(Translation) 元曉傳

Kanghunahn (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 20일 (목) 08:50 판 (Student 5 : (Write your name))

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Original Script

Classical Chinese English

唐 新羅國 黃龍寺 沙門 元曉傳

釋元曉, 姓薛氏, 東海湘州人也. 丱䰂[髟/采]之年, 惠然入法, 隨師稟業, 遊處無恒.

勇擊義圍, 雄橫文陣, 仡仡然, 桓桓然, 進無前却. 蓋三學之淹通, 彼土謂之萬人之敵, 精義入神, 爲若此也. 嘗與湘法師入唐, 慕奘三藏慈恩之門, 厥緣既差, 息心遊往. 無何發言狂悖, 示跡乖疎. 同居士入酒肆倡家, 若誌公持金刀鐵錫. 或製疏以講雜華, 或撫琴以樂祠宇, 或閭閻寓宿, 或山水坐禪, 任意隨機, 都無定檢. 時國王置, 徧搜碩德, 本州以名望擧進之, 諸德惡其爲人, 譖王不納.

居無何, 王之夫人, 腦嬰癰腫, 醫工絕驗. 王及王子臣屬, 禱諸山川靈祠, 無所不至. 有巫覡言曰, “苟遣人往他國求藥, 是疾方瘳.” 王乃發使泛海入唐, 募其醫術.

溟漲之中, 忽見一翁, 由波濤躍出登舟, 邀使人入海, 覩宮殿嚴麗, 見龍王, 王名鈐海. 謂使者曰, “汝國夫人, 是青帝第三女也. 我宮中先有金剛三昧經, 乃二覺圓通, 示菩薩行也. 今託仗夫人之病, 爲增上緣, 欲附此經, 出彼國流布耳.”

於是將三十來紙, 重沓散經, 付授使人, 復曰, “此經度海中, 恐罹魔事.” 王令持刀裂使人腨腸, 而內于中, 用蠟紙纏縢, 以藥傅之, 其腨如故. 龍王言, “可令大安聖者, 銓次綴縫, 請元曉法師, 造疏講釋之, 夫人疾愈無疑. 假使雪山阿伽陀藥力, 亦不過是.” 王送出海面, 遂登舟歸國.

時王聞而歡喜, 乃先召大安聖者, 黏次焉. 大安者, 不測之人也. 形服特異, 恒在市廛, 擊銅鉢, 唱言大安大安之聲, 故號之也. 王命安, 安云, “但將經來, 不願入王宮閾.” 安得經, 排來成八品, 皆合佛意. 安曰, “速將付元曉講. 餘人則否.” 曉受斯經, 正在本生湘州也. 謂使人曰, “此經以本始二覺爲宗. 爲我備角乘, 將案几在兩角之間, 置其筆硯.” 始終於牛車造疏, 成五卷.

王請剋日於黃龍寺敷演, 時有薄徒, 竊盜新疏. 以事白王, 延于三日, 重錄成三卷, 號爲略疏. 洎乎王臣道俗, 雲擁法堂, 曉乃宣吐有儀, 解紛可則, 稱揚彈指, 聲沸于空. 曉復唱言曰, “昔日採百椽時, 雖不預會, 今朝橫一棟處, 唯我獨能.” 時諸名德, 俯顏慚色, 伏膺懺悔焉. 初曉示跡無恒, 化人不定, 或擲盤而救衆, 或潠水而撲焚, 或數處現形, 或六方告滅, 亦盃度誌公之倫歟. 其於解性, 覽無不明矣, 疏有廣略二本, 俱行本土. 略本流入中華, 後有翻經三藏, 改之爲論焉.

系曰, 海龍之宮, 自何而有經本耶? 通曰, 經云龍王宮殿中, 有七寶塔, 諸佛所說諸深義, 別有七寶篋滿中盛之, 謂十二因緣總持三昧等. 良以此經, 合行世間, 復顯大安曉公神異, 乃使夫人之疾, 爲起敎之大端者也.


Discussion Questions

Further Readings



Student 1 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 2 : (Kim Young)

  • Discussion Questions:

A Biography of Buddhist Monk Wonhyo at Hwangryong Temple in the State of Shilla in the Tang Period

Student 3 : (Masha)

Biography of Monk Wonhyo of Hwangryong temple in state of Silla of the Tang empire.

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 4 : (Jong Woo Park)

During the Tang Dynasty, there was a state of Silla. In the Yellow Dragon Temple [of Silla], there was a Buddhist monk Wŏn Hyo. This is a biography about him.

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 5 : (Kanghun Ahn)

A biography of Venerable Wonhyo at the Golden Dragon temple in Silla (Tang)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 6 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 7 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 8 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 9 : (Write your name)

Tang Period, Silla State, Hwangryong-Temple, Buddhist Order, Biography of Wonhyo

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 10 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 11 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 12 : (Write your name)

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Student 13 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 14 : (Write your name)

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Further Readings