이후 수・개축공사 때 성벽의 폭을 더 넓히는 동시에 큰 성돌로 외벽을 쌓고, 안쪽과 상부는 흙을 다져 쌓아 보강하였다. 이는 조선시대의 전형적인 축성방식이다.

광주읍성은 2006~2007년에 발굴·조사하였다. 오각형을 띤 이 성은 둘레 2,262m, 높이 4.2m 정도의 규모였다. 동・서・남・북쪽에 4개의 성문을 두었고, 성 밖에는 도랑을 둘러 이중으로 방어시설을 마련하였다. 발굴조사 이후 원래의 성벽을 해체 보관해 오다가, 2014년 발굴조사 당시 일부 구간을 원형대로 복원하였다.