연산군일기-즉위년 12월 25일 1번째 기사

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『조선왕조실록』 영역
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총서(總序) 연산 즉위년 12월 25일 1번째기사 연산 즉위년 12월 25일 2번째기사


이극돈 등이 성종의 염습을 정침에서 집행할 것을 아뢰다
○庚辰/朝奠于殯殿, 百官入臨。 都監堂上李克墩等, 啓于仁粹王大妃殿曰: "歛襲諸事, 請詣正寢掌辦。" 傳曰: "可。"
홈페이지에서 보기

국역 및 영역

국역 영역
빈전(殯殿)에 조전(朝奠)할 적에, 백관(百官)이 들어와 임하였다. 도감 당상(都監堂上) 이극돈(李克墩) 등이 인수 대비(仁粹大妃)에게 아뢰기를,

"염습(斂襲) 의 모든 일은 정침(正寢)에서 집행하소서."

하니, ‘그리하라.’고 전교(傳敎)하였다.
All the officials attended the morning ritual held at the (deceased king’s) mortuary. Chief Officer of the Directorate for the State Funeral (Dogam dangsang) Yi Geukdon[역주 1], and other officials had it conveyed to Queen Dowager[역주 2] Insu[역주 3]: “All the formalities of dressing and shrouding the deceased should be conducted in the king’s residential quarters.” It was conveyed [from the queen dowager]: “Do as such.”


  1. Yi Geukdon 李克墩 (1435-1503, Gwangju Yi clan)
  2. In the context of Joseon, queen dowager (wangdaebi) is the term for the former queen after the crown prince ascends the throne. In other words, the queen dowager is usually the mother of the new king, but can also be the king’s stepmother if his mother had died early or had been deposed. In this instance, it refers to the mother of the late king (Seongjong), as the crown prince has not yet been installed as king.
  3. Queen Dowager Insu 仁粹王大妃 (1437-1504, Cheongju Han clan); also known as Queen Sohye 昭惠王后; daughter of Han Hwak and Lady Hong of the Namyang Hong Clan, consort of (Honorary) King Deokjong; mother of King Seongjong; paternal grandmother of Yeonsangun.