이유일(You-il Lee)

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과제책임자 소개

  • Name: 이유일(You-il Lee)
  • Nationality: Australia
  • Affiliation: University of South Australia


  • January 1997 Doctor of Philosophy(Politics), Murdoch University, Australia
  • March 1992 Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(Politics), Murdoch University, Australia
  • March 1991 Bachelor of Arts(Politics), Murdoch University, Australia
  • 1986-87 Bachelor of Arts(Political Science), University of Maryland (USA)


  • 2009 – Present: Associate Professor (Tenured, 교수, Academic LevelD - Equivalent to Full Professor in North American/Korean universities), UniSA Business School
  • 2016 June: Director, Adelaide King Sejong Institute:애들레이드세종학당학당장
  • 2010 – Present: Deputy Director of Australian Centre for Asian Business, UniSA
  • 2013 – October, Acting Head of School, International Graduate School of Business (IGSB)
  • 2013 – April-Nov, Acting PhD Program Director, IGSB, UniSA
  • 2012 November, Acting Head of School, IGSB, UniSA
  • 2009 – 2010 Chair, Research Committee, IGSB, UniSA
  • 1999 – 2006, Program Co-coordinator (International Business Program) School of Management, Edith Cowan University


Authored research books

  • Lee, You-il, John Benson, Ying Zhu, Yoonjong Jang and Chang-jae Lee. Political Economy of New Regionalism in Northeast Asia: Dynamics and Contradictions under authored book publishing contract with Routledge (United Kingdom).
  • Lee, You-il, Jang YJ and Kim WS. The Impact of Foreign Multinational Corporations in South Korea: Evolution, Dynamics and Contradictions, under authored book publishing contract with Edward Elgar (United Kingdom).
  • Hong, Jung Kee and Lee, You-il. (2014). The Influence of National Culture on Customers' Cross-Buying Intentions in Asian Banking Services: Evidence from Korea and Taiwan (London and New York: Routledge, ISBN: 978 0 415 82864 2).
  • Hwang, Sangyeon., Lee, You-il., Kim, Wan-Soon. & Lee, Myungsoo. (2010). Gyeonggi-do's (Gyeonggi Province) R&D Intensive Foreign Direct Investment: Performance and Policy Issues (in Korean) (Seoul: Gyeonggi Research Institute, ISBN: 978 89 8178 564 2 93320).
  • Kim, Wan-Soon and Lee, You-il (2007). The Korean Economy: The Challenges of FDI-Led Globalization (Cheltenham & Northampton: Edward Elgar, ISBN: 978 1 84542 942 3). This book has been reviewed in Journal of Economic Literature, 47(1), 2009, pp.217-8, Pacific Affairs, 81(3), 2008, pp.476-7 and Korea IT Magazine, 43 January 2008, p.79.
  • Lee, You-il. (2003). From Evolution to Revolution: Korea's New Market Environment (Aldershot & Burlington: Ashgate, ISBN: 1 84014 790 3). This book has been reviewed in Journal of the United Service Institute of India, 135 (cxxxv), 2005, p.562.
  • Reid, David and Lee, You-il. (1998) Strategic Business Development in South Korea: A Post-IMF Crisis Perspective (Singapore: Financial Times, ISBN: 962 661 110 3).

Journal Articles

  • Lee, You-il and Lee, KT. (2015). 'Economic Nationalism and Globalization in South Korea: A Critical Insight', Asian Perspective, 39(1), pp.125-151.
  • Lee, You-il and Hong, JK. (2015). ‘Transformation of Financial Services in Northeast Asian Banks: An Unexpected, but Pleasant, Cultural Surprise’. The World Financial Review. (January), pp.14-19.
  • Hong JK and Lee You-il. (2014). 'Bancassurance in East Asia: Cultural impact on customers' cross-buying behaviour.' Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 19(3):234-247.
  • Lee, KT, Lee, You-il and Lee, R. (2014). 'Economic Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism: A Study of Interpersonal Antecedents and Differential Outcomes', European Journal of Marketing, 48(5/6):1133-1158.
  • Lee, KT and Lee, You-il (2014). 'Effects of informational influence and normative influence on consumers' preference for domestic products: an empirical study on Korean consumers' preference for domestic cars', Multinational Enterprise Academy Journal, Vol.7:41-62.
  • Hong, Jung Kee and Lee, You-il. (2012), 'Determinants of cross-buying intentions in banking industries in collectivistic culture', International Journal of Bank Marketing, 30(5):328-358.
  • Lee, You-il & Kim, Wan-Soon, (2010), 'South Korea's Meandering Path to Globalization in the Late Twentieth Century', Asian Studies Review, 34(3): 309-327.
  • Kim, Wan-Soon and Lee, You-il (2008), 'Korea's FDI-led Economic Liberalism: A Critical View', Asian Perspective, 32(1):165-192.
  • Kim, Wan-Soon and Lee, You-il (2007), ‘Challenges of Korea’s Foreign Direct Investment-Led Globalization: Multinational Corporations’ Perceptions’, Asia Pacific Business Review, 13(2):1-19.
  • Kim, Wan-Soon and Lee, You-il (2005). ‘The Chill of Wind of Korean Xenophobia’, Far Eastern Economic Review, 168(11):41-46.
  • Lee, You-il. (2004). ‘MNCs’ perception on the feasibility of South Korea as a business hub of Northeast Asia’, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 9(2):97-112.
  • Lee, You-il (2003). ‘An autopsy of the South Korean Market: Dynamics and Contradictions’, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 8(1):33-47.
  • Lee, You-il (2003). ‘Korea’s New Market Environment: An Opportunity for Australia?’ Journal of Australian Studies, 9(1):39-62.
  • Lee, You-il and Hobday, Michael. (2003). ‘Korea’s New Globalization Strategy: Can Korea Become a Business Hub in Northeast Asia?’ Management Decision, 41(5):498-510.
  • Lee, You-il (1999). ‘Political Economy of Korean and Japanese Foreign Direct Investment’, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 29(4):462-493.
  • Lee, You-il (1998). ‘The End of Korean Capitalism?’ The Asia Pacific Magazine, No. 13, December, pp.26-29 (peer-reviewed academic magazine published by Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies(RSPAS) at Australian National University).
  • Lee, You-il and Cabalu, Helen (1998). ‘The Effects of Asian Crisis on WA Economy’, Western Australia Quarterly Bulletin of Economic Trends in conjunction with Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne University, pp.39-53.
  • Lee, You-il (1997). ‘Korean Direct Investment in Indonesia in the 1990s Dynamics and Contradictions’, Asian Perspective, 21(3):173-210.
  • Shin, Yoon-Hwan and Lee, You-il (1995). ‘Korean Direct Investment in Southeast Asia’, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 25(2):179-196.