"(Translation) 乾隆十五年庚午四月十五日 李奴 丁山 明文"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
127번째 줄: 127번째 줄:
==='''(sample) : Jaeyoon Song'''===
*Discussion Questions:
==='''Student 1 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 2 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 3 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 5 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 6 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 7 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 8 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 9 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 10 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 11 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 12 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 13 : (Write your name)'''===
*Discussion Questions:
==='''Student 14 : (Write your name)'''===

2018년 8월 9일 (목) 22:20 판



Original Script

Classical Chinese English


右明文爲臥乎事叱段吾矣 上典宅居在利川爲有爲乎爲 此亂歲切迫要用所致以妻邊衿

得爲有在江陵香湖伏在畓浦坪員豈字百六十四畓七卜一束 百九十二畓七卜三束古馬谷養字六十三畓 三卜


檢勿里員傷字百三十二畓八卜九束 果豈字四十田三卜四束四十一田一卜二束四十四田

一卜九束僉畓伍石田一石十斗落只庫乙 上典主 牌子導良放賣 爲有矣折價錢文一百三十兩相約

依數捧上爲遣右人 上典前永永放賣爲乎矣本文記段 上典宅他田民幷付乙仍于不得許給

爲有今年爲始鎭長耕食爲遣幸日後良或有 上典主子孫族類雜談隅是去乙

等持此文牌子告 官卞正印


證人 私奴金參孫[署押]

筆執 幼學 金廷徽[署押]


乾隆十五年庚午四月十五日 李奴丁山前茂火明文

Deed to Jeongsan, a slave of Yi [Naebeon], on the 15th day of the 4th month of the 15th year [1750] of Emperor Qianlong’s reign [1735-1796]


The document mentioned on the right is as follows:

吾矣上典宅 居在利川 爲有如乎 如此亂歲切迫 要用所致以 妻邊衿得爲有 在江陵香湖伏在畓浦坪員 豈字百六十四畓 七卜一束 百九十二畓七卜三束 古馬谷養字六十三畓 三卜 [山幕員慕字五十二畓八卜二束] 檢勿里員傷字百三十二畓八卜九束果 豈字四十田三卜四束 四十一田一卜二束 四十四田一卜九束 僉畓伍石 田一石 十斗落只庫乙 上典主牌子導良 放賣爲有矣

My master lives in Icheon. Thus, based on the carte blanche given to me, I sold five seok of rice paddy, one seok of field, and ten durakji in total because of a severe famine this year like this and out of sheer necessity. They are his wife’s inherited property located at Lake Hyang in Gangneung: Paddy field 164 of 157th [豈] paddy on Popyeong Plain, producing seven loads and a handful of grains; Paddy field 192, producing seven loads and three handfuls of grains; Paddy field 63 of 156th [豈] paddy at Goma Valley, producing three of grains; [to be deleted] Paddy 132 of 160th [傷] paddy on Geommulli Plain, producing eight loads and nine handful of grains; Field 40 of 156th [豈] field on Geommulli Plain, producing three loads and four handful of grains, and Field 41, producing one load and two handful of grains, and Field 44, producing one load and nine handful of grains.

折價錢文一百三十兩相約 依數捧上爲遣 右人上典前 永永放賣爲乎矣

130 nyang of coin was agreed as the price, which was paid according to the amount. This year I sold out the property to the master mentioned on the right in perpetuity.

本文記段 上典宅他田民幷付乙仍于 不得許給爲有

[However,] this document is not allowed to be enforced due to another tenant of my master.


From this year crops will be cultivated for a long time.

幸日後良或有上典主子孫族類雜談隅是去乙等 持此文牌子告 官卞正印

By any chance, should there be a dispute at a later date among my master’s children, take this document and report to the authorities for justice to this matter.


The owner of the paddies and fields: Slave Yi Subong in Gangneung [Signature of Finger Joint]

證人 私奴金參孫[署押]

Witness: Private Slave Kim Chamson [Signature]

筆執 幼學 金廷徽[署押]

Scribe: Scholar Kim Jeong’hwi [Signature]

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