Renison University College

Admin (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 9월 12일 (일) 22:30 판 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다)
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Provided Programs&Courses


  1. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : East Asian Studies Minor (Undergraduate)
    • Programs Remarks - Students who want to acquire a basic understanding of the culture and language of East Asia, with the flexibility to create a unique specialization through course selection.
    1. Korea-related Courses : EASIA 201R LEC Introduction to East Asia
      • Courses Remarks - An introductory survey of the history and cultures of East Asia with particular reference to China, Japan and Korea.
    2. Korea-related Courses : EASIA 205R Religion in East Asia
      • Courses Remarks - An examination of the leading religious and philosophical ideas that have shaped the cultures and histories of East Asia: China, Korea, and Japan. Folk, Shamanic, Confucian, Taoist, Shinto, and Buddhist traditions will be examined.
    3. Korea-related Courses : EASIA 220R The History of East Asian Communities in Canada
      • Courses Remarks - This course examines the evolution of the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean communities in Canada as well as their significance for Canadian economic, social, and political life in the 19th and 20th centuries.
    4. Korea-related Courses : EASIA 277R International Relations of East Asia
      • Courses Remarks - This course explores key topics in the international relations of East Asia after World War II. Classes examine literature on major developments of East Asian relations, including the Cold War, East Asian regionalism, and the foreign policies of China, Japan and Korea.
    5. Korea-related Courses : EASIA 304R Korean Law and Society
      • Courses Remarks - This course examines the legal system, legal culture, and socio-cultural traditions of the Republic of Korea from a comparative legal perspective.


  1. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : Diploma in East Asian Studies
    • Programs Remarks - Students who want to acquire a basic understanding of the culture and language of East Asia, with the flexibility to create a unique specialization through course selection.
  2. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : Certificate in Korean
    • Programs Remarks - Korean Studies offers a Korean Language I certificate
    1. Korea-related Courses : KOREA 101R First-Year Korean 1
      • Courses Remarks - An introductory course for students who have no or little knowledge of Korean to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills along with a sound basis of grammar. The distinctive features of the Korean language and writing system will be introduced. Practical oral, reading, and writing exercises will develop the students' grammatical skills.
    2. Korea-related Courses : KOREA 201R Second-Year Korean 1
      • Courses Remarks - Designed for students who have completed KOREA 102R or the equivalent. To achieve a balanced Korean language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, a variety of teaching materials and methods is used. 
    3. Korea-related Courses : KOREA 272R Korean Culture and Society
      • Courses Remarks - The course explores the interface of tradition and modernity in Korean life. Topics include traditional and modern Korean culture, language, education, art, technology, and business.