Stanford University

cefia>Ksnet님의 2016년 8월 22일 (월) 15:27 판 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다)
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Provided Programs&Courses


  1. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : B.A. in Asian languages
    • Programs Remarks - The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Stanford is dedicated to the languages, literatures, linguistics and cultures of East Asia. The Department prepares students for B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Chinese and Japanese, and has a thriving program in Korean language. It also offers an undergraduate and a Ph.D. minor in Chinese or Japanese language and literature.
    1. Korea-related Courses : KORGEN 221
      • Courses Remarks - Doing the Right Thing: Ethical Dilemmas in Korean Film
    2. Korea-related Courses : KORGEN 240
      • Courses Remarks - Literature for children often reflects society's deepest-held convictions and anxieties, and is therefore a critical site for the examination of what is deemed to be the most imperative knowledge for the young generation. In this respect, the analysis of both texts and visual culture for children, including prose, poetry, folk tales, film, and picture books illuminates prevalent discourses of national identity, family, education and gender. Through an examination of a diverse range of genres and supported by the application of literary theories, students will obtain an understanding, in broad strokes, of the birth of childhood and the emergence of children's literature of China, Korea and Japan from the turn of the century until the present.
    3. Korea-related Courses : KORGEN 402T
      • Courses Remarks - Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries (CHINGEN 402T, EE 402T, JAPANGEN 402T)

Designated Center

  • Korean Studies Center : Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS)
  • Main Organization :
  • Date Center founded :
  • Korean Studies Center address : 521 Memorial Way Stanford, CA 94305-6023
  • Center website :
  • Korea-related Journal :