(Translation) 扈聖功臣柳成龍賜牌

Lotus (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2022년 2월 14일 (월) 23:35 판

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1606年(宣祖 39) 扈聖功臣 2等에 錄勳된 柳成龍(1542~1607)에게 發給된 賜牌이다. 柳成龍은 本貫이 豐山이고, 黃海道觀察使를 지낸 柳仲郢의 아들이다. 壬辰倭亂 勃發 當時 兵曹判書로서 軍務를 總括하였고, 이어 領議政으로서 宣祖를 宜州까지 扈從하였다. 現在 1604年(宣祖 37) 10月 柳成龍에게 發給된 扈聖功臣敎書가 原本 그대로 남아 있고, 敎書에는 賞으로 伴倘 6人, 奴婢 9口, 丘史 4名, 田 80結, 銀子 7兩, 表裏 1段, 內廐馬 1匹을 支給한다는 內容이 記載되어 있다.

이 賜牌는 功臣錄勳 以後에 軍威의 仁壽府 所屬 官奴 成劒를 비롯하여 總 6口의 奴婢를 賜給하면서 發給된 文書이다. 『經國大典』의 賜牌式에 符合한 樣式으로 作成되었고,‘施命之寶’가 安寶되었다.

Original Script

Classical Chinese English

(01) 敎旨

(02)  惟卿豊原府院君柳成龍, 有扈聖二等功臣, 將

(03)  軍威案付, 仁壽府奴成劒·軍威案付, 仁壽府奴

(04)  寅宗·安東案付, 儀賓府婢莫介·義城案付, 內

(05)  資寺奴銀守·義城案付, 禮賓寺婢司春·醴泉案付,

(06)  掌隷院奴桓伊, 特賜賞, 卿可傳永世者.

(07)  萬曆三十四年 十月 初十日.

   [施命之寶] 3顆

Royal Warrant for Ryu Sŏngnyong, the Meritorious Minister of Emulating the Sages

I, the King, order that my minister Ryu Sŏngnyong(1542-1607), the Great Lord of P'ungwŏn, be awarded the status of second-rate meritorious minister of emulating the sages as well as be granted Sŏnggŏm, the male slave of the Office of Benevolence and Longevity (仁壽府) attached to Kunwi (軍威).[1]; Hwangjong, the male slave in the Office of Benevolence and Longevity attached to to Kunwi; Makkae, the female slave in the Office of Ceremonies and Hosting (儀賓府) attached to Andong; Ŭnsu, the male slave in the Bureau of Palace Procurement (內資寺) attached to Ŭisŏng; Sachun, the female slave in the Bureau of Courteous Reception (禮賓寺) attached to Ŭisŏng; Hwan'i, the male slave in the Bureau of Overseeing Slavery (掌隷院) attached to Yech'ŏn,for perpetual inheritance for this minister's descendants.

On the tenth day of the tenth month in the thirty-fourth year (1606) of Emperor Wanli's Reign (1673-1620).

Three Seals on the document: The Treasure of Issuing the (Royal) Command


  1. Find 仁壽府 in http://esillok.history.go.kr/front/index.do