연산군일기 Glossary

강혜원 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 3월 21일 (화) 17:25 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색


  • 공조(工曹) - Ministry of Works
  • 국장도감(國葬都監) - Directorate of the State Funeral
  • 도감당상(都監堂上) - Directorate of the State Funeral
  • 봉상시(奉常寺) - Office of Sacrificial Rites
  • 사간원(司諫院) - Censorate
  • 사학(四學) - Four Schools
  • 사헌부(司憲府) - Office of the Inspector-General
  • 산릉도감(山陵都監) - Directorate of the Royal Tomb
  • 상서원(尙瑞院) - Office of Seals and ?
  • 성균관(成均館) - National Confucian Academy
  • 승정원(承政院) - Royal Secretariat
  • 시강원(侍講院) - Crown Prince Tutorial Office
  • 예문관(藝文館) - Office of Royal Decrees
  • 예조(禮曹) - Ministry of Rites
  • 의정부(議政府) - State Council
  • 이조(吏曹) - Ministry of Personnel
  • 중추부(中樞府) - Central Council / Office of Ministers without Portfolio
  • 향실(香室) - ?
  • 호조(戶曹) - Ministry of Taxation
  • 홍문관(弘文館) - Office of Special Advisors


  • 간심사(看審事) - manager
  • 군(君) - lord
  • 대간(臺諫) - censors
  • 대비(大妃) - dowager queen
  • 대왕대비(大王大妃) - grand queen dowager
  • 대제학(大提學) - director
  • 도감당상(都監堂上) - chief officer
  • 도승지(都承旨) - chief royal secretary
  • 보덕(輔德) - first tutor
  • 봉교(奉敎) - education administrator
  • 부수찬(副修撰) - junior sixth advisor
  • 부응교(副應敎) - junior fourth advisor
  • 부제학(副提學) - deputy director
  • 수상(首相) - state councilor
  • 수찬(修撰) - sixth advisor
  • 승지(承旨) - royal secretary
  • 시종(侍從) - royal chamberlain
  • 영의정(領議政) - chief state councilor
  • 영중추부사(領中樞府事) - first minister-without-portfolio
  • 왕대비(王大妃) - queen dowager
  • 왕비(王妃) - queen
  • 왕후(王后) - queen
  • 우의정(右議政) - third state councilor
  • 유생(儒生) - [confucian] scholar
  • 응교(應敎) - fourth advisor
  • 장령(掌令) - third inspector
  • 전한(典翰) - third advisor
  • 정승(政丞) - state councilors
  • 정언(正言) - fourth censor
  • 정자(正字) - correcting editor
  • 제조(提調) - supervisor
  • 좌의정(左議政) - second state councilor
  • 좌찬성(左贊成) - fourth state councilor
  • 좌참찬(左參贊) - sixth state councilor
  • 중관(中官) - eunuch
  • 지사(知事) - administrator
  • 직제학(直提學) - second deputy director
  • 참판(參判) - vice minister
  • 태감(太監) - palace eunuch
  • 판서(判書) - minister
  • 폐비(廢妃) - deposed queen
