2019 啓蒙篇 04 - 06

Yi.ivanna (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2019년 7월 4일 (목) 21:27 판 (English translation)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

天有緯星하니, 金木水火土五星이 是也요,

有經星하니, 角亢氐房心尾箕, 斗牛女虛危室壁, 奎婁胃昴畢觜參, 井鬼柳星張翼軫, 二十八宿가 是也라.
  • 是: this
  • 也 (pause marker) (cf.) A B 也: A (is) B



一晝夜之內에 有十二時하니, 十二時會가 而爲一日하고

三十日會이 而爲一月하고 十有二月合이 而成一歲니라.

月或有小月하니, 小月則二十九日이 爲一月하고,

歲或有閏月하니, 有閏則十三月이 成一歲라.
  • VP1 而 VP2 : VP1 and then VP2
  • 爲 N: (1) to become/change into N; (2) to make N
  • A 之 B: A’s B



十二時者는 卽地之十二支也니 所謂十二支者는


天有十干하니 所謂十干者는

  • 即: namely (cop.)
  • 所V: that which (S) V (cf.) 所謂: so-called
  • N1 有N2: N1 have N2

十二時者卽地之十二支也所謂十二支者子丑寅卯辰巳午未辛酉戌亥也天有十干 所謂十干者甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸也


Sentence 4 : Mo Ran

There are five planets in the sky, which are Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and there are mansions of twenty-eight stars, which are kak·hang·chŏ·pang·sim·mi·ki, tu·u·nyŏ·hŏ·wi·sil·pyŏk, kyu·lu·wi·myo·p'il·cha·sam, chŏng·kwi·lyu·sŏng·chang·ik·chin.

Sentence 5 : I.Yi

During one day and night are twelve double hours. The twelve double hours come together and become one day. Thirty days come together and become one month, and twelve months join and constitute one year. As for months, sometimes there are smaller months. If it is a smaller month, then twenty-nine days make one month [based on lunar calendar]. Regarding years, sometimes there are leap months. If there is a leap, then thirteen months constitute one year.

Sentence 6 : (name)
