Ministry of Foreign Affairs (

cefia>Yoons님의 2017년 1월 4일 (수) 17:13 판 (새 문서: ==Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was inaugurated according to the Government Organization Act enacted by the Government of t...)
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs (

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was inaugurated according to the Government Organization Act enacted by the Government of the Republic of Korea on July 17, 1948. As a part of the government organizational reforms in 1998, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was reorganized as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and was reorganized again as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2013. The Ministry establishes and carries out foreign policies, economic diplomacy and economic cooperation, takes part in international economic communities, administers treaties and international agreements, protects and supports overseas Korean nationals, promotes cultural cooperation, and analyzes international affairs.

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