"연산군일기-총서"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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|프로젝트명=『조선왕조실록』 영역
|프로젝트명=『조선왕조실록』 영역
|다음=[[연산군일기-즉위년 12월 25일 1번째 기사]]
|다음=[[연산군일기-즉위년 12월 25일 1번째 기사|연산 즉위년 12월 25일 1번째기사]]
○燕山君諱㦕, 成宗康靖大王長子, 母廢妃尹氏, 判奉常寺事起畎之女。 以成化丙申十一月初七日丁未生。 癸卯二月己巳, 冊封世子, 遣領中樞韓明澮等, 請命于京師。 五月丁酉, 帝遣太監鄭同等賜勑封。 少時不好學, 東宮僚屬有勸戒者, 深銜之。 及卽位, 宮中所行多不善, 外庭猶未之知。 晩年, 荒悖淫縱, 大肆虐政, 誅殺大臣、臺諫、侍從, 殆盡。 至有炮烙、斮胸、寸斬、碎骨飄風之刑, 遂廢徙喬桐, 封燕山君。 居數月, 以疾終。 年三十一, 在位十二年。
|원문=○燕山君諱㦕, 成宗康靖大王長子, 母廢妃尹氏, 判奉常寺事起畎之女。 以成化丙申十一月初七日丁未生。 癸卯二月己巳, 冊封世子, 遣領中樞韓明澮等, 請命于京師。 五月丁酉, 帝遣太監鄭同等賜勑封。 少時不好學, 東宮僚屬有勸戒者, 深銜之。 及卽位, 宮中所行多不善, 外庭猶未之知。 晩年, 荒悖淫縱, 大肆虐政, 誅殺大臣、臺諫、侍從, 殆盡。 至有炮烙、斮胸、寸斬、碎骨飄風之刑, 遂廢徙喬桐, 封燕山君。 居數月, 以疾終。 年三十一, 在位十二年。
=='''국역 및 영역'''==
=='''국역 및 영역'''==
|국역=연산군(燕山君), 휘(諱) 융(㦕)은 성종 강정 대왕(成宗康靖大王) 의 맏아들이며, 어머니 폐비(廢妃) 윤씨(尹氏), 판봉상시사(判奉常寺事) 윤기견(尹起畎)의 딸이 성화(成化) 병신년) 11월 7일(정미)에 낳았다. 계묘년 2월 6일(기사)에 세자(世子)로 책봉(冊封)하고, 영중추부사(領中樞府事) 한명회(韓明澮) 등을 북경(北京)에 보내어 고명(誥命)을 청하니, 5월 6일(정유)에 황제가 태감(太監) 정동(鄭同) 등을 보내어 칙봉(勅封)을 내렸다. 소시(少時)에, 학문을 좋아하지 않아서 동궁(東宮)에 딸린 벼슬아치로서 공부하기를 권계(勸戒)하는 이가 있으매, 매우 못마땅하게 여겼다. 즉위하여서는, 궁안에서의 행실이 흔히 좋지 못했으나, 외정(外庭)에서는 오히려 몰랐다. 만년(晩年)에는, 주색에 빠지고 도리에 어긋나며, 포학한 정치를 극도로 하여, 대신(大臣)·대간(臺諫)·시종(侍從)을 거의 다 주살(誅殺)하되 불로 지지고 가슴을 쪼개고 마디마디 끊고 백골을 부수어 바람에 날리는 형벌까지도 있었다. 드디어 폐위하고 교동(喬桐) 에 옮기고 연산군으로 봉하였는데, 두어 달 살다가 병으로 죽으니, 나이 31세이며, 재위 12년이었다.
|국역=연산군(燕山君), 휘(諱) 융(㦕)은 성종 강정 대왕(成宗康靖大王) 의 맏아들이며, 어머니 폐비(廢妃) 윤씨(尹氏), 판봉상시사(判奉常寺事) 윤기견(尹起畎)의 딸이 성화(成化) 병신년) 11월 7일(정미)에 낳았다. 계묘년 2월 6일(기사)에 세자(世子)로 책봉(冊封)하고, 영중추부사(領中樞府事) 한명회(韓明澮) 등을 북경(北京)에 보내어 고명(誥命)을 청하니, 5월 6일(정유)에 황제가 태감(太監) 정동(鄭同) 등을 보내어 칙봉(勅封)을 내렸다. 소시(少時)에, 학문을 좋아하지 않아서 동궁(東宮)에 딸린 벼슬아치로서 공부하기를 권계(勸戒)하는 이가 있으매, 매우 못마땅하게 여겼다. 즉위하여서는, 궁안에서의 행실이 흔히 좋지 못했으나, 외정(外庭)에서는 오히려 몰랐다. 만년(晩年)에는, 주색에 빠지고 도리에 어긋나며, 포학한 정치를 극도로 하여, 대신(大臣)·대간(臺諫)·시종(侍從)을 거의 다 주살(誅殺)하되 불로 지지고 가슴을 쪼개고 마디마디 끊고 백골을 부수어 바람에 날리는 형벌까지도 있었다. 드디어 폐위하고 교동(喬桐) 에 옮기고 연산군으로 봉하였는데, 두어 달 살다가 병으로 죽으니, 나이 31세이며, 재위 12년이었다.
|영역=Yeonsangun, whose given name was Yung, was born on the seventh day of the eleventh month of the Jeongmi Year (1476) as the first son of Great King Seongjong Gangjeong. His mother was the deposed queen, Lady Yun, the daughter of Yun Gigyeon, a supervisor in the Office of Ancestral Sacrifice (Bongsangsi).
|영역=King Yeonsangun, whose given name was Yung<ref group="역주">''Hwi'' 諱 refers to the king’s real name, the use of which was tabooed to show reverence.</ref>, was born on the seventh day of the eleventh month of the Jeongmi Year (1476) in the Chenghua reign (1465-1487) as the first son of Great King Seongjong, Serene Stability.<ref group="역주">King Seongjong 成宗 (1457-1494, Jeonju Yi clan); ninth king (r. 1469-1494) of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910); son of Deokjong and Queen Sohye (Queen Dowager Insu); father of Yeonsangun. His posthumous title Gangjeong 康靖, which was conferred by the Ming court, may be translated as “Serene Stability.”</ref> His mother was Deposed Queen Yun<ref group="역주">Deposed Queen Yun 廢妃尹氏 (1455-1482, Haman Yun clan); also known as Queen Jeheon 齊獻王后; consort of King Seongjong; mother of Yeonsangun.</ref>, who was the daughter of Yun Gigyeon<ref group="역주">Yun Gigyeon 尹起畎 (birth/death unknown, Haman Yun clan). </ref>, a supervisor in the Office of Ancestral Sacrifice (''Bongsangsi''). He was installed as the crown prince on the sixth day of the second month of the Gisa Year (1483). First Minister-without-Portfolio (''Yeongjungchubusa'') Han Myeonghoe<ref group="역주">Han Myeonghoe 韓明澮 (1415-1487, Cheongju Han clan); father of Queen Ansun (Dowager Queen Inhye).</ref> was sent to Beijing to request a letter of investiture [from the Chinese emperor]. On the sixth day of the fifth month, the emperor conferred a letter of investiture through Palace Eunuch Jeong Dong<ref group="역주">Jeong Dong 鄭同 (Zheng Tong in Chinese, birth/death unknown, clan unknown); ethnically Korean, but a palace eunuch of Ming China.</ref>. As a youth, Yeonsangun was not fond of studying, and was very disgruntled by officials in the East Palace<ref group="역주">East Palace 東宮 refers to the quarters inside the larger palace complex in which the crown prince lives.</ref> who admonished him to care of his studies. After coming to power as king, he was usually ill-behaved in the palace, but this behavior was not yet known outside the palace. In the later years of his reign, he indulged himself in wine and sensual pleasure, acted contrary to reason, and exerted tyrannical rule to a degree so extreme that he put most of his great vassals, censors, and royal attendants to death. He even punished them with branding, cutting open their chests, chopping them into pieces, and grinding their bones to be blown away in the wind. He was finally dethroned, exiled to Gyodong 喬桐<ref group="역주">Gyodong is an island to the northwest of Ganghwado Island (part of present-day Incheon). </ref>, and demoted to Prince Yeonsangun. After only a few months, he died from an illness at the age of 31. He reigned for 12 years.
He was installed as the crown prince on the sixth day of the second month of the Gisa Year (1483). First Minister-without-Portfolio (Yeongjungchubusa) Han Myeonghoe was sent to Beijing to request letters patent [from the Chinese emperor].
On the sixth day of the fifth month, the emperor conferred a letter of investiture through palace eunuch Jeong Dong.  
As a youth, Yeonsangun was not fond of studying, and was very disgruntled by officials in the East Palace who admonished him to care for his studies.
After coming to power as king, he was usually ill-behaved in the palace, but this behavior was not yet known outside the palace.
In the later years of his reign, he indulged himself in wine and sensual pleasure, acted contrary to reason, and exerted tyrannical rule to a degree so extreme that he put most of his ministers, censors, and royal attendants to death.
He even punished them with branding, cutting open their chests, chopping them into pieces, and grinding their bones to be blown away in the wind. He was finally dethroned, exiled to Gyodong,  and demoted to Prince Yeonsangun.
<references group="역주"/>
After only a few months, he died from an illness at the age of 31. He reigned for 12 years.

2017년 8월 9일 (수) 12:12 기준 최신판

『조선왕조실록』 영역
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총서(總序) 연산 즉위년 12월 25일 1번째기사


○燕山君諱㦕, 成宗康靖大王長子, 母廢妃尹氏, 判奉常寺事起畎之女。 以成化丙申十一月初七日丁未生。 癸卯二月己巳, 冊封世子, 遣領中樞韓明澮等, 請命于京師。 五月丁酉, 帝遣太監鄭同等賜勑封。 少時不好學, 東宮僚屬有勸戒者, 深銜之。 及卽位, 宮中所行多不善, 外庭猶未之知。 晩年, 荒悖淫縱, 大肆虐政, 誅殺大臣、臺諫、侍從, 殆盡。 至有炮烙、斮胸、寸斬、碎骨飄風之刑, 遂廢徙喬桐, 封燕山君。 居數月, 以疾終。 年三十一, 在位十二年。
홈페이지에서 보기

국역 및 영역

국역 영역
연산군(燕山君), 휘(諱) 융(㦕)은 성종 강정 대왕(成宗康靖大王) 의 맏아들이며, 어머니 폐비(廢妃) 윤씨(尹氏), 판봉상시사(判奉常寺事) 윤기견(尹起畎)의 딸이 성화(成化) 병신년) 11월 7일(정미)에 낳았다. 계묘년 2월 6일(기사)에 세자(世子)로 책봉(冊封)하고, 영중추부사(領中樞府事) 한명회(韓明澮) 등을 북경(北京)에 보내어 고명(誥命)을 청하니, 5월 6일(정유)에 황제가 태감(太監) 정동(鄭同) 등을 보내어 칙봉(勅封)을 내렸다. 소시(少時)에, 학문을 좋아하지 않아서 동궁(東宮)에 딸린 벼슬아치로서 공부하기를 권계(勸戒)하는 이가 있으매, 매우 못마땅하게 여겼다. 즉위하여서는, 궁안에서의 행실이 흔히 좋지 못했으나, 외정(外庭)에서는 오히려 몰랐다. 만년(晩年)에는, 주색에 빠지고 도리에 어긋나며, 포학한 정치를 극도로 하여, 대신(大臣)·대간(臺諫)·시종(侍從)을 거의 다 주살(誅殺)하되 불로 지지고 가슴을 쪼개고 마디마디 끊고 백골을 부수어 바람에 날리는 형벌까지도 있었다. 드디어 폐위하고 교동(喬桐) 에 옮기고 연산군으로 봉하였는데, 두어 달 살다가 병으로 죽으니, 나이 31세이며, 재위 12년이었다. King Yeonsangun, whose given name was Yung[역주 1], was born on the seventh day of the eleventh month of the Jeongmi Year (1476) in the Chenghua reign (1465-1487) as the first son of Great King Seongjong, Serene Stability.[역주 2] His mother was Deposed Queen Yun[역주 3], who was the daughter of Yun Gigyeon[역주 4], a supervisor in the Office of Ancestral Sacrifice (Bongsangsi). He was installed as the crown prince on the sixth day of the second month of the Gisa Year (1483). First Minister-without-Portfolio (Yeongjungchubusa) Han Myeonghoe[역주 5] was sent to Beijing to request a letter of investiture [from the Chinese emperor]. On the sixth day of the fifth month, the emperor conferred a letter of investiture through Palace Eunuch Jeong Dong[역주 6]. As a youth, Yeonsangun was not fond of studying, and was very disgruntled by officials in the East Palace[역주 7] who admonished him to care of his studies. After coming to power as king, he was usually ill-behaved in the palace, but this behavior was not yet known outside the palace. In the later years of his reign, he indulged himself in wine and sensual pleasure, acted contrary to reason, and exerted tyrannical rule to a degree so extreme that he put most of his great vassals, censors, and royal attendants to death. He even punished them with branding, cutting open their chests, chopping them into pieces, and grinding their bones to be blown away in the wind. He was finally dethroned, exiled to Gyodong 喬桐[역주 8], and demoted to Prince Yeonsangun. After only a few months, he died from an illness at the age of 31. He reigned for 12 years.


  1. Hwi 諱 refers to the king’s real name, the use of which was tabooed to show reverence.
  2. King Seongjong 成宗 (1457-1494, Jeonju Yi clan); ninth king (r. 1469-1494) of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910); son of Deokjong and Queen Sohye (Queen Dowager Insu); father of Yeonsangun. His posthumous title Gangjeong 康靖, which was conferred by the Ming court, may be translated as “Serene Stability.”
  3. Deposed Queen Yun 廢妃尹氏 (1455-1482, Haman Yun clan); also known as Queen Jeheon 齊獻王后; consort of King Seongjong; mother of Yeonsangun.
  4. Yun Gigyeon 尹起畎 (birth/death unknown, Haman Yun clan).
  5. Han Myeonghoe 韓明澮 (1415-1487, Cheongju Han clan); father of Queen Ansun (Dowager Queen Inhye).
  6. Jeong Dong 鄭同 (Zheng Tong in Chinese, birth/death unknown, clan unknown); ethnically Korean, but a palace eunuch of Ming China.
  7. East Palace 東宮 refers to the quarters inside the larger palace complex in which the crown prince lives.
  8. Gyodong is an island to the northwest of Ganghwado Island (part of present-day Incheon).