
Admin (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 9월 12일 (일) 22:56 판 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다)
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등록번호 청구기호 서명/저자 출판사항 수집년도 분석년도
1 92005739 IK 300 Wi10m 2010 A model modern general knowledge, for senior primary pupils /by Tatah Boniface M., Kenneth C. Ambe ;editied by Dzelamonyuy Victor Yaounde :Wivans puclishers,2010 2014 2014
2 92005746 IK 320 NV20e6 2006 The essentials of economics /by Zhufanyi S. T. Welang Bamenda :Nab ventures,2006 2014 2014
3 92005744 IK 320.98 Ba30e2 2009 Economic geography, A-level /by Tata Celetine Njodzeka Bamenda :Baron Printers,2009 2014 2014
4 92005741 IK 909 AB10h 2006 6 History, senior primary class six /by Ngam George Bedule, Mangula Lucas Menji :Anucam Books,2006 2014 2014
5 92005743 IK 909 BH20i2 2012 An illustrated history for G. C. E ordinary level candidates /by Divine N. Numfor, Lyonga P. Beseka, Tangwe Abenego, Nana Evaristus, Angoh E. Datah, Mobit Julius Yaounde :Book house,2012 2014 2014
6 92005732 IK 909 Nm10l 2013 CM2 Les laureats en histoire, CM2 /by Mbita Joseph, Nkanembang Jean-claude, Ebana Joseph Yaounde :Nmi Education,2013 2014 2014
7 92005740 IK 909 Pb30w 2009 World history for secondary schools and colleges, A-level course companion /by Tefu Emmanuel, Amge Walters Neba, Buma Victor, Mbeng Johnson Ndim Bamenda :Peaceberg printers,2009 2014 2014
8 92005736 IK 909.2 Hat20h 2013 6e Histoire, 6e :De la préhistoire qu VIe siècle /by a team of African teachers Paris :Hatier,2013 2014 2014
9 92005735 IK 909.4 Hat20h 2009 4e Histoire, 4e :XVIIe -XIXe siècle /by a team of African teachers Paris :Hatier,2009 2014 2014
10 92005731 IK 909.5 Ha30h 2004 Ter =3 Histoire :Le monde, l'Europe, la France de 1945 à nos jour /by Jean-Michel Lamvin...[et al.Ter] Paris :Hachette,2004 2014 2014
11 92005734 IK 909.5 Hat20h 2012 3e Histoire, 3e :Seconde moitié du XIXe -XXe siècle /by a team of African teachers Paris :Hatier,2012 2014 2014
12 92005742 IK 930.4 TT30a 1998 Africa, yesterday and today :An Analytic review of the historical developments in Africa from 1800 to present day /by Fonge Henry Bamenda :T-Tam printers,1998 2014 2014
13 92005750 IK 980 AB10g 2005 6 Geography, senior primary class six /by Bedule George Ngam, Fuanweh Anu, Monono Hans Liteke Menji :Anucam Books,2005 2014 2014
14 92005748 IK 980 Ag30a 2009 Advanced integrated human geography :Concepts and techniques /by Nkemasong Nicasio and Neba Martin Bamenda :AGWECAMS publishers,2009 2014 2014
15 92005737 IK 980 Ed20g 2012 3e Nouvelle Geographie 3e, edition Cameroun :Conforme aux nouveaux programmes du Cameroun /by Martin Kuete, Ambroise Melingui, Jean Mounkam, Jeannette Nguoghia, Dominique Nofiele Paris :Edicef,2012 2014 2014
16 92005738 IK 980 Ed20g 2012 4e Nouvelle Geographie 4e, edition Cameroun :Conforme aux nouveaux programmes du Cameroun /by Ambroise Melingui, Jean Mounkam, Jeannette Nguoghia, Dominique Nofiele Paris :Edicef,2012 2014 2014
17 92005747 IK 980 Mc10d 2012 3-6 Discover geography, Pupil's book 3 for class 6 :Macmillan primary geography for Cameroon /by E.N. Effange, P. Nkeng, A. Tibui, I. Y. Wemngong Limbe :Macmillan Cameroon,2012 2014 2014
18 92005730 IK 980 Na30g 1998 Ter Geographie :L'espace mondial /by Jean-Robert Pitte...[et al.] Paris :Nathan ,1998 2014 2014
19 92005733 IK 980 Nm10l 2013 CM2 Les laureats en géographie, CM2 /by Mbita Joseph, Nkanembang Jean-claude, Ebana Joseph Yaounde :Nmi Education,2013 2014 2014
20 92005749 IK 980 Nmi10l 2011 3-6 Leaders in geography, Pupil's book 3 for class 6 /by A group of practising teachers ; coordinated by Tabe John Tambe Yaounde :Nmi education,2011 2014 2014
21 92005745 IK 980 Su20h3 2006 Human and economic geography for Cameroon G. C. E. ordinary level /by Njabe Roland Nkwelle Limbe :Sunway publishers,2006 2014 2014
22 92005751 IK 989 Mc10m 2005 Macmillan school atlas of Cameroon /by Macmillan Cameroon ; Editorial advisor Fogwe Zephania Nji Limbe :Macmillan Cameroon,2005 2014 2014

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