Seattle University

cefia>Ksnet님의 2016년 8월 22일 (월) 15:27 판 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다)
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Provided Programs&Courses


  1. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : Asian Studies Major
    • Program Remarks - The Asian Studies Program offers offers students opportunities to explore one of the oldest cultures and civilizations in the world and its modern presence through language and cultural learning. As a multi-disciplinary program, students enjoy a great range of courses offered by academic departments throughout the college.
  2. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : Asian Studies Minor
    • Program Remarks - The Asian Studies Program offers offers students opportunities to explore one of the oldest cultures and civilizations in the world and its modern presence through language and cultural learning. As a multi-disciplinary program, students enjoy a great range of courses offered by academic departments throughout the college.