"고려대학교 2학기"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(새 문서: 서울대학교 - 인문대학 연계전공: [http://dsh.snu.ac.kr/ 인문데이터과학] 이화여자대학교 - 스크랜튼대학 자유전공: [http://cms.ewha.ac.kr/user/inde...)
9번째 줄: 9번째 줄:
- 디지털인문학연구소: [https://sites.google.com/site/dhhallym/home Digital Humanities Collaboratory]
- 디지털인문학연구소: [https://sites.google.com/site/dhhallym/home Digital Humanities Collaboratory]<br/>
- 디지털인문예술전공: [https://sites.google.com/view/dah-hallym Digital Arts & Humanities]
- 디지털인문예술전공: [https://sites.google.com/view/dah-hallym Digital Arts & Humanities]<br/>
- 인문대학 영어영문학과: [https://sites.google.com/site/vadoroclassVadoro Class]
- 인문대학 영어영문학과: [https://sites.google.com/site/vadoroclassVadoro Class]<br/>
20번째 줄: 20번째 줄:
City University of New York, Graduate Center
City University of New York, Graduate Center
- 연구소: [http://cunydhi.commons.gc.cuny.edu/ CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative]
- 연구소: [http://cunydhi.commons.gc.cuny.edu/ CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative]<br/>
- 석사 학위 디지털인문학 트랙: [http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Masters-Programs/Liberal-Studies/Program-tracks/Digital-Humanities MALS Track in DH]
- 석사 학위 디지털인문학 트랙: [http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Masters-Programs/Liberal-Studies/Program-tracks/Digital-Humanities MALS Track in DH]<br/>
Columbia University
Columbia University
28번째 줄: 28번째 줄:
George Mason University
George Mason University
- [http://chnm.gmu.edu/tag/digital-humanities/ Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media » Digital Humanities]
- [http://chnm.gmu.edu/tag/digital-humanities/ Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media » Digital Humanities]<br/>
- [http://historyarthistory.gmu.edu/programs/LA-CERG-DPH Graduate Certificate in Digital Public Humanities]
- [http://historyarthistory.gmu.edu/programs/LA-CERG-DPH Graduate Certificate in Digital Public Humanities]<br/>
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Institute of Technology
37번째 줄: 37번째 줄:
King’s College London
King’s College London
- 디지털인문학과: [http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/ddh/ Digital Humanities]
- 디지털인문학과: [http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/ddh/ Digital Humanities]<br/>
- 석박사: [http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/ddh/study/handbook/programmes/pgt/madh%202.aspx MA DH], [http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/ddh/study/handbook/programmes/pgr/index.aspx PhD]
- 석박사: [http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/ddh/study/handbook/programmes/pgt/madh%202.aspx MA DH] <br/>[http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/ddh/study/handbook/programmes/pgr/index.aspx PhD]<br/>
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Chicago
- [http://www.luc.edu/ctsdh/ Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities]
- [http://www.luc.edu/ctsdh/ Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities]<br/>
- [http://www.luc.edu/ctsdh/academics/maindigitalhumanities/ MA in Digital Humanities]
- [http://www.luc.edu/ctsdh/academics/maindigitalhumanities/ MA in Digital Humanities]<br/>
- 영문학과: [http://www.luc.edu/english/graduate_initiative.shtml Textual Studies and Digital Humanities]
- 영문학과: [http://www.luc.edu/english/graduate_initiative.shtml Textual Studies and Digital Humanities]<br/>
52번째 줄: 52번째 줄:
Northeastern University
Northeastern University
- [http://www.northeastern.edu/nulab NULab for texts, maps and networks | Center for Digital Humanities …]
- [http://www.northeastern.edu/nulab NULab for texts, maps and networks | Center for Digital Humanities …]<br/>
- [http://www.northeastern.edu/cssh/history/graduate/programs/graduate-certificate-in-digital-humanities/ Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities - Department of History]
- [http://www.northeastern.edu/cssh/history/graduate/programs/graduate-certificate-in-digital-humanities/ Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities - Department of History]<br/>
Royal Irish Academy
Royal Irish Academy
61번째 줄: 61번째 줄:
Stanford University
Stanford University
- [http://shc.stanford.edu/digital-humanities Digital Humanities]
- [http://shc.stanford.edu/digital-humanities Digital Humanities]<br/>
- 연구소: [https://cesta.stanford.edu/ Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis]
- 연구소: [https://cesta.stanford.edu/ Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis]<br/>
- 문학 연구소 (Franco Moretti): [https://litlab.stanford.edu/ Stanford Literary Lab]
- 문학 연구소 (Franco Moretti): [https://litlab.stanford.edu/ Stanford Literary Lab]<br/>
- [https://digitalhumanities.stanford.edu/projects Digital Humanities Projects at Stanford]
- [https://digitalhumanities.stanford.edu/projects Digital Humanities Projects at Stanford]<br/>
- 디지털인문학 부전공 (2015년 가을 학기 시작): [https://dhminor.stanford.edu/ Minor in Digital Humanities]
- 디지털인문학 부전공 (2015년 가을 학기 시작): [https://dhminor.stanford.edu/ Minor in Digital Humanities]<br/>
- Buffalo: [http://digitalhumanities.buffalo.edu/ Digital Humanities Initiative at Buffalo]
- Buffalo: [http://digitalhumanities.buffalo.edu/ Digital Humanities Initiative at Buffalo]<br/>
- Buffalo State: [http://artsandhumanities.buffalostate.edu/digital-humanities-collaborative Digital Humanities Collaborative]
- Buffalo State: [http://artsandhumanities.buffalostate.edu/digital-humanities-collaborative Digital Humanities Collaborative]<br/>
- 연구소: [http://www.cdh.ucla.edu/ Center for DH]
- 연구소: [http://www.cdh.ucla.edu/ Center for DH]<br/>
- 학부 부전공: [http://www.cdh.ucla.edu/curriculum/undergraduate-minor/ Undergraduate Minor]
- 학부 부전공: [http://www.cdh.ucla.edu/curriculum/undergraduate-minor/ Undergraduate Minor]<br/>
- 대학원: [http://www.cdh.ucla.edu/curriculum/graduate-certificate/ Graduate Certificate]
- 대학원: [http://www.cdh.ucla.edu/curriculum/graduate-certificate/ Graduate Certificate]<br/>
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley
88번째 줄: 88번째 줄:
University of Alabama
University of Alabama
- [https://www.lib.ua.edu/using-the-library/digital-humanities-center/ Alabama Digital Humanities Center]
- [https://www.lib.ua.edu/using-the-library/digital-humanities-center/ Alabama Digital Humanities Center]<br/>
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
- [DIGI](http://digi.uga.edu/)
- [DIGI](http://digi.uga.edu/)<br/>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
100번째 줄: 100번째 줄:
University of Iowa
University of Iowa
- [https://slis.grad.uiowa.edu/news-and-events/2014-12-22/graduate-certificate-digital-humanities-now-offered Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities]
- [https://slis.grad.uiowa.edu/news-and-events/2014-12-22/graduate-certificate-digital-humanities-now-offered Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities]<br/>
University of Maryland
University of Maryland
- 연구소 (1999년 설립): [http://mith.umd.edu/ Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities]
- 연구소 (1999년 설립): [http://mith.umd.edu/ Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities]<br/>
- Honors College 16학점 프로그램: [http://dcc.umd.edu/ Design Cultures & Creativity]
- Honors College 16학점 프로그램: [http://dcc.umd.edu/ Design Cultures & Creativity]<br/>
University of Nebraska
University of Nebraska
- 연구소 (2005년 설립): [http://cdrh.unl.edu/ Center for Digital Research in the Humanities]
- 연구소 (2005년 설립): [http://cdrh.unl.edu/ Center for Digital Research in the Humanities]<br/>
- [http://www.unl.edu/dhcert/home Graduate Certificate Program in Digital Humanities]
- [http://www.unl.edu/dhcert/home Graduate Certificate Program in Digital Humanities]<br/>
- [https://www.unl.edu/english/digital-humanities Dept. of English]
- [https://www.unl.edu/english/digital-humanities Dept. of English]<br/>
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina
- [http://digitalhumanities.unc.edu/ Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative]
- [http://digitalhumanities.unc.edu/ Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative]<br/>
- [http://digitalinnovation.unc.edu/ Digital Innovation Lab]
- [http://digitalinnovation.unc.edu/ Digital Innovation Lab]<br/>
- [http://digitalhumanities.unc.edu/programs/gcpdh/ Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities]
- [http://digitalhumanities.unc.edu/programs/gcpdh/ Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities]<br/>
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
- [https://pricelab.sas.upenn.edu/ Price Lab for Digital Humanities]
- [https://pricelab.sas.upenn.edu/ Price Lab for Digital Humanities]<br/>
- [https://pricelab.sas.upenn.edu/education/digital-humanities-minor Digital Humanities Minor]
- [https://pricelab.sas.upenn.edu/education/digital-humanities-minor Digital Humanities Minor]<br/>
- [http://www.english.upenn.edu/undergraduate/major/concentrations-and-foci/digital-humanities Dept. of English]
- [http://www.english.upenn.edu/undergraduate/major/concentrations-and-foci/digital-humanities Dept. of English]
University of Rochester
University of Rochester
- 연구소: [http://humanities.lib.rochester.edu/ The Digital Humanities Center]
- 연구소: [http://humanities.lib.rochester.edu/ The Digital Humanities Center]<br/>
- 대학원: [http://www.rochester.edu/college/mellon-fellowship/index.php Mellon Graduate Program in the Digital Humanities]
- 대학원: [http://www.rochester.edu/college/mellon-fellowship/index.php Mellon Graduate Program in the Digital Humanities]
136번째 줄: 136번째 줄:
University of Virginia
University of Virginia
- 연구소 (1992년 설립): [http://www.iath.virginia.edu/ The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities]
- 연구소 (1992년 설립): [http://www.iath.virginia.edu/ The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities]<br/>
- 영문학과: [http://www.engl.virginia.edu/digital_projects Digital Projects]
- 영문학과: [http://www.engl.virginia.edu/digital_projects Digital Projects]

2022년 10월 4일 (화) 10:15 판


- 인문대학 연계전공: 인문데이터과학


- 스크랜튼대학 자유전공: 디지털인문학 트랙()


- 디지털인문학연구소: Digital Humanities Collaboratory
- 디지털인문예술전공: Digital Arts & Humanities
- 인문대학 영어영문학과: Class


- 디지털인문학연구소: for Digital Hunmanities

  1. 영미권

City University of New York, Graduate Center

- 연구소: CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative
- 석사 학위 디지털인문학 트랙: MALS Track in DH

Columbia University

- Digital Humanities Center George Mason University

- Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media » Digital Humanities
- Graduate Certificate in Digital Public Humanities

Georgia Institute of Technology

- DH Lab

King’s College London

- 디지털인문학과: Digital Humanities
- 석박사: MA DH

Loyola University Chicago

- Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities
- MA in Digital Humanities
- 영문학과: Textual Studies and Digital Humanities


- HyperStudio

Northeastern University

- NULab for texts, maps and networks | Center for Digital Humanities …
- Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities - Department of History

Royal Irish Academy

- PhD program

Stanford University

- Digital Humanities
- 연구소: Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis
- 문학 연구소 (Franco Moretti): Stanford Literary Lab
- Digital Humanities Projects at Stanford
- 디지털인문학 부전공 (2015년 가을 학기 시작): Minor in Digital Humanities


- Buffalo: Digital Humanities Initiative at Buffalo
- Buffalo State: Digital Humanities Collaborative


- 연구소: Center for DH
- 학부 부전공: Undergraduate Minor
- 대학원: Graduate Certificate

UC Berkeley

- Digital Humanities

UC Santa Barbara

- 영문학과: Alan Liu

University of Alabama

- Alabama Digital Humanities Center

University of Georgia

- [DIGI](http://digi.uga.edu/)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

- [Library DH Resource](http://www.library.illinois.edu/sc/services/Digital_Humanities/index.html)

University of Iowa

- Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities

University of Maryland

- 연구소 (1999년 설립): Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
- Honors College 16학점 프로그램: Design Cultures & Creativity

University of Nebraska

- 연구소 (2005년 설립): Center for Digital Research in the Humanities
- Graduate Certificate Program in Digital Humanities
- Dept. of English

University of North Carolina

- Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative
- Digital Innovation Lab
- Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities

University of Pennsylvania

- Price Lab for Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities Minor
- Dept. of English

University of Rochester

- 연구소: The Digital Humanities Center
- 대학원: Mellon Graduate Program in the Digital Humanities

University of Southern California

- Mellon Digital Humanities

University of Virginia

- 연구소 (1992년 설립): The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
- 영문학과: Digital Projects