"연산군일기-즉위년 12월 26일 1번째 기사"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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|프로젝트명=『조선왕조실록』 영역
|프로젝트명=『조선왕조실록』 영역
9번째 줄: 8번째 줄:
===왕세자가 두 대비와 왕비전께 죽 들기를 청하자, 승정원이 먼저 세자에게 청하다===
○辛巳/黎明, 王世子傳曰: "予於兩大妃、王妃殿, 累請進粥, 不聽。 政丞等宜卽共請。" 時尙早, 政丞皆未至。 承政院啓: "政丞, 昨日啓請勸粥云: ‘帝王之孝, 異於士庶人。’ 臣等又按《儀軌》, 世宗嘗曰: ‘世子生長深宮, 居處飮食, 異於平人, 遭喪翌日, 宜可勸粥。’ 聖訓昭昭。 臣等意世子先自進粥, 乃請于三殿, 則庶可得請矣。" 傳曰: "予則已矣, 宜請于三殿。" 承旨等啓: "當待政丞之來, 共議啓請。 然臣等意世宗於昭憲王后之喪, 勸世子翌日進粥, 明載《儀軌》, 豈以居養異常, 遽撤飮食, 則慮或傷生, 故有此訓也。 請先進粥, 仍請三殿, 則豈不從之乎?" 傳曰: "如不得請, 則予當先之。"
|제목=왕세자가 두 대비와 왕비전께 죽 들기를 청하자, 승정원이 먼저 세자에게 청하다
|원문=○辛巳/黎明, 王世子傳曰: "予於兩大妃、王妃殿, 累請進粥, 不聽。 政丞等宜卽共請。" 時尙早, 政丞皆未至。 承政院啓: "政丞, 昨日啓請勸粥云: ‘帝王之孝, 異於士庶人。’ 臣等又按《儀軌》, 世宗嘗曰: ‘世子生長深宮, 居處飮食, 異於平人, 遭喪翌日, 宜可勸粥。’ 聖訓昭昭。 臣等意世子先自進粥, 乃請于三殿, 則庶可得請矣。" 傳曰: "予則已矣, 宜請于三殿。" 承旨等啓: "當待政丞之來, 共議啓請。 然臣等意世宗於昭憲王后之喪, 勸世子翌日進粥, 明載《儀軌》, 豈以居養異常, 遽撤飮食, 則慮或傷生, 故有此訓也。 請先進粥, 仍請三殿, 則豈不從之乎?" 傳曰: "如不得請, 則予當先之。"
=='''국역 및 영역'''==
=='''국역 및 영역'''==
35번째 줄: 37번째 줄:
|영역=At dawn, the crown prince said: “I have repeatedly requested that the two queen dowagers<ref group="역주">At this time, there were two queen dowagers, Insu and Inhye. Queen Dowager Insu (인수왕대비 仁粹王大妃, 1437-1504, Cheongju Han clan); also known as Queen Sohye (昭惠王后, 소혜왕후); daughter of Han Hwak and Lady Hong of the Namyang Hong Clan, consort of (Honorary) King Deokjong; mother of King Seongjong; paternal grandmother of Yeonsangun
Dowager Queen Inhye (인혜대비 仁惠大妃, 1445-1498, Cheongju Han clan); daughter of Han Baengnyung; consort to King Yejong; adoptive mother of King Seongjong</ref> and the queen have some porridge, but they do not listen. The chancellors and others must collectively request [that they have some porridge] right now.”
It was time for the morning assembly, but the chancellors had not yet arrived.
The Royal Secretariat replied:
|영역=At dawn, it was conveyed from the crown prince: “I have repeatedly requested that the two queen dowagers<ref group="역주">At this time, there were two queen dowagers, Insu and Inhye. Dowager Queen Inhye 仁惠大妃 (1445-1498, Cheongju Han clan); daughter of Han Baengnyung; consort to King Yejong; adoptive mother of King Seongjong.</ref> and the queen have some porridge, but they do not listen. The state councilors and others must collectively request [that they have some porridge] right now.” It was time for the morning assembly, but the state councilors had not yet arrived. The Royal Secretariat petitioned: “We looked up the royal protocol<ref group="역주">This refers to the Royal Protocols (''Uigwe'' 儀軌).</ref> [and saw] where the king once said: ‘The crown prince is raised in the palace quarters, so that his life and diet differs from those of ordinary people. It is recommended that he eat porridge.’ This instruction from King Sejong<ref group="역주">King Sejong 世宗 (1397-1450, Jeonju Yi clan); fourth king of Joseon (r. 1418-1450); son of King Taejong and Queen Wongyeong; father of King Munjong and King Sejo.</ref> is very clear. We suggest that the crown prince eats the porridge first, and then ask the queen and the queen dowagers<ref group="역주">Here, in the original text, the queen (Jeonghyeon) and two queen dowagers (Inhye and Insu) are referred to collectively as ''samjeon'' (three halls 三殿).</ref> about it. In that case, it is very likely they will accept your proposal.” It was conveyed [from the crown prince]: “I am fine. We should first inquire to the queen and the queen dowagers.” The Royal Secretariat petitioned: “When the state councilors arrive, we will go and ask together about the issue. However, we would inform you that in the time of King Sejong, he recommended the royal prince to eat porridge the day following the queen’s funeral; this is clearly recorded in the royal protocol. The royal family’s lives and diet are different from those of ordinary people. If [the royal family] abruptly stops consuming food, we worry that it will be harmful. That is the reason there is such an instruction. So please eat first and then we will go and ask the queen and the queen dowagers. How could they not but follow your suggestion?” It was conveyed: “You go first, and if they still do not agree, then I will have [the porridge].”
“I looked up the royal protocol [and saw] where the king once said: ‘The crown prince is raised in the palace quarters, so that his life and diet differs from those of ordinary people. It is recommended that he eat porridge.’ This instruction from King Sejong<ref group="역주">King Sejong (세종 世宗, 1397-1450, Jeonju Yi clan); fourth king of Joseon (r. 1418-1450); son of King Taejong and Queen Wongyeong; father of King Munjong and King Sejo</ref> is very clear. We suggest that the crown prince eats the porridge first, and then ask the queen and the queen dowagers<ref group="역주">Here, in the original text, the queen (Jeonghyeon) and two queen dowagers (Inhye and Insu) are referred to collectively as ''samjeon'' (삼전 三殿, lit. “three halls”).</ref> about it. In that case it is very likely they will accept your proposal.  
The crown prince replied:  
“I am satisfied. We should first inquire to the queen and the queen dowagers.”
The Royal Secretariat responded:  
“When the chancellors arrive, we will go and ask together about the issue. However, we would inform you that in the time of King Sejong, he recommended the royal prince to eat porridge the day following the queen’s funeral; this is clearly recorded in the royal protocol. The royal family’s lives and diet are different from those of ordinary people. If you abruptly take away food [from the royal family], we worry that it will be harmful. That is the reason there is such an instruction. So please eat first and then we will go and ask the queen and the queen dowagers. How could they not but follow your suggestion?”
The crown prince replied:  
“You go first, and if they still do not agree, then I will have [the porridge].”

2017년 8월 9일 (수) 13:14 기준 최신판

『조선왕조실록』 영역
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왕세자가 두 대비와 왕비전께 죽 들기를 청하자, 승정원이 먼저 세자에게 청하다
○辛巳/黎明, 王世子傳曰: "予於兩大妃、王妃殿, 累請進粥, 不聽。 政丞等宜卽共請。" 時尙早, 政丞皆未至。 承政院啓: "政丞, 昨日啓請勸粥云: ‘帝王之孝, 異於士庶人。’ 臣等又按《儀軌》, 世宗嘗曰: ‘世子生長深宮, 居處飮食, 異於平人, 遭喪翌日, 宜可勸粥。’ 聖訓昭昭。 臣等意世子先自進粥, 乃請于三殿, 則庶可得請矣。" 傳曰: "予則已矣, 宜請于三殿。" 承旨等啓: "當待政丞之來, 共議啓請。 然臣等意世宗於昭憲王后之喪, 勸世子翌日進粥, 明載《儀軌》, 豈以居養異常, 遽撤飮食, 則慮或傷生, 故有此訓也。 請先進粥, 仍請三殿, 則豈不從之乎?" 傳曰: "如不得請, 則予當先之。"
홈페이지에서 보기

국역 및 영역

국역 영역
밝을 녘에 왕세자가 전교하기를,

"내가 두 대비와 왕비전(王妃殿)께 잡수시기를 여러 번 청하였으나 듣지 않으시니, 정승들이 곧 함께 청해야 할 것이다."

하였는데, 때가 아직 일러서 정승은 모두 아직 오지 않았다. 승정원(承政院)이 아뢰기를,

"정승이 어제 아뢰어 죽을 권하였다고 합니다. 임금의 효도는 사서인(士庶人)과는 다르오며, 신 등이 또 의궤(儀軌)를 상고하니, 세종(世宗)께서 일찍이 이르시기를 ‘세자는 깊은 궁중에서 생장(生長)하여 거처나 음식이 여느 사람과 다르니, 상(喪)을 당한 이튿날에는 죽을 권해야 할 것이다.’ 하시어 교훈이 명백하므로, 신 등의 생각으로는, 세자께서 먼저 스스로 죽을 잡수시고서 삼전(三殿)께 청하시면 청을 들어 주실 것입니다."

하니, 전교하기를,

"나는 그만두고, 삼전께 청하라."

하매, 승지들이 아뢰기를,

"마땅히 정승이 오기를 기다려 함께 의논하여 아뢰어 청하겠사오나, 신 등의 생각으로는, 세종께서 소헌 왕후(昭憲王后)의 초상에 세자에게 이튿날 죽을 먹기를 권하였음이 의궤에 분명히 실렸사오니, 아마도 세자는 거처와 음식이 여느 사람과 다르므로 문득 음식을 철폐하면 몸을 상하지나 않을까 염려되기 때문에 이런 교훈이 계셨을 것입니다. 청컨대 먼저 죽을 잡수시고 삼전께 청하시면, 어찌 좇지 않으시오리까?"

하니, 전교하기를,

"청하여 듣지 않으시면 내가 먼저 먹겠다."

At dawn, it was conveyed from the crown prince: “I have repeatedly requested that the two queen dowagers[역주 1] and the queen have some porridge, but they do not listen. The state councilors and others must collectively request [that they have some porridge] right now.” It was time for the morning assembly, but the state councilors had not yet arrived. The Royal Secretariat petitioned: “We looked up the royal protocol[역주 2] [and saw] where the king once said: ‘The crown prince is raised in the palace quarters, so that his life and diet differs from those of ordinary people. It is recommended that he eat porridge.’ This instruction from King Sejong[역주 3] is very clear. We suggest that the crown prince eats the porridge first, and then ask the queen and the queen dowagers[역주 4] about it. In that case, it is very likely they will accept your proposal.” It was conveyed [from the crown prince]: “I am fine. We should first inquire to the queen and the queen dowagers.” The Royal Secretariat petitioned: “When the state councilors arrive, we will go and ask together about the issue. However, we would inform you that in the time of King Sejong, he recommended the royal prince to eat porridge the day following the queen’s funeral; this is clearly recorded in the royal protocol. The royal family’s lives and diet are different from those of ordinary people. If [the royal family] abruptly stops consuming food, we worry that it will be harmful. That is the reason there is such an instruction. So please eat first and then we will go and ask the queen and the queen dowagers. How could they not but follow your suggestion?” It was conveyed: “You go first, and if they still do not agree, then I will have [the porridge].”


  1. At this time, there were two queen dowagers, Insu and Inhye. Dowager Queen Inhye 仁惠大妃 (1445-1498, Cheongju Han clan); daughter of Han Baengnyung; consort to King Yejong; adoptive mother of King Seongjong.
  2. This refers to the Royal Protocols (Uigwe 儀軌).
  3. King Sejong 世宗 (1397-1450, Jeonju Yi clan); fourth king of Joseon (r. 1418-1450); son of King Taejong and Queen Wongyeong; father of King Munjong and King Sejo.
  4. Here, in the original text, the queen (Jeonghyeon) and two queen dowagers (Inhye and Insu) are referred to collectively as samjeon (three halls 三殿).