(Translation) 石珍斷指

Nanlin (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 11일 (수) 07:15 판 (Student 1 : Kathy Lin)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

兪石珍. 高山縣吏也. 父天乙得惡疾. 每日一發. 發則氣絶. 人不忍見. 石珍日夜侍側無懈. 號泣于天. 廣求醫藥. 人言生人之骨. 和血而飮. 則可愈. 石珍卽斷左手無名指. 依言以進. 其病卽瘳.

【詩】父患沈痾久未痊. 兒心悶絶呌蒼天.

  誰知一粒靈丹劑. 却在無名指細硏.

  父子天倫萬古同. 奈隨王化有汙隆.

  觀圖每向高風揖. 藉甚名聲永不窮.


(sample) : Young Kyun Oh

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 1 : Kathy Lin

There was a man named Yu Shi Zhen, an official from the county of Gao Shan. His father was very ill, and every day had an episode from which he would faint. It was truly difficult to witness. All day and night Shi Zhen ceaselessly attended to his father and stayed by his side. He cried to the heavens imploring for a healer, for a cure. People said that the bone of a living person taken together with blood could cure the illness. So Shi Zhen cut off the fourth finger of his left hand and, according to the prescription, gave it to his father. His father recovered from the illness.

Verse: A father had long been ill. The son, distressed, cried to the blue heavens. Who knew: a pellet of powerful medicine in a finely ground fourth finger. The way of father and son remains the same as the myriad times of old. How could this change, according to the changes of kings? Look, this picture: all respect the high customs. A great name will never be forgotten.

  • Discussion Questions:

+ When a place name has a meaning, like 高山, would it be better to translate it in phonetic transliteration, or meaning, like "High Mountain"? I'm inclined toward the former so as not to "exoticize" a place name but I'm not sure.

+ 天乙in the third clause - how to translate this? I don't recall from class.

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