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"연산군일기-즉위년 12월 26일 4번째 기사"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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|프로젝트명=『조선왕조실록』 영역
|프로젝트명=『조선왕조실록』 영역
|이전=[[연산군일기-즉위년 12월 26일 3번째 기사|연산 즉위년 12월 26일 3번째기사]]
|이전=[[연산군일기-즉위년 12월 26일 3번째 기사|연산 즉위년 12월 26일 3번째기사]]
|현재=[[연산군일기-즉위년 12월 26일 4번째 기사|연산 즉위년 12월 26일 4번째기사]]
|현재=[[연산군일기-즉위년 12월 26일 4번째 기사|연산 즉위년 12월 26일 4번째기사]]
|다음=[[연산군일기-즉위년 12월 26일 5번째 기사|연산 즉위년 12월 26일 5번째기사]]
|다음=[[연산군일기-즉위년 12월 26일 5번째 기사|연산 즉위년 12월 26일 5번째기사]]
===부모의 상과 임금의 상이 겹친 유자광의 입장에 대하여 신하들이 찬반 토론하다===
===부모의 상과 임금의 상이 겹친 유자광의 입장에 대하여 신하들이 찬반 토론하다===
38번째 줄: 39번째 줄:
|영역=The former Lord of Muryeong, Yu Jagwang,  submitted the [following] missive :
|영역=The former Lord of Muryeong, Yu Jagwang<ref group="역주">Yu Jagwang (유자광 柳子光, 1439-1512, Yeonggwang Yu clan)</ref>,  submitted the [following] missive :
“My mother passed away and the funeral hall has been prepared.
“My mother passed away and the funeral hall has been prepared.
44번째 줄: 45번째 줄:
“In the ''Book of Rites'' (''Lijing'') Zengzi asked:  
“In the ''Book of Rites'' (''Lijing'') Zengzi asked:  
‘If a great officer or ordinary officer be in mourning for a parent he may put it off; and if he be in mourning for his ruler, under what conditions will he put that off?’  
‘If a great officer or ordinary officer be in mourning for a parent he may put it off; and if he be in mourning for his ruler, under what conditions will he put that off?’<ref group="역주">English translation by James Legge. [http://ctext.org/liji/zengzi-wen "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", ''Liji'' (禮記)]. Retrieved from [http://ctext.org Chinese Text Project]</ref>
“Confucius said:  
“Confucius said:  
‘If he have the mourning for his ruler on his person, he will not venture to wear any private mourning; what putting off can there be?’  
‘If he have the mourning for his ruler on his person, he will not venture to wear any private mourning; what putting off can there be?’<ref group="역주">English translation by James Legge. [http://ctext.org/liji/zengzi-wen "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", ''Liji'' (禮記)]. Retrieved from [http://ctext.org Chinese Text Project]</ref>
“The annotations read:  
“The annotations read:  
56번째 줄: 57번째 줄:
“Zengzi asked again:  
“Zengzi asked again:  
‘If, when the ruler has died, and is now lying in his coffin, the minister be called to the funeral rites for his father or mother, what course will he pursue?’  
‘If, when the ruler has died, and is now lying in his coffin, the minister be called to the funeral rites for his father or mother, what course will he pursue?’<ref group="역주">English translation by James Legge. [http://ctext.org/liji/zengzi-wen "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", ''Liji'' (禮記)]. Retrieved from [http://ctext.org Chinese Text Project]</ref>
“Confucius said:  
“Confucius said:  
‘He should go home and wail, and then return and accompany the funeral of the ruler.’  
‘He should go home and wail, and then return and accompany the funeral of the ruler.’<ref group="역주">English translation by James Legge. [http://ctext.org/liji/zengzi-wen "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", ''Liji'' (禮記)]. Retrieved from [http://ctext.org Chinese Text Project]</ref>
“The annotations read:  
“The annotations read:  
68번째 줄: 69번째 줄:
‘If the funeral rites for an official’s parent are already underway when the king passes, he [the official] must go to the king’s funeral. Apart from some special reason for which he must return to his parent’s funeral, he must be at the king’s funeral hall every morning and evening - in other words, always.’  
‘If the funeral rites for an official’s parent are already underway when the king passes, he [the official] must go to the king’s funeral. Apart from some special reason for which he must return to his parent’s funeral, he must be at the king’s funeral hall every morning and evening - in other words, always.’<ref group="역주">This is different from the original text, which is as follows:<br/>
Zeng-zi said, 'If, when the ruler has died, and is now lying in his coffin, the minister be called to the funeral rites for his father or mother, what course will he pursue?'<br/>
孔子曰:「歸居于家,有殷事,則之君所,朝夕否。」 <br/>
Confucius said, 'He should go home and remain there; going indeed to the ruler's for the great services (for the departed), but not for those of every morning and evening.'<br/>
(Zeng-zi asked), 'If, when they have begun to remove the coffin, the minister be called to the funeral rites for his father or mother, how should he do?'<br/>
孔子曰:「歸哭而反送君。」 <br/>
Confucius said, 'He should go home and wail, and then return and accompany the funeral of the ruler.' <br/>
'If,' said (Zeng-zi), 'before the ruler has been coffined, a minister be called to the funeral rites for his father or mother, what should be his course?'<br/>
孔子曰:「歸殯,反于君所,有殷事則歸,朝夕否。大夫,室老行事;士,則子孫行事。大夫內子,有殷事,亦之君所,朝夕否。」 <br/>
Confucius said, 'He should go home, and have the deceased put into the coffin, returning (then) to the ruler's. On occasion of the great services, he will go home, but not for those of every morning and evening. In the case of a great officer, the chief servant of the household will attend to matters; in the case of an ordinary officer, a son or grandson. When there are the great services at the ruler's, the wife of the great officer will also go there, but not for those of every morning and evening.'
“Zengzi asked again:  
“Zengzi asked again:  
‘If one, occupied with the funeral rites of a parent, has (assisted in) drawing the bier to the path (to the grave), and there hear of the death of his ruler, what should he do?’
‘If one, occupied with the funeral rites of a parent, has (assisted in) drawing the bier to the path (to the grave), and there hear of the death of his ruler, what should he do?’<ref group="역주">English translation by James Legge. [http://ctext.org/liji/zengzi-wen "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", ''Liji'' (禮記)]. Retrieved from [http://ctext.org Chinese Text Project]</ref>
“Confucius said:  
“Confucius said:  
86번째 줄: 100번째 줄:
The crown prince inquired [about this] to the state councilors.
The crown prince inquired [about this] to the state councilors.
Yi Geukbae  offered the opinion: “How about inquiring of the relevant office?”
Yi Geukbae<ref group="역주">Yi Geukbae (이극배 李克培, 1422-1495, Gwangju Yi clan)</ref> offered the opinion: “How about inquiring of the relevant office?”
Noh Sasin offered the opinion: “Since there is a tradition, how about doing as was suggested [by Yu]?”
Noh Sasin offered the opinion: “Since there is a tradition, how about doing as was suggested [by Yu]?”
102번째 줄: 116번째 줄:
“Since not much time has passed since his mother’s funeral, if he enters the palace and falls into rank wearing an official’s hat and headband, people will think it bizarre. If this is done once, late it will be emulated as a rule and will become an awkward precedent. Therefore, you should not proceed as [Yu] Jagwang has suggested.”
“Since not much time has passed since his mother’s funeral, if he enters the palace and falls into rank wearing an official’s hat and headband, people will think it bizarre. If this is done once, late it will be emulated as a rule and will become an awkward precedent. Therefore, you should not proceed as [Yu] Jagwang has suggested.”
<references group="역주"/>

2017년 3월 19일 (일) 23:13 판

『조선왕조실록』 영역
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부모의 상과 임금의 상이 겹친 유자광의 입장에 대하여 신하들이 찬반 토론하다


臣遭母喪, 已成殯。 謹按《禮經》, 《會子問〔曾子問〕 》曰: "大夫士有私喪, 可以除之矣, 而有君服焉, 其除之也, 如之何?" 孔子曰: "有君喪服於身, 不敢私服, 又何除焉?" 註曰: ‘君重親輕, 以義斷恩。’ 曾子又問曰: "君旣啓, 而臣有父母之喪, 則如之何?" 孔子曰: "歸哭而反送君。" 註曰: ‘歸哭親喪, 復往送君之喪。’ 又曰: "若臣有父母喪, 旣殯而後有君喪, 則歸君所; 父母喪有殷事, 則來歸家。 朝夕亦恒在君所。" 曾子又問曰: "父母之喪, 旣引及塗, 聞君薨, 如之何?" 孔子曰: "遂旣封, 改服而往。" 註曰: ‘不敢以私喪之服, 喪君也。’ 此《禮經》所載, 正合臣事。 臣今若因私服, 而不更除君服, 是臣而不服君服。 然則親反重, 君反輕, 有違《禮經》, 有虧大義。

命議于政丞等。 李克培議: "令該司磨鍊以啓, 何如?"; 盧思愼議: "有古禮, 依子光所啓, 何如?"; 愼承善議: "雖有古禮, 以今觀之, 不無礙處。 然此乃臣子出於至情, 依所啓施行, 何如?" 命該曹議啓。 禮曹啓: "子光援引《禮經》, 欲服大行王喪, 其心志可喜。 但時移事殊, 不必盡用周制。 我朝參酌古今, 勒成《大典》。 凡爲人子者, 方守親喪, 遇君喪, 無改服之制。 君喪雖重, 母喪亦非輕。 亡母在殯未久, 而著紗帽、網巾, 詣(關)〔闕〕 隨班, 駭人視聽。 今一開端, 後必效此, 遂成格例, 事勢實爲未便。 子光所啓, 宜勿施行。"

국역 및 영역

국역 영역
전 무령군(武靈君) 유자광(柳子光)이 상서(上書)하기를,

"신이 어머니의 상(喪)을 당하여 이미 빈소를 차렸습니다. 《예경(禮經)》을 상고해 보오니, 증자(曾子)가 묻기를 ‘대부(大夫)와 사(士)가 사상(私喪)이 있어 복(服)을 벗는 예를 갖추어야 할 터인데, 임금의 복이 있다면 사상의 복을 벗는 것은 어떻게 합니까?’ 하니, 공자(孔子)가 답하기를 ‘내 몸에 임금의 상복이 있으면 사복(私服)을 입지 못하는 것인데, 또 무엇을 벗는단 말이냐.’ 하였고, 그 주(註)에 이르기를 ‘임금이 중하고 어버이가 경하므로 의(義) 때문에 은혜를 끊는 것이다.’ 하였으며, 증자가 또 묻기를 임금은 이미 계빈(啓殯)하였을 때에 신하가 부모의 상을 당하면 어떻게 합니까?’ 하니, 공자가 답하기를 ‘돌아와서 곡하고 다시 가서 임금을 보낸다.’ 하였는데, 주에 ‘돌아와서 어버이의 상에 곡하고 다시 가서 임금의 상을 보낸다.’고 하고, 또 ‘만약 신하가 부모의 상에 있어 이미 빈소를 차린 뒤에 임금의 상이 있으면 임금의 처소로 가고, 부모의 상에 은사(殷事)가 있으면 집으로 돌아오되, 아침저녁으로는 또 늘 임금의 처소에 있어야 한다.’ 하였으며, 증자가 또 묻기를 ‘부모의 상에 이미 발인(發引)하여 길에 나섰는데, 임금이 돌아가셨음을 들으면 어떻게 합니까?’ 하니, 공자가 답하기를 ‘봉분(封墳)까지 마치고 나서 옷을 갈아입고 간다.’ 하였는데, 주에 ‘감히 사상(私喪)의 옷으로 임금의 상에 가지 못하는 것이다.’라고 하였습니다. 이 《예경(禮經)》에 실린 것이 꼭 신의 경우에 해당하온데, 신이 지금 사복(私服) 때문에 다시 임금의 복을 벗지 않는다면, 이것은 신하로서 임금의 복을 입지 않는 것이니, 그렇게 되면 어버이가 도리어 중하고 임금이 도리어 경하게 되어 《예경》에 어긋나고 대의(大義)에 이지러짐이 있을 것입니다."

하매, 정승들에게 명하여 의논하게 하였다. 이극배는 의논드리기를,

"해사(該司)로 하여금 마련하여 아뢰게 함이 어떠합니까?"

하고, 노사신은 의논드리기를,

"비록 고례(古禮)가 있으니 자광(子光)이 아뢴 대로 함이 어떠합니까?"

하고, 신승선은 의논드리기를,

"비록 고례가 있으나, 지금 생각해 보면 구애되는 점이 없지 않습니다. 그러나 이것은 신자(臣子)의 지극한 정성에서 나온 말이니, 아뢴 대로 시행하게 함이 어떠합니까?"

하였다. 해조(該曹)에 명하여 의논하여 아뢰게 하니, 예조에서 아뢰기를,

"자광이 《예경(禮經)》을 인증(引證)하여 대행왕의 상복을 입으려 하니, 그의 심지는 가상하오나, 시대가 변했고 일이 다르니, 반드시 주(周)나라 제도를 다 쓸 것은 없습니다. 아조(我朝)에서 고금을 참작하여 《대전(大典)》을 만들었는데, 무릇 남의 자식으로서 방금 어버이의 상복을 입고 있으면서 임금의 상을 당하였을 때는 상복을 고쳐 입는 제도가 없으며, 임금의 상이 비록 중하나 어미의 상도 경한 것이 아닌데, 죽은 어미를 빈(殯)한 지 얼마 안 되어 사모(紗帽) 망건(網巾)을 쓰고 대궐에 들어와 반열(班列)을 따르면, 사람들이 보고 듣기에 해괴할 것입니다. 지금 한 번 길을 열어 놓으면 뒤에 반드시 이것을 본받아서 드디어 규례(規例)가 되어 사세가 실로 난처할 것이오니, 자광이 아뢴 바는 시행하지 말아야 할 것입니다."

The former Lord of Muryeong, Yu Jagwang[역주 1], submitted the [following] missive :

“My mother passed away and the funeral hall has been prepared.

“In the Book of Rites (Lijing) Zengzi asked:

‘If a great officer or ordinary officer be in mourning for a parent he may put it off; and if he be in mourning for his ruler, under what conditions will he put that off?’[역주 2]

“Confucius said:

‘If he have the mourning for his ruler on his person, he will not venture to wear any private mourning; what putting off can there be?’[역주 3]

“The annotations read:

‘One’s king is of greater significance whilst one’s father is of lesser significance. [Therefore,] kindness must be cut short for the sake of what is proper.’

“Zengzi asked again:

‘If, when the ruler has died, and is now lying in his coffin, the minister be called to the funeral rites for his father or mother, what course will he pursue?’[역주 4]

“Confucius said:

‘He should go home and wail, and then return and accompany the funeral of the ruler.’[역주 5]

“The annotations read:

‘Return home and wail in mourning for your father’s death and then go again and see to His Majesty’s passing.’


‘If the funeral rites for an official’s parent are already underway when the king passes, he [the official] must go to the king’s funeral. Apart from some special reason for which he must return to his parent’s funeral, he must be at the king’s funeral hall every morning and evening - in other words, always.’[역주 6]

“Zengzi asked again:

‘If one, occupied with the funeral rites of a parent, has (assisted in) drawing the bier to the path (to the grave), and there hear of the death of his ruler, what should he do?’[역주 7]

“Confucius said:

‘He should complete the burial; and, when the coffin has been let down, he should change his dress, and go to (the ruler's).’

“The annotations read:

‘One cannot wear the mourning clothes worn for one’s parents for one’s ruler [as well].’

“This excerpt of the Book of Rites applies directly to my [current situation]. Now, because the mourning attire is for my parents, if I do not remove it for the king, I would not be wearing the attire [of a subject] mourning for the king. If this is the case [that I do not remove my mourning attire], then I would be regarding my father more highly than my king. This is inappropriate according to the Book of Rites and I would be diverging from what is most proper.”

The crown prince inquired [about this] to the state councilors.

Yi Geukbae[역주 8] offered the opinion: “How about inquiring of the relevant office?”

Noh Sasin offered the opinion: “Since there is a tradition, how about doing as was suggested [by Yu]?”

Shin Seungseon offered the opinion: “Although there is a tradition, the current situation is not without its complications. However, this is said out of the deep emotions of an official. How about doing as was suggested?”

The crown prince inquired of the relevant ministry.

The Ministry of Rites said:

“Yu Jagwang has consulted the Book of Rites and is planning to wear mourning clothes for the late king. [We] gladly approve of this desire. However, times have changed and there is not necessarily a need to follow the regulations of the Zhou dynasty.

“Considering both the past and the present, our dynasty developed the Great Treatise (Gyeongguk daejeon). There is no regulation requiring one mourning his father to change his attire if the king should die before the mourning period is complete. Although the king’s funeral is most significant, the funeral of one’s mother is not insignificant.

“Since not much time has passed since his mother’s funeral, if he enters the palace and falls into rank wearing an official’s hat and headband, people will think it bizarre. If this is done once, late it will be emulated as a rule and will become an awkward precedent. Therefore, you should not proceed as [Yu] Jagwang has suggested.”


  1. Yu Jagwang (유자광 柳子光, 1439-1512, Yeonggwang Yu clan)
  2. English translation by James Legge. "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", Liji (禮記). Retrieved from Chinese Text Project
  3. English translation by James Legge. "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", Liji (禮記). Retrieved from Chinese Text Project
  4. English translation by James Legge. "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", Liji (禮記). Retrieved from Chinese Text Project
  5. English translation by James Legge. "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", Liji (禮記). Retrieved from Chinese Text Project
  6. This is different from the original text, which is as follows:
    Zeng-zi said, 'If, when the ruler has died, and is now lying in his coffin, the minister be called to the funeral rites for his father or mother, what course will he pursue?'
    Confucius said, 'He should go home and remain there; going indeed to the ruler's for the great services (for the departed), but not for those of every morning and evening.'
    (Zeng-zi asked), 'If, when they have begun to remove the coffin, the minister be called to the funeral rites for his father or mother, how should he do?'
    Confucius said, 'He should go home and wail, and then return and accompany the funeral of the ruler.'
    'If,' said (Zeng-zi), 'before the ruler has been coffined, a minister be called to the funeral rites for his father or mother, what should be his course?'
    Confucius said, 'He should go home, and have the deceased put into the coffin, returning (then) to the ruler's. On occasion of the great services, he will go home, but not for those of every morning and evening. In the case of a great officer, the chief servant of the household will attend to matters; in the case of an ordinary officer, a son or grandson. When there are the great services at the ruler's, the wife of the great officer will also go there, but not for those of every morning and evening.'
  7. English translation by James Legge. "Zengzi Wen (曾子問)", Liji (禮記). Retrieved from Chinese Text Project
  8. Yi Geukbae (이극배 李克培, 1422-1495, Gwangju Yi clan)