Ceesok2016 panel8

Admin (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 9월 12일 (일) 22:28 판 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다)
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이동: 둘러보기, 검색
일시 Date Session 3 10월 21일(금), 17:30-19:00 (Oct. 21. Fri. 17:30-19:00)
장소 Venue Room 2
사회자 Moderator Miriam Löwensteinová
발표 분야 Disciplines Literature and Theatre
발표자 Speaker Cho, Eun Suk Ankara University Korean Literature Trends and Future Developments in Turkey Turkey
Ewa Rynarzewska Warsaw University Imitation or innovation: the development of the Korean 'new school' theatre (shinp'a) Poland
Min, Byung Wook Pusan National University A Study on J. Grotowski's Poor Theater and its influence on Korean Theater South Korea
발표사진 Photograph 2016ceesok panel8.JPG