Tiina Kattel

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

과제책임자 소개

  • Name: Tiina Kattel
  • Nationality: Estonia
  • Affiliation: University of Tartu


  • 2012 Phd Studies in world literature at the Institute of Cultural Research and Fine Arts, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tartu
  • 2010 MA in world literature at the Institute of Cultural Research and Fine Arts, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tartu.
  • 1997 BA in Estonian and Fenno-Ugrian philology at the University of Tartu


  • 2015 College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, University of Tartu: Vice Director, Head of Department (Department of Languages of the Baltic Region and Department of Languages of the Asian Region), Lecturer of Lithuanian language and culture.
  • 2011 Language Centre, University of Tartu: Acting Head of the Language Centre and Lecturer of Lithuanian language and culture
  • 2009 Language Centre, University of Tartu: Acting Head of the Language Centre and Lecturer of the Estonian language
  • 2008 Language Centre, University of Tartu, Lecturer of the Estonian language and project manager working on a contractual basis
  • 2002 Lecturer of the Estonian language and culture at Vilnius University (elected to the post through the competition carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Estonia).
Designing the programme for a new speciality – Lithuanian philology and a foreign language (Estonian); coordinating and teaching the same speciality later. (Lectures in the Estonian language, history, literature etc.), supervising 14 BA-s
  • 2002 Travel consultant and travel guide at Taisto Reisid
  • 1998 Substitute teacher of the Estonian language and literature at Tartu Kivilinna Gymnasium
  • 1996-2002 AS Postimees, proof-reader at the advertising department
  • 1996 Lecturer of the Estonian language at Vilnius University


  • Estonian-Lithuanian dictionary (2015 Vilnius), compiler and project lead
    Translation to Estonian of the Lithuanian contemporary novel “Mano vardas Marytė” by Alvydas Šlepikas (My name is Marytė), published 2015, Tartu