Southern Oregon University

cefia>Ksnet님의 2016년 8월 22일 (월) 15:27 판 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다)
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Provided Programs&Courses


  1. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : Chonnam National University
    • Program Remarks - SOU and Chonnam University participate in the TaLK Exchange Student Program, funded by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. SOU students will receive a scholarship to study at Chonnam in exchange for teaching after-school English classes at a rural elementary school for nine hours a week. TaLK is a unique opportunity for SOU students who may be looking for a chance to apply theory in a real teaching environment, receive first-hand cultural education, as well as the support to develop a greater global perspective. The scholarhip term is either six months or one year and requires a four-week training program. Benefits include a monthly stipend of approximately $800.00, dormitory housing, health insurance, a settlement subsidy, vacation leave, and cultural experience programs. In the Spring Semester (March-June) and during the Fall Semester (September-December), SOU exchange students enroll in regular courses, many of them taught in English.
  2. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : Dankook University
    • Program Remarks - There are two possibilities for study at Dankook University: during the regular school year and in the summer. In the Spring Semester (March-June) and during the Fall Semester (September-December), SOU exchange students enroll in regular courses, some of which are taught in English. All majors. Summer only: Academic Program of the International Summer School. The academic program consists of four weeks sof intensive classes (8 SOU credits) taught by international and/or Korean professors in English. Students also have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of cultural activities and field trips during their stay. All majors. English Village Program. Prior to attending the Academic Program of the International Summer School, students have the opportunity to teach English for three weeks to small groups of Dankook University students. Free housing is offered for participants in the English Village Program, as well as up to $1,200 airfare reimbursement.
  3. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : Yeungnam University
    • Program Remarks - Business courses taught in English. In the Spring Semester (March-June) and during the Fall Semester (September-December), SOU exchange students enroll in regular courses, many of them taught in English.