안동 하회 충효당

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
안동 하회 충효당
Chunghyodang House in Hahoe, Andong
"충효당", 안동하회마을.
대표명칭 안동 하회 충효당
영문명칭 Chunghyodang House in Hahoe, Andong
한자 安東 河回 忠孝堂
주소 경상북도 안동시 풍천면 종가길 69
지정(등록) 종목 보물 제414호
지정(등록)일 1964년 11월 14일
분류 유적건조물/주거생활/주거건축/가옥
시대 조선시대
수량/면적 2동
웹사이트 안동 하회 충효당, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.


기존 국문

이 집은 서애西厓류성룡柳成龍1542-1607의 종택으로 17세기에 지어졌다. 류성룡은 벼슬을 마치고 귀향한 후 풍산현에 있던 작은 초가집에서 죽음을 맞이한 것으로 전해지는데, 그의 손자와 제자들이 생전의 학덕을 추모하기 위해 지은 것이다. ‘충효당’은 평소에 ‘나라에 충성하고 부모에 효도하라’는 말을 강조한 데서 유래한다. 12칸의 긴 행랑채는 류성룡의 8세손인 류상조柳相祚가 병조판서를 제수받고 부하 군사들을 수용하기 위해 지은 것이다.

수정 국문 2020

충효당은 조선 중기 때 재상이자 학자였던 류성룡(柳成龍, 1542~1607) 가문의 종택으로, 손자 류원지(柳元之 1598-1674)가 류성룡의 학덕을 추모하기 위해 유림과 제자들의 뜻을 모아 지었다고 한다. 류성룡은 벼슬을 마치고 귀향한 후에 풍산현에 있던 작은 초가집에서 죽음을 맞이한 것으로 전해진다.

서쪽을 앞면으로 하여 긴 행랑채를 두고, 안쪽으로 ㅁ자 모양의 안채와 一자형의 사랑채가 연이어 있다. 12칸의 긴 행랑채는 류성룡의 8세손인 류상조(柳相祚, 1763~1838)가 병조판서에 임명된 뒤 부하 군사들을 수용하기 위해 지었다고 한다.

‘충효당’이란 이름은 류성룡이 평소에 ‘나라에 충성하고 부모에 효도하라’고 강조한 데서 유래하였다. 현판의 글씨는 이름난 서예가 허목(許穆, 1595~1682)이 썼다.



This is the head house of the family of Ryu Seong-ryong (1542-1607), a descendant of the Pungsan Ryu Clan. It was built in the 17th century. A head house is a residence passed down among the successors of a family lineage.

After retirement, Ryu is said to have died in a small thatched-roof house in Pungsan. This head house was built by his grandson and disciples to honor his learning and virtues. Its name, Chunghyodang, literally meaning “a house of loyalty and filial piety,” came from his words that encouraged loyalty to the dynasty and filial piety to parents.

The long servants’ quarters was built by Ryu Sang-jo, the 8th-generation descendant of Ryu Seong-ryong, in order to accommodate his soldiers after he was appointed minister of military affairs.


Chunghyodang House in Hahoe, Andong

This is the head house of the descendants of Ryu Seong-ryong (1542-1607), a member of the Pungsan Ryu clan. A head house is a residence passed down among the male successors of a family lineage. This house was built in the 17th century by his grandson and disciples to posthumously honor his learning and virtues.

Ryu Seong-ryong was a respected statesman, in particular, for his foresight as a military strategist and his service as chief state councilor during the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598.

This house consists of a servants’ quarters, men’s quarters, and women’s quarters. There is also an ancestral shrine located behind the house. The long servants’ quarters at the front of the house was built by Ryu Sang-jo, the 8th-generation descendant of Ryu Seong-ryong, in order to accommodate his soldiers after he was appointed minister of military affairs.

The name Chunghyodang means “a house of loyalty and filial piety,” which came from Ryu Seong-ryong’s teachings that encouraged loyalty to one’s king and filial piety to one’s parents. The plaque bearing the name of the house was calligraphed by the renowed calligrapher Heo Mok (1595-1682).