동몽선습 35 - 38
Original Script
36. 列國則曰魯와 曰衛와 曰晉과 曰鄭과 曰趙와 曰蔡와 曰燕과 曰吳와 曰齊와 曰宋과 曰陳과 曰楚와 曰秦이니 干戈日尋하여 戰爭不息하여 遂爲戰國하니 秦楚燕齊韓魏趙 是爲七雄이라
37. 孔子之孫子思 生斯時하사 作中庸하시고 其門人之弟孟軻 陳王道於齊梁하사 道又不行하여 作孟子七篇하시되 而異端縱橫功利之說이 盛行이라 吾道不傳하니라
38. 及秦始皇하여 呑二周 滅六國하며 廢封建爲郡縣하며 焚詩書, 坑儒生하니 二世而亡하니라
Student 9 : HeeJin Lee
35. Confucius [,] a sage released [from/by] Heaven [,] went around under Heaven by means of a carriage [because] the way [was] not obtained [and] implemented in [that] age [,] cut down [the Book of] Poetry [and] [the Book of] Documents [and] decided [the Book of] Rites [and] [the Book of] Music [and] compiled the Change of Zhou [and] edited [the Annals of] Spring and Autumn [period and so] connected to the sages of yore, opened to the upcoming learners and the ones who transmitted his way are Anzi and Zengzi[.] These events are [in] the Analects [and] the disciples of Zengzi professed the Great Learning.
Student 10 : Jelena Gledić
The various countries were known by the name of Lu, the name of Wei, the name of Jin, the name of Zheng, the name of Zhao, the name of Cai, the name of Yan, the name of Wu, the name of Qi, the name of Song, the name of Chen, the name of Chu, and the name of Qin. Arms were taken up daily, wars did not end. Therefore [this period] became [known as] warring states. Qin, Chu, Yan, Qi, Han, Wei, and Zhao became the seven hegemons.
Student 11 : (Write your name)
Student 12 : (Write your name)
Reaching to the reign of the First Emperor of Qin, he gobbled up the two Zhou dynasties (Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou) and annihilated six countries. He abolished the feudal system and established the county-prefecture system. He burned books on the Chinese classics and buried Confucian scholars alive, and after the two generations, the Qin collapsed.