(Translation) 鳳林大君封爵賞賜敎旨

Inho Choi (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 17일 (화) 09:27 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색


Original Script

Classical Chinese English


 惟爾鳳林大君淏封爵時, 將金海案付

 司贍寺奴銀上年甲辰生, 三陟官婢益

 香年己酉生, 婢禮生年辛亥生, 奴益海

 年辛亥生, 奴長洽年甲辰生, 淮陽官奴鄭

 鶴年丙午生, 婢愛生年癸丑生, 平康案

 付奉常寺婢京化年乙巳生, 內資寺婢

 春月年乙巳生, 婢德春年丁巳生, 婢件里

 介年丙午生, 奴應官年庚申生, 司贍寺婢

 介伊年庚戌生, 婢分今年乙巳生, 婢分伊

 年丙午生, 婢奉加年乙巳生, 婢奉眞年

 丁未生, 禮賓寺婢今化年乙巳生, 婢今玉

 年甲寅生, 婢銀化年癸丑生, 婢莫德年

 丙午生, 婢彦介年乙巳生, 婢許弄介年

 戊午生, 江陵官婢羅八里年己酉生, 婢小

 貴代年丁未生, 黃州官婢明珠年壬子生,

 鳳山官婢愛香年丙午生, 奴介伊知年壬

 戌生, 遂安官婢香代年甲辰生, 婢禮化

 年戊申生, 婢愛鶴年甲辰生, 延安官奴

 支同年丙午生, 奴己生年丙午生, 婢土只

 年己酉生, 婢愛叔年戊申生, 奴戒得年

 丁未生, 海州案付造紙署奴李生年乙

 巳生, 內直院婢難今年丁未生, 婢吾莊年

 乙卯生, 奴暹伊年丙辰生, 禮賓寺婢士

 終年丁未生, 奴士弘年庚戌生, 甑山官

 婢香伊年丙午生, 婢奉香年戊申生,

 三登案付仁壽府奴應夫年甲辰生, 奴

 應秋年乙卯生, 奴汝方年丙辰生, 掌隷

 院婢承玉年壬子生, 刑曹奴一生年乙

 卯生, 陽德案付司贍寺奴二男年丁未

 生, 等特賜賞爾, 可傳永世者



When entitling you 淏(how to translate 惟), the Great Prince Pongnim(鳳林, Bongnim), these following items,

Kimhae local treasury's(司贍寺) male slave Ŭnsang, born in the year of Kapchin;

Samch'ŏk municipality's female slave Ik'yang, born in the year of Kiyu, female slave Yesaeng, born in the year of Shinhae, male slave Changch'i, born in the year of Gabjin;

Hoeyang municipality's male slave Chŏnghak, born in the year of Pyŏngo, female slave Aesaeng, born in the year of Kyech'uk;

P'yŏnggang bureau of rituals'(奉常寺) female slave Kyŏnghwa, born in the year of Ŭlsa, bureau of nourishment's(內資寺) female slave Ch'unwŏl, born in the year of Ŭlsa, female slave Tŏkch'un, born in the year of Chŏngsa, female slave Parigae(件里介, a name for a made-up fens used in threshing), born in the year of Pyŏngo, male slave Ŭnggwan, born in the year of Kyŏngshin, local treasury's female slave Kaei(介伊, probably meaning gnarls in trees), born in the year of Kyŏngsul, female slave Pun'gŭm(分今), born in the year of Ŭlsa, female slave Puni(分伊), born in the year of Pyŏngo, female slave Pongga, born in the year of Ŭlsa, female slave Pongjin, born in the year of Chŏngmi, bureau of hospitality's(禮賓寺) female slave eumhwa, born in the year of Ŭlsa, female slave Kŭmok, born in the year of Kabin, female slave Ŭnhwa, born in the year of Kyech'uk, female slave Maktŏk(meaning virtueless), born in the year of Pyŏngo, female slave Ŏn'gae, born in the year of Ŭlsa, female slave Horongkae, born in the year of Muo;

Kangnŭng municipality's female slave Nap'ari, born in the year of Kiyu, female slave Sogwidae, born in the year of Chŏngmi;

Hwangju municipality's female slave Myŏngju(明珠, shiny bead), born in the year of Imja;

金海案付 司贍寺奴銀上年甲辰生,

三陟官婢益  香年己酉生, 婢禮生年辛亥生, 奴益海 年辛亥生, 奴長洽年甲辰生; 淮陽官奴鄭  鶴年丙午生, 婢愛生年癸丑生; 平康案付奉常寺婢京化年乙巳生, 內資寺婢  春月年乙巳生, 婢德春年丁巳生, 婢件里  介年丙午生, 奴應官年庚申生, 司贍寺婢  介伊年庚戌生, 婢分今年乙巳生, 婢分伊 年丙午生, 婢奉加年乙巳生, 婢奉眞年  丁未生, 禮賓寺婢今化年乙巳生, 婢今玉 年甲寅生, 婢銀化年癸丑生, 婢莫德年  丙午生, 婢彦介年乙巳生, 婢許弄介年  戊午生; 江陵官婢羅八里年己酉生, 婢小貴代年丁未生; 黃州官婢明珠年壬子生; 鳳山官婢愛香年丙午生, 奴介伊知年壬戌生; 遂安官婢香代年甲辰生, 婢禮化 年戊申生, 婢愛鶴年甲辰生, 延安官奴  支同年丙午生, 奴己生年丙午生, 婢土只 年己酉生, 婢愛叔年戊申生, 奴戒得年  丁未生, 海州案付造紙署奴李生年乙  巳生, 內直院婢難今年丁未生, 婢吾莊年  乙卯生, 奴暹伊年丙辰生, 禮賓寺婢士  終年丁未生, 奴士弘年庚戌生, 甑山官  婢香伊年丙午生, 婢奉香年戊申生,  三登案付仁壽府奴應夫年甲辰生, 奴  應秋年乙卯生, 奴汝方年丙辰生, 掌隷  院婢承玉年壬子生, 刑曹奴一生年乙  卯生, 陽德案付司贍寺奴二男年丁未 生 name of the 노비 and others,

will be specially bestowed as award to you. It shall be possible to inherit them permanently.

10th day, 8th month of the fifth year of the Emperor Chongzhen(崇禎, Sizong).

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